Newsletter Archive 2023
Newsletter Dec 31th
Several weeks ago I was talking with a long-time friend. She mentioned that she was especially blessed many years ago when I preached a funeral and quoted Psalm 121:1, 2 “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord who made Heaven and earth.” That entire chapter was one of my favorite Scriptures in the early days of my ministry. I quoted it often.
After the talk with my friend, I began to meditate upon those verses. The Psalmist says that God is a God of the hills and that He is the God who created all things and also the God who helps those who seek Him. Since the Psalmist died over 3000 years ago, we cannot ask him what he meant by what he wrote. However, the Holy Spirit reminded me that God did often reveal Himself from some mountain top.
…Mt. Ararat [Genesis 8:4] This is the site where Noah’s Ark landed after the Flood. The Lord revealed Himself as the God who protects those who love Him and the God who lovingly gives men a second chance.
…Mt. Moriah [Genesis 22] This is the place where Abraham went to sacrifice his son, Isaac. God revealed Himself as a God of mercy, and gave Abraham a ram to use as a substitute sacrifice.
…Mt. Sinai [Exodus 19, 20] God came as a God of awesome power in thunder, earthquake, and fire. He also gave man HIs laws, telling man how to live a God pleasing life.
…My. Carmel [1 Kings 18] Elijah prayed and God sent fire from Heaven to consume the sacrifice, the wood on the altar, the stone altar itself, and the trench of water around the altar. God demonstrated His power and His superiority to all false gods.
… Mt. Zion [Psalm 132:13 ff.] God assigned Mt Zion as the place where He would rule and where He would be worshipped.
There is one more mountain that the Psalmist could only have known by direct revelation
…Mt Calvary [Luke 23:33] On a hill outside of Jerusalem, God made the ultimate sacrifice. He gave Jesus, His Son, and forever opened the door to our salvation.
Notice, on these mountains [hills] the Lord revealed Himself as the Creator, as merciful, as powerful, as the God of second chances, and as the One who offers salvation to all. I do not know what you will face in 2024. I imagine that you will have great days, normal days, and challenging days. I encourage you with this, “Every day, in every situation, keep your eyes on the God of the mountains, the Creator of Heaven and earth. His presence will correct, guide, comfort, and sustain you in every situation”.
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- $ 2347–Latest total for our Lottie Moon Foreign Missions Offering. One more Sunday to complete our giving
- December 31–Called Church Conference to elect a new member to the Stewardship Committee
- December 31–Communion
May we end 2023 and begin 2024 with our focus on Jesus
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Dec 24th
These are two words that come to mind when I think about Christmas Eve. As a child, I was always so excited. I anticipated the gifts that would be under our tree. Dad and Mom did not always give me everything that I wanted from the Sears Catalogue, but most years I felt truly blessed.
Then, I remember as a young man, a very special Christmas Eve. Pamela and I were on our way to a Candlelight Service at Albemarle First Baptist. I had a diamond ring to give her and asked her to be my wife. When she put that ring on her finger and said, “Yes”, my heart leaped with joy. In later years, when I had a special gift for Pamela, or for Stephen and Sarah, I was usually sleepless. I anticipated their coming excitement so much that I could hardly stay in bed until time to get up.
This week, I have been meditating upon that first Christmas Eve over 2000 years ago. In my imagination I see all of Heaven full of anticipation and excitement. For thousands of years, those in Heaven knew this big day was coming. Now it has finally arrived.
…An angel was practicing his speech: “Behold I bring you good tidings of great joy…”.[Luke 2:10] Was he excited to be the one chosen for this important task? The angel knew that he would always obey the Heavenly Father, but did he ponder, “Why am I being sent to a few lowly shepherds outside Bethlehem? Why am I not making this announcement to King Herod, or to the High Priest in Jerusalem?”
…An angel choir was practicing their beautiful chorus, “Glory to God in the Highest…”.Did they, too, wonder why their awesome song would only be heard by those same shepherds?
…Galatians 4:4 says, “When the fullness of time was come, God sent forth His Son…”.Was the Heavenly Father filled with anticipation and excitement as He saw His marvelous plan to rescue sinful men from the devil’s clutches about to come to completion?
2000 years have now passed. Jesus came, was crucified, resurrected, and ascended back to Heaven. Now the excitement and anticipation is that Jesus will come soon to rapture His Church. May each of us live with the anticipation of two things, 1] The joy and reality of meeting with Jesus in our daily walk with Him, and 2] Listening for a shout and a trumpet call that causes us to rise to meet Jesus in the air.
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- $ 2147–Latest total given for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for Foreign Missions. Two more Sundays in December in which to complete our gifts
- December 31—Called Church Conference to elect a member to the Stewardship Committee. Also observance of Communion
- The special service that was held last Sunday evening was a true blessing. Our Praise Team led us in a wonderful time of worship and of celebrating the birth of our Lord. Watching those precious children at the end of the service brought smiles and tears of joy
- Thank you to ALL who had a role in cooking, wrapping, and distributing the Boston Butts. Thanks also to those who came to prepare the Treat Bags. Team work makes everything work so smoothly.
Let us all be excited about Jesus!
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Dec 17th
A year or so ago, I received one of those “scam” calls. The caller said, “Good Buddy, I have great news for you. You have just won 13 million dollars and a new Mercedes. I will be driving that Mercedes to your driveway in an hour or so. I will need your bank account number in order to deposit the cash. You also need to send me 12,000 dollars to pay the fees associated with these prizes”. I played along for a short time. Over and over, he talked about bringing that Mercedes to my house that afternoon. Finally, I asked him where he was. His reply, “Las Vegas”. He was promising to drive from Nevada to North Carolina in an hour. Not even NASCAR has automobiles that fast. I laughed and hung up.
Scammers promise something wonderful. Then, they tell you that in order to get the prize, you have a price to pay. Did you realize that the devil is the original scammer? He tries to steal your peace, your joy, and your effectiveness as a Christian. Think along with me. The Preacher gets up on Sunday morning and preaches: “Jesus died on the cross and shed His blood to take away our sins. When you confess your sin and accept Jesus as your Savior, you are forgiven”. In our pews, we shout, “Amen, preach it, Brother”.
Then the devil whispers in our ear, “Technically, it is true, you are forgiven. However, there are things you need to do to show that you are worthy of that forgiveness. Things that will enable you to earn God’s mercy”. Depending upon our personality and upon our level of spiritual maturity, the devil begins to list the price we pay. He suggests such things as: “You are such a rotten sinner that you must spend the rest of your life with your head down, being ashamed”, OR “Those folks at the church are good, decent people. They don’t want a sinner like you in their presence”, OR “You have sinned so greatly that the Lord can never use you in any type of ministry. Don’t even try”, OR “Never tell anyone about Jesus. They know about your sin and will label you a hypocrite”. If the devil can convince us that Jesus ‘ blood did not quite get the job done, and that we must also pay, he will steal our joy, peace, and power.
One of my absolute, all-time, favorite hymns is, “Jesus Paid It All”. If Jesus paid it ALL, I don’t need to do anything but believe. If, “sin had left a crimson stain, but He washed it white as snow”, then I don’t need to rub my knuckles raw on a spiritual “scrub board”, trying to remove that stain.
The next time the devil tries to scam you, trying to get you to pay for your forgiveness, stand up straight, laugh at him and begin to quote Scripture: “As far as the East is from the West, so far has He removed our transgressions from us” [Psalm 103: 12]. “I, even I, am He that blotteth out thy transgressions for Mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins”. [Isaiah 43: 25] [There are so many similar verses in God’s Word. Learn them. Quote them]. Then begin to sing, “Jesus Paid It All” as loudly as you can sing. The devil will not hang around long and the Lord will show up, bringing His peace and joy!!!
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- $ 250–Final Total for West Stanly Christian Ministries
- $ 945–Total given to date for the Lottie Moon Foreign Missions Offering. Give throughout December
- Christmas Program—6:00 pm—December 17–Bring “Finger Foods” for the after program time of fellowship
- December 20–Golden Agers trip to the Golden Corral. Meet at the church at 11:00 am
Celebrate Jesus!
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Dec 10th
This week, let’s see if we can combine an old Biology lesson, part of the Christmas story, and the awesome status of the true follower of Jesus Christ. Do you remember your Biology teacher telling you that your human body was controlled by “genes”, and that you got some of those genes from your Dad and some from your Mom? That’s why people say such things as, “You have your Mom’s eyes, or your Dad’s hair”. Both Dad and Mom contribute to who you are.
In the Christmas story, [Luke 1: 25-35] the angel, Gabriel, announces to Mary that she has been chosen to be the mother of Jesus, the Messiah. Mary immediately, respectfully, asks an important question. “How is this possible, since I have never been with a man”? The angel explains that it will be a Virgin Birth, with Mary providing the human genes, and God providing Divine genes. As a result, Jesus was born without a sin nature. Every other human being has been born with that sin nature. Bible scholars teach us that Jesus was “Fully God and fully man”.
Now, let’s see if those two truths can help us to understand the awesome reality of who true Believers are when they are saved and follow Jesus. Some Christians sort of picture themselves as an “old barn that has been patched with putty and given a fresh paint job’. But the Bible reveals a far greater reality. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “If any man is in Christ, he is a new creature [new creation]. In truth, the idea is that he is a “new species of being that has never existed before’. Ephesians 2: 10 TPT puts it this way, “We have become His poetry, a re-created people that will fulfill the destiny He has given each of us…”
The Bible is telling us that there are two types of people on the earth. First, there are ordinary human beings. These are the unsaved [unbelievers]. Then, there are those who are real Christians. They are a “new species of being”. Why? When they became followers of Jesus they received God’s genes, God’s DNA. Remember what Jesus taught in John 15: 5? He was the Vine and His followers were the branches. The life giving sap [God’s DNA] that flows through the Vine also flows through the branches.
Because real Christians have the actual life of God flowing through them, they can: forgive the unforgivable, love the unlovable, sacrifice the impossible, give sacrificially, and lay hands on others and see them anointed, blessed, and healed. [Mark 16; 15-20] They can resist the devil and watch him flee. [1 Peter 5: 8,9] They can pray powerfully. And as Jesus promised [John 14: 11-14] they can do the same works Jesus did and even greater works. If you know Jesus, the very life of God has been implanted into your human body. Let that life flow through you as you impact the world in Jesus’ Name.
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- $ 1520–Total given for NC Baptist Children’s Homes
- $ 200– Total given for West Stanly Christian Ministries
- $ 190–Total given for Lottie Moon Offering for Foreign Missions–Continue to give throughout December
- Boston Butt sale for missions. $ 40–Order by December 12
- Christmas Program– 6:00 pm–December 17
- December 20–Golden Agers trip to the Golden Corral — Meet at the church at 11:00 am
- Thanks to all who made the church wide Christmas Meal such a wonderful experience. Food was great and the fellowship was a blessing
Child of God, You are indwelt by God and have supernatural power.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Dec 3rd
About 50 years ago I was given a few issues of MAD Magazine. The ones I saw had comic book like articles, but were larger than comic books. The articles had irony, satire, poked fun at sacred cows, and showed some of the weird ways that people think. One of the articles I remember went something like this:
The first panel showed a modest home with a simple Manger Scene in the front yard. The second panel showed a nicer house. The yard was covered with Christmas decorations: Santa, reindeer, elves, a sleigh, and all the other displays. Lights covered the house, and all the other decorations. You could have seen it from outer space. There was not a single thing about Jesus in the entire yard. The caption had the man with the gaudy display shouting at his neighbor with the simple Manger Scene, “What are you, some kind of heathen?” See the ironic message in this article. In his misguided way of thinking he thought his ostentatious decorations, that did not recognize Jesus, made him a better Christian, and made his neighbor an unbelieving heathen. But which man honored Jesus?
Think with me. Is the way you and I celebrate Christmas a witness for Jesus, our Lord and Savior? Suppose we could go to the Amazon jungle and bring a native to your home or mine. This person knows absolutely nothing about Jesus. They live with us for the month of December. They observe the decorations inside and outside our house. They watch how much, or how little, we participate in church activities. They see the amount of money we spend on gifts and celebrating. They compare those expenditures to the amount we give to spread the Good News of Jesus. They listen to the music and TV programs played in our homes. They listen to our conversations. How often is Jesus mentioned? Our concern, or lack of concern, for the unfortunate is brought to their attention.
When our visitor goes back home in January to the Amazon jungle will they be solidly aware that “Jesus Is The Reason For The Season”? Most likely, we will not have a visitor from the Amazon, but we have children, grandchildren, friends, neighbors, co-workers. Does our celebration point to the North Pole, or to a manger in Bethlehem and a cross in Jerusalem?
[If you like a big display and can afford the electric bill, go for it! I have no problem with you doing it. However, please make Jesus the centerpiece.]
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- $ 1470–Total given for the NC Baptist Children’s Homes. THANK YOU FOR CARING
- Saturday, December2–5:00 pm–Church wide Christmas Meal–Bring your favorite dessert
- December 16–Boston Butt sale to fund mission projects–Order now–$ 40
- December 17–6:00 pm–Christmas Program
- December 9–West Stanly Christian Ministries Day of Giving to meet needs in our community. Make checks to Barbee’s Grove and put “Day of Giving” on the envelope
- December is our month to give our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. An unsaved world needs to learn about Jesus.
Honor Jesus in every celebration.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Nov 26th
Some folks “feel” thankful IF, The sun is shining, the skies are blue, their bodies are healthy, they have money in their pocket, and others are saying nice things to them. Often, these same folks are unthankful IF, the skies are cloudy and rainy, their body aches, they have debts, and others are being hurtful.
The real truth is that being “Thankful” is a “choice”, not a “feeling”. We can choose to be thankful, even if our situation is not ideal. We may not be thankful “for” a situation, but we can be thankful “in” that situation.. Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, ” In everything give thanks….”Despite the fact that he was hated, lied about, often chased out of town, beaten, stoned, imprisoned, and shipwrecked, Paul still chose to be thankful. It is a choice we all have. Even in bad or sad circumstances, we can live with a heart of thankfulness. May I share my testimony?Am I happy that my beautiful wife, Pamela, passed away? No! I miss her tremendously. However, I am thankful that:
…I know she is in Heaven and that I will see her again
…The Lord gave us over 60 years, first as sweethearts, and then as husband and wife. Of course, she was my sweetheart forever.
…She birthed 2 wonderful children, Stephen and Sarah, into our family
…Despite the fact that she could have chosen a better looking or richer man, she chose me to be her husband.
…Her beautiful smile lit up when I walked into the room.
…She encouraged me as she listened to me preach 1000″s of times
…The love, mercy, grace, and peace of God encourage me when I am lonely
I could go on, but I think you get the picture. Even when my heart is sad, I choose to be thankful for God’s blessings.
Now, think of the Pilgrims, and that first Thanksgiving. Life was hard, there had been deaths in the colony, and they were struggling to survive. I was not there, so I am only speculating, but here are a few things I think gave those reasons to be thankful:
…They had survived that hazardous voyage across the Atlantic Ocean
…They now had the freedom to worship God without interference
…They had a friendly relationship with the Native Americans
…They had food, shelter, and clothing.
All of us, I, Paul, and those early settlers, made a choice. We thanked God even in situations that were less than perfect. Life is so much sweeter and blessed when we live with a thankful heart.
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- $1320–New total for our Baptist Children’s Homes gifts. Excellent–one more Sunday to give
- Sunday, November 26–Called Church Conference to approve a Church Budget for 2024
- Saturday, December 2, 5:00 PM. Church wide Christmas meal. Bring your favorite dessert.
- December 16–Boston Butt sale to fund mission projects. Order now. $ 40
- Sunday night, December 17—Christmas Program
- December 9–West Stanly Christian Ministries Day of Giving–To meet needs in our community–Make checks to Barbee’s Grove and put “Day of Giving” on the envelope
Let us each choose to be thankful
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Nov 19th
One day this week I left Trinity Place Nursing Home and headed up old Highway 52 into Albemarle. I was driving my truck. It was about 11:00 am. Suddenly, my mind went back 60 years. So many mornings I left Albemarle about 1:30 am. I drove to the big Farmer’s Market in Columbia, SC. I would buy a load of watermelons, corn, beans, whatever was in season. Around 11:00 am I would be driving on 52 toward Albemarle, tired, sleepy, glad to be almost home, ready to unload at the Curb Market.
As I remembered those days of so long ago, I wondered, “Where did the last 60 years go?” Those years flew by in a flash. At that moment the Holy Spirit reminded me of a phrase we mentioned in a recent sermon. Ephesians 5:16 says, “Redeeming the time”. We are admonished to use our time wisely. Our lives, our time, is like a bank account. Each day we write a check and spend 24 hours. Those hours are gone forever. Were those spent on something valuable, or were they wasted on something that was worthless?
My thoughts continued. At various times, the Holy Spirit comes to us with thoughts such as these:
…You need to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior
…You need to tell a certain person how to be saved
…You need to deepen your relationship with your Lord by studying your Bible and by developing your prayer life
…You need to be involved weekly in a strong, Bible believing church
…You need to be loving and kind to others
The list goes on as the Holy Spirit whispers to your heart.
At that point the devil has two strategies. First, he will try to convince you that what the Holy Spirit has suggested is a terrible idea. If you agree with the devil, he’s got you. However, if the devil realizes that you are seriously considering obeying the Holy Spirit, he uses strategy number 2. He tells you, “That is a great idea. You ought to do it. But don’t do it today, wait till later”.
So often, “Later” never comes. How many people take their last breath on earth and their first breath in Hell and think, “I waited too long to accept Jesus”? How many stand looking into a casket and think, “I waited too long to tell them about Jesus, or I waited too long to tell them how much I loved and valued them”?
Friends, time passes quickly. James says [4:14] “For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” We need to carefully and prayerfully “Redeem the time”. Those who use the years of their lives wisely, will hear their Lord say, “Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord”. [Matthew 25:23]
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- NO Prayer and Bible Study this week. Enjoy your time celebrating Thanksgiving
- $ 250–The beginning of our gifts to the Baptist Children’s Home. Give any Sunday in November
- Sunday, November 26—Called Church Conference to approve a Church Budget
- Saturday, December 2, 5:00 pm–Church wide Christmas meal. Bring your favorite dessert. If possible, bring a $5.00 [or less] gift to be used as a Bingo prize
- December 16 our Baptist Men are having a Boston Butt sale to fund their mission projects. Order now. $ 40 each
- Sunday night, December 17—Christmas Program
One life to live. How will you use it?
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Nov 12th
Getting the Newsletter to you last week was quite an adventure. Remember, I wrote about appreciating God’s beautiful Creation, and His awesome salvation. I encouraged us all to live with a thankful, praising heart. I did not think that particular Newsletter was one of my better efforts, so I asked the Lord if He had something else for last week. Once I was convinced that the subject of being “Thankful” was what God wanted, I prepared to send it. That is when things got interesting.
I sat down, turned on my computer, and as normal, the “screen saver” popped up. However, the icon that enables me to access other programs I needed, did not pop up. I was stuck on “screen saver”. Over the next 15-30 minutes I tried everything I knew to do to open my computer. I was frustrated, and at the point of heading to the computer repair shop. I laid my hands on the computer and prayed. I punched a few more keys, and finally I was able to type and send what I had written.
The adventure does not end there. Wes Barbee is our resident computer genius. Wes is the person who transmits what I have written to your computer. Sunday morning, I asked him if he had any problems. He told me that he sat down Friday night, typed the usual commands, but the Newsletter would not “send”. I cannot remember all the ways he told me he tried to remedy the problem. Evidently, he spent a good deal of time, but had no success. Wes finally sent a note to the internet provider and gave up. Saturday morning, the problem had been repaired and Wes was able to send the Newsletter to you.
Why did we have problems this particular week? Simple. The devil is jealous of Almighty God. He hates it when God is thanked, praised, and worshiped. Remember, the devil lost his place in Heaven when he wanted to ascend to a place above the Lord God. [Isaiah 14: 13ff] Remember, also, the devil tempted Jesus with the promise to give Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if Jesus would worship him. [Luke 4:5ff] The devil wants our praise. He hates it when God’s children worship their Lord and Savior, Jesus, instead of him.
The devil will try to prevent it, but once again, I encourage you to live with a worshipful, thankful heart. Express your thanks and love for the Lord often. Speak it aloud. The devil departs and the Lord arrives. Think of the wonderful promise in Psalm 22:3, “The Lord inhabits [lives in, dwells in, resides in] the praise of His people”. Let me say it again. “What a joy it is to have a thankful heart and to know the devil is dismayed and my Lord is pleased”.
- Sunday School is at 9:00am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- We are giving our Thanksgiving Offering for the NC Baptist Children’ Homes during November
- Sunday, November 26–Called Church Conference to approve a Church Budget for 2024
- Church wide Christmas Dinner–Saturday, December 2–5:00 pm. Bring your favorite dessert. If you are able, bring a gift [$ 5:00 or less] to be used as a Bingo prize
- December 16==Our Baptist Men are having a Boston Butt sale to fund their mission projects. Order now. $40 each
- Sunday night, December 17–Christmas Program
The Lord is the only One who is worthy of our praise.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Nov 5th
Merchants are now busy trying to sell their Christmas products, as if there was no holiday in November. However, in my opinion, after Easter and Christmas, Thanksgiving is the third most important celebration of the year. The food, the football, and the family time are special. More importantly, it is a day to remind me of what I need to do every day of the year. I need to be thankful to Almighty God for all my blessings. What are some reasons for thanksgiving? Think with me:
…What is more awesome than being at the coast and watching a glorious sunrise as the sun seems to “pop up” out of the ocean?
…Just as beautiful is to observe the brilliance of a sunset, streaking the sky with a myriad of colors.
…Think of the delight we have each Fall as we notice the green leaves on the trees turn red, brown, yellow, orange, and gold.
…Most special of all, is to walk into a room and see the face of our spouse, kids, grandkids, or special friends, “light up with joy” because we have come.
Truely, the Psalmist was right when he wrote, [Psalm 19:1] “The Heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament sheweth His handywork.” Feeling thankful yet? Consider the truths we Believers find in the following verses.
…”For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” [John 3:16]
…”It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning…”. [Lamentations 3; 22,23]
… “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall anyone pluck them out of My hand.” [John 10:27,28]
…”If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteous”. [1 John 1:9]
…”…I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself, that where I am, there you may be also”. [John 14: 2,3]
…”Peace I leave with You, My peace I give unto you…”. [John 14:27]
As Christians, followers of Jesus, these are just a few of the many reasons we have to be thankful. This Thanksgiving, and every day of the year, let us live as the Psalmist taught:
…”Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him and bless His Name. For the Lord is good, His mercy is everlasting: and His truth endureth to all generations.” [Psalm 100: 4,5]
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- November___A month in which we give our NC Baptist Children’s Homes Thanksgiving Offering.
- Sunday, November 26–Called Church Conference–to approve a Budget for 2024
- THANK YOU for all the ways you made me feel loved and appreciated during the Pastor Appreciation month. I especially THANK YOU for the very generous love offering. You are a blessing in my life.
Always be thankful to the Lord
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Oct 29th
I realize that much can happen in the 3 or 4 days between the time I write this Newsletter and the time you read it. But, I think what the Lord has given me will still be relevant. Unless you live in a cave with no means of outside communication, you know that the situation in the Middle East is in turmoil. Israel was brutally attacked by Hamas and war has begun. Death, destruction, pain and misery abound. The number of women, children, and innocent civilians killed is heartbreaking .In addition to the war against Israel, I have seen a few credible accounts that some of the Arab factions are attacking other Arab groups that they hate. The plan is to wipe out enemies and for Israel to be blamed, especially when innocent civilians are killed.
It is sad, but the Jewish people have been hated from the beginning. The Old Testament Book of Esther describes how Haman plotted to wipe out the Jews.. It also tells how the Lord used Esther to thwart that plan. Most of us know of Hitler’s plan to also kill every Jew he could possibly kill. I don’t have the space to mention other similar attempts down through history. Many Jews died, but the Lord always preserved His people.
End Time prophecy depicts the same attempts to destroy the Jews. In fact, the events happening this week in the Middle East closely resemble the picture we see in the New Testament Book of Revelation. Folks, we are drawing near to the end of the age. Perhaps, even at this moment, the angel Gabriel is in a back room in Heaven, practicing on his trumpet the blast that will signal the end of the world as we know it. If that is true, what would the Bible instruct us to do?
…BLESS–Notice what God said as He began the Jewish Nation–[ Genesis 12: 2,3] ” And I will make of thee a great nation…..and I will bless them that bless thee, and I will curse them that curse thee…”
…PRAY—Notice God’s promise–[Psalm 122:6] –“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. They shall prosper that love thee.” Prayer and fasting made the difference in Esther’s day. [Esther 4 :15-17]
…PREPARE–Jesus could return at any moment. Are you saved and Secure in your salvation? If you are backslidden or unsaved [not a believer in Jesus as your Lord and Savior], you need to recognize your peril. You need to give your life to Jesus now! Don’t wait another moment !!! {Matthew 24: 42, 44}
“Watch therefore: for you know not what hour your Lord doth come….Therefore, be ye also ready: for in such an hour as you think not the Son of man cometh”.
- Sunday school is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Continuing to study Signs of the Return of Jesus
Jesus is coming soon!! Let’s prepare to greet Him
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Oct 22nd
When we scheduled the trip to the mountains for the church group, I realized that I did not want to leave Heidi at home locked in a 2ft. by 3ft. cage for 12-14 hours. As a result, I chose to drive my own car so Heidi could ride along with me. I missed the fellowship with the group on the bus, but I tried to consider the comfort of my little doggie. For some reason, I had trouble sleeping that night. There was no use staying in bed, staring at the ceiling, so at 4:30 am Heidi and I were in the car heading west.
A few minutes later, I passed a gym. I was surprised to see a dozen or more cars in the parking lot. Up the road was a second, smaller gym. It, also, had a good collection of cars in the parking lot. I was astounded at how many people were motivated to be up and exercising at 4:30 am.
Many years ago, when I was plowing and cultivating behind a mule, tossing bales of hay regularly, and carrying baskets of peaches all summer long, I never had to worry about an extra ounce of fat. You can look at me now and know that my situation and waist line have changed. These days, my exercise program seems to be “hit and miss”. Lately, it has been more “miss” than “hit”. As a result of my own struggles, I greatly admire people who walk, jog, swim, go to the gym, or do some other form of regular exercise.
As I drove on toward the mountains, I began to meditate, “How many of the people who are so diligent to take care of their physical bodies also take equally good care of themselves spiritually”? I was reminded of something Paul wrote [1 Timothy 4:8] “For bodily exercise profiteth little” [for a little while]. Bodily exercise is profitable. It helps us to be stronger, fight off disease, and usually live longer. Even though I personally struggle to maintain a healthy exercise program, I try, and I heartily recommend it to others. However, even the most avid physical fitness practitioners eventually die.
That is the reason we need to earnestly heed the remainder of what Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 4:8, “but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come”. Our physical bodies do not last. But, our souls last an eternity. That is where our main focus should be. Godly living blesses us in this life, and prepares us for the life that comes after death. Physical fitness is worthless if we don’t have Jesus in our life. It is most important to be strong in our relationship with Jesus. Always keep the first thing first. Many old saints, frail in body, stepped into Glory, with a shout of “Victory in Jesus” on their lips.
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm.
- Prayer and Bible Study is on Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall–Now studying the signs of the return of Jesus
- October 29–The Lord’s Supper
Strive for physical and spiritual fitness this week.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Oct 15th
Polycarp [now that is a name you don’t hear every day] was born in AD 69. That is only about 40 years after Jesus was crucified, resurrected, and ascended into Heaven. Here are some things that church historians tell us about Polycarp. Early in his life, he became a follower of Jesus. Eventually, he became Bishop of Smyrna, which is in modern day Turkey. In AD 155 Polycarp was arrested for being a Christian. He was given a choice. “Renounce Christ, revile Jesus” and we will let you go free. His reply has echoed down through the ages, “For eighty and six years I have been His servant, and He has done me no wrong. And how can I now blaspheme my King who saved me?” He then offered a prayer to the Triune God [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit].
They stripped Polycarp, tied him to a stake, piled wood around him, and set the wood on fire. The story goes that the fire avoided him, burned a circle around him, and gave him a holy glow. The enemies of Christ wanted Polycarp dead. When they saw that the fire was not working, they stabbed him. The story says that a dove flew out of the stab wound, followed by so much blood that it extinguished the flames. Polycarp died as a martyr because he would not deny Christ.
All over our world today, Believers are being arrested, beaten, imprisoned, and killed, because they will not deny Christ. I ask myself the question, “How much would I endure and still not deny my Lord”? This week, I have also been meditating upon the thought, “Do we sometimes deny Christ without realizing it, or do we deny and offer excuses?” Think along with me.
…Do we deny Christ if someone begins to tell a vulgar story or joke, and we do not walk away. Instead, we listen intently and laugh along with the others?
…Do we deny Christ if we are the one telling the vulgar story?
…Do we deny Christ if unsaved or backslidden family, friends, neighbors, see us often neglecting to attend worship in the Lord’s House? [I am not talking about job related absences, personal illness, or caring for ill relatives. ] I am thinking of secular activities.
…Do we deny Christ if we say we are Christian, yet our lifestyle is immoral, sinful, and ungodly?
…Do we deny Christ if we pay our bills, and then use most of the remainder of our funds on “Big boy, Big girl, toys and activities”? As a result we have very little left to give to the work of the Lord.
…Do we deny Christ if we have unsaved family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, who are destined for an eternal Hell and we do not tell them about Jesus?
When I try to answer these questions in my own life, I picture myself standing face-to-face with Jesus. Then I ask myself the question, “Could I honestly give Jesus my reason for doing, or not doing, something, and feel confident He would understand and agree? Or, would I stammer and stutter, knowing that my reasons were actually lame excuses?” Picturing myself standing before Jesus always reveals my true motives.
Do we need to be reminded of what Jesus said [Matthew 10: 32,33]? “Whosoever therefore shall confess Me before men, him will I also confess before My Father which is in Heaven. But whosoever shall deny Me before men, him will I also deny before My Father which is in Heaven”. Polycarp was willing to die an awful death before he would deny Jesus. What about you and me?
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is at 6:30 pm on Wednesday in the Fellowship Hall.–This week–Beginning a new study on signs of the Return of Jesus
- October 15–Quarterly Church Conference
- Thanks to all who made the Widows/Widowers Lunch such a wonderful meal and fellowship experience
May your faith shine brightly this week
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Oct 8th
It has been just Heidi, my little puppy dog, and me at my house now for several months. Lately, I have begun to notice how much the relationship she and I have parallels my relationship with my Heavenly Father. I see Heidi doing things with me that I also do when I approach the Lord.
For example, at times, Heidi will come bouncing up to me, rambunctious and frisky. She is excited and playful as she seems to truly enjoy being with me. In the same way, at times, there is so much joy in my heart as I go to the Lord. Phrases, such as, “Hallelujah”, “Praise You Jesus”, “Glory”‘, “I love You Jesus’, and “I love You Lord”,roll off my lips. Sometimes, I am so excited and loud with my worship that you could hear me on the sidewalk as you walked up to my front door. The Psalmist must have felt the same way when he wrote [95: 1] “O come , let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation”.
There are other times when Heidi seems content to rest quietly on the couch beside me. She may put her head on my knee. I have times when I only feel like being quiet in the Lord’s presence. I may be hurting, sad, lonely, disappointed, questioning. Symbolically, I just feel the need to climb into my Heavenly Father’s lap and let Him shower me with His love. David may have felt the same when he wrote, [Psalm 23: 2] “He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters”.
Heidi also seems to have an intense desire to be with me and to be as close to me as possible. When I have a restless night, I often switch from bed, to couch, to recliner. When I am in the bed, Heidi usually has her back against my back. When I go to the couch, Heidi jumps on my chest and wants 10 minutes of petting. Then she sleeps at my feet.If I go to the recliner, Heidi plops down at my side. Another sweet moment comes when I sit on the couch to read. Heidi climbs to the couch back, uses it for some support, and then drapes herself around my neck. Most of the time, she stays there as long as I keep reading.
I enjoy many activities. However, my hungry heart desires, and cherishes, the times I spend in the presence of the Lord. The closer I get to Him the happier I am, and the more joy I feel. My desire to draw near to the Lord is simply a reflection of His desire to be near me [and you]. Remember what Jesus promised, [John 14: 3] ” I am going to prepare a place for you. I will come to get you. THAT WHERE I AM THERE YOU MAY BE ALSO”.
I always try to give Heidi the love she needs. In the same manner, my Lord is always there to give me the love I need. Is He your Lord? Love Him and receive His love this week!!!
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- NO Prayer and Bible Study at the church this week due to the Mountain Trip
- Wednesday October 11–Golden Agers trip to the mountains. Leave the church at 8:00 am
- Widows and Widowers lunch at the church on Sunday, October 8, after the morning service
- Quarterly Church Conference –October 15
The Bible tells us–“God is love”. Experience that love this week.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Oct 1st
After I wrote the Newsletter last week about coon hunting with my Dad, I continued to ponder those times. Suddenly, the Lord brought some other spiritual truths to mind. First, was the need to develop the ability to hear. We would be on a hunt, and off in the distance, a dog would begin to bark. Dad would say, “That’s Old Blue, or Duke, or King”, or whichever dog was barking. Other dogs would join with their barks, and he would say,” They are on a cold trail”, or a “hot trail” or “they have the coon up a tree”. I never did develop the ability to discern which dog was barking, or what they were telling me. To my ears, it sounded the same as when I started toward the dog lot with a bucket of dog food and they all started “yapping” at once.
How many times did Jesus say, “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear”? [ex. Matthew 11:15] As Christians, we need to spend so much time with our Lord that we develop the ability to discern His Voice above all others. Our world, our flesh, the devil, and Jesus, are all speaking, seeking to claim our attention. The more clearly we learn to distinguish the Voice of Jesus, and block out the other voices, the more blessed our life will be.
Next, I thought of being prepared with the right equipment. I could not see very far with my little two battery flashlight. The men carried big flashlights that held six or more batteries. They also carried extra batteries in a coat pocket. Nothing is more frustrating than trying to find your way back to the truck on a dark night carrying a flashlight with dead batteries!!!
Sometimes, there were creeks to cross. The men wore rubber boots that reached to their hips. My little boots did not reach to my knees. If they did not carry me across, and I stepped in a hole, I could get water in my boots, wet feet, and miserable walking. As Christians, we have the greatest equipment for living that is possible to have. Our Lord has given us the indwelling Holy Spirit, and the Whole Armor Of God [ see Ephesians 6: 10 ff.] We have the perfect equipment to live victoriously in every situation life throws at us. Thank God for what He has provided. Use it daily.
[Final personal note: By age 12, I realized I was not, and never would be, a real coon hunter. On cold winter nights I much preferred to sit by the fire and read a good book. I retired from coon hunting!!!!]
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is at 6:30 pm on Wednesday in the Fellowship Hall
- $ 1140–Final total for our State Missions Offering. Church family, you did great!
- Golden Agers Mountain Trip—Wednesday, October 11. Leave the church at 8:00 am. Stops to buy apples and a late lunch at the Moose Cafe.
Return home late afternoon - Widows/widowers Luncheon–Sunday, October 8–After the Morning Service
Food was abundant and delicious. Fellowship was sweet and precious. Music by the Towers blessed our spirits.
THANK YOU for making this a wonderful day in the life of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Forget about hunting for raccoons. Let’s go hunting for the unsaved.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Sept 24th
My Dad was an avid coon hunter. As far back as I can remember, there were always 2 or 3, or 10, or 12, coon dogs in pens in our backyard. During the Fall and Winter, on most Friday and Saturday nights [and sometimes other nights during the week], Dad and his hunting buddies would load their dogs and head to the woods. After I became about 10 years old, I was allowed to join them some nights.
We would get to the hunting area, turn the dogs loose, and begin to follow them. When I went, it seems we were always slogging through the muck and mire of a swamp. struggling through briar patches, or pushing through thickets. As a kid I usually walked a few steps behind. Once in a while the man in front of me would bend a limb in order to get past a bush. As he stepped forward, that limb would spring back and slap me upside the head. Imagine how much fun that was!!!!
From time-to -time, a dog that was not fully trained to only chase raccoons, would get after a deer. That dog would not be back at the truck when the hunt was over. We would wait a reasonable amount of time and then go home. After it became daylight the next morning, we would go back to find that dog. Usually, he or she would be sprawled out on the ground near where the truck was parked the night before.
Those daylight trips were a revelation. I would see plowed fields, logging roads, and wide-open spaces under the trees. I would mutter to myself,” where was all this open space last night when I was struggling to get through the muck and mire, and briars, and thickets?”
This week, as I thought of these long-ago memories, the Holy Spirit reminded me that my memories were a picture of how folks live. Some people struggle in darkness because they do not know any better. They are still waiting on a Missionary Ambassador to tell them the good news. Others have deliberately rejected Jesus. They laugh and scoff at God’s Word, the Bible, and the wise instruction it gives for living. They struggle through life using their puny flashlights of human knowledge and reasoning.
There are others that Paul describes in 2 Corinthians 4:6: “For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ”. These folks walk in the glorious sunlight of Jesus, the Light of the world. They live in the same fallen world as those who walk in darkness, but because of Jesus, they see more clearly. Often, they are able to see a way around the miry place ahead. Even if they do have to go through a moment of trouble, the light of Jesus shows the best way to navigate the difficulty.
Personally, to me, it seems that walking in the light of Jesus is the much wiser choice. Even on cloudy days Jesus gives us more light than the pale light created by the little flashlight of human reasoning. If you are walking in the light of Jesus, be thankful and praise Him. If you are walking in darkness, I encourage you to allow the Holy Spirit to lead you to Jesus. Jesus is the True Light that has come to bring light to your path of daily living.
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- $ 965–Updated total for our State Missions Offering. Thank you for caring. One more Sunday to give.
- Golden Agers Mountain Trip–Wednesday, October 11. Leave the church at 8:00 am.
Stops to buy apples and a late lunch at the Moose Cafe
Back at the church–Late afternoon - HOMECOMING–SEPTEMBER 24
Morning services as normal–Pastor Ed preaching
5:30 pm–Fellowship Meal
7:00 pm–The Towers in worship concert. Please invite others to attend. - Deacons for this year
Chairman–Leonard Harvell
Vice-Chairman–Grant Hartsell
Secretary–Lionel Hahn
Let’s choose Light over darkness.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Sept 17th
Over the years, as I have read the Book of Revelation, I always shake my head in wonder when I get to certain verses. Great devastation is described and then comes a comment like this :”…and blasphemed the God of Heaven because of their pain and their sores, and repented not of their deeds”. [16:11] No amount of trouble leads these people to repentance.
As I have watched the world news these past few weeks I see that our world has had floods, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and wars. Casualties are numbered in the thousands. [ NOTE: Please do not blame God for this destruction. “Satan is the god of this age”. [2 Corinthians 4;4] and it is he who “comes to steal, kill, and destroy” [John 10:10]. A homeowner who has dangerous animals or poisonous snakes in his yard, but who leaves the door standing wide open, is inviting disaster. The sins of mankind have left the door open for the devil to work his evil.]
Christians all over the world are praying and are involved in relief efforts. That is what we should be doing. However, I wonder, what will it take to bring us to our knees in repentance and in beseeching our Lord to heal our land? I think back to the events of 22 years ago that we solemnly remembered this week. The 9/11 terrorist attacks shook our nation. After those attacks, the call went out for Christians to gather at noon the next day to pray. I knew that many of my church members could not come because of work, but I went to church preparing for 25-50 to attend. Boy, was I surprised at the size of the crowd.!!! I could have had that prayer service in my car!!! Folks just did not show. I heard that it was the same at many other churches. The first Sunday after 9/11 church attendance climbed about 10% above normal. The second Sunday it was down to 5% above normal. On the Sundays that followed, only the usual faithful believers came.
Folks, we can feel sorry for those who have died and for those who have lost everything. We can hold prayer vigils. We can give to relieve suffering. Those are appropriate actions. But, when will we take seriously, and put into action, God’s promise from 2 Chronicles 7:14 ? “If My people, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and forgive their sin, and will heal their land”. Healing of the land comes as God’s people get serious about the condition of the world and earnestly turn to Him. Amen!
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- $ 645–New total for our NC State Missions Offering. Thank you for your faithful giving. Two more Sundays to give.
- HOMECOMING–September 24
Morning services as normal-Pastor Ed preaching
5:30 pm-Fellowship Meal
7:00 pm-Singing Towers in worship concert - Golden Agers Mountain Trip–DATE CHANGE- Wednesday, October 11. Leave the church at 8:00 am
Stops to buy apples and a late lunch at the Moose Cafe
Back at the church–Late afternoon - SPECIAL NOTE–Our new Handicap Ramp to the Sanctuary has been approved by the County Inspector and is now open for use, PRAISE THE LORD. We especially thank Mr. Grant Hartsell for overseeing this project.
This week, could we spend some extra time on our knees in our Prayer Closets?
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Sept 10th
Teenagers and young adults living today have no idea how much better they have it in some areas of life compared to previous generations. Today, practically everyone has a cell phone. They can call, text, Face Time, or get in touch with their friends in so many ways. It was not so in the “olden days”. I think of the years I was at the seminary and Pamela was at Wingate College. During the week I would be missing her so much. When I became desperate to talk with her, here is what I had to do:
…Collect a big pile of dimes.
…Find a pay phone no one was using.
…Dial the number of the phone on Pamela’s hall in the dorm.
…Hope someone would hear the phone ring and answer it.
…Hope that person would go down the hall and inform Pamela.
…Hope Pamela was in her room and not off studying in the library.
…Continue to put dimes in the pay phone slot each time the Operator instructed me to do so.
…Hope I didn’t run out of dimes before I told Pamela I loved her and missed her about 20 times.
I am not sure that the “good old days” were that good. What would I have given to have had Face Time and to be able to look on that sweet, pretty face as we talked.
Did you notice how many times there was uncertainty, and I used the word “hope” as I described my attempts to talk with my sweetheart? Sadly, that describes the prayer life of many Christians. I talk with so many who use phrases like, “I hope my prayer made it past the ceiling, I hope God heard me, I hope the Lord will answer my prayer”. They have so much uncertainty as they attempt to talk with their Heavenly Father.
Friends, God welcomes your prayers. He is eager to talk with you. He wants to meet with you face-to-face. We are instructed to “Come boldly to the throne of grace” [Hebrews 4:16]. We are told that we have access to the Father through Jesus [John 16:23,24]. We are to come “with clean hands and a pure heart”. [Psalm 24]. We are also told that “If we ask in His will, He hears us, and if He hears us, He will answer our prayer” [1 John 5:14, 15]. Through Jesus we are made fit to enter the presence of the Lord. Go confidently, not with uncertainty as you pray.
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- HOMECOMING–September-September 24
Morning Services as normal-Pastor Ed preaching
5:30 pm-Fellowship Meal
7:00 The Singing Towers in worship concert - $ 525–Our initial offering for our NC Missions Offering. It is a great start. Give any Sunday in September
- Golden Agers Mountain Trip – Tuesday, October 10. Leave the church at 8:00 am
Stops to buy apples and a late lunch at the Moose Cafe
Home – Late afternoon
Let’s all seek to develop a more powerful prayer life.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Sept 3rd
I continue to be asked, “Ed, how are you doing now that Pamela is in Heaven?” My usual answer is, “I think I am doing well”. In the past two months I have noticed that my low point, my most melancholy moments, are late Saturday afternoon and evening. However, the Lord has provided a remedy. One of the PBS stations has a Bill Gaither Hour at just the right time. The singers change from week-to-week, but as they joke, laugh, and sing about Jesus, my spirits are lifted. I end the day feeling blessed.
Each week, the Gaither videos trigger some special, 55-year-old memories. I remember Pamela and I as newlyweds. We are in the kitchen of the parsonage belonging to Brush Creek Baptist Church. Sitting against the wall is a box that is about 2 feet deep, 3 feet wide, and 4 feet tall. It is a combination radio and 8 track player. Every morning, as Pamela and I prepare, and then eat, breakfast, we are listening to gospel music. I am sure we had a number of tapes, but the group I remember best is the Happy Goodman Family.
The love in that little kitchen was incredible. It began with our mutual love of Jesus. It included the love we felt coming from Jesus. It was blessed because we felt especially honored that Jesus had called us and given us the privilege of serving Him in ministry. It was completed by the deep, special love that Pamela and I had for one another. As I picture the scene in my mind these many years later, I seem to sense a glow in that room that was brighter than the electric light and the sun coming through the window. Now I ask myself, “Were we experiencing just a little taste of God’s Shekinah Glory that the Bible describes?”
Friends, you know that I have walked “a right far piece” down the Road of Life. As I look back, I can see many wonderful secular memories [Boy Scouts, Little League Baseball, etc.] The list is quite long. However, these secular memories look drab when compared to the spiritual memories, like the kitchen memories mentioned above. Memories of times with the Lord are bathed in glorious sunlight. Serving the Lord and walking with Him are far brighter than any secular memory.
May I say to you, especially to my younger readers, prioritize the times with Jesus. The greatest memories you will ever have are times of worship, praise, and service of the Lord. There is an old song that says perfectly the message I am trying to convey this week:
“Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full into His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace”.
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- State Missions Offering-Give any Sunday in September. Much of this money supports Baptists on Mission as they minister in times of crises around our nation.
- HOMECOMING-September 24
Sunday School and Morning Worship as usual -Pastor Ed preaching
5:30 pm-Fellowship Meal
7:00 pm- The Singing Towers in a worship concert
Focus on Jesus.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Aug 27th
May we continue our thoughts from last week? Remember, we compared churches to water hoses. Churches that keep the nozzle wide open and let people and finances flow out to the world to reach people for Jesus continue to live in the blessing and provision of the Lord. Churches that close the nozzle, letting little [or nothing] flow out, soon stagnate and die.
That same principle applies to individuals and families. Individuals who are open channels of blessing continue to be blessed of God. Jesus said, “Give, and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, and running over….” [Luke 6:38] Those who want to use everything for themselves, soon find their supply decreasing. Ask yourself this question, “When I get a raise, a bonus, an unexpected gift, what is my first thought? Is my first thought, “What can I buy for myself”? or is it,” Is there a way I can use this to honor Jesus”?
Perhaps you might say, Ed, I am barely breaking even. When I get an unexpected gift, I use it to buy shoes for my kids, tires for my car, etc.” I am with you. I have “been there, done that”. Talk to the Lord. He will show you what to do. You do not have to follow my example, but here is what the Lord led me to do many years ago. I tithed [10%] on my normal income. When I received money for preaching a funeral, conducting a wedding, or as a birthday gift, I gave 20% or 30% to missions. God was honored and I bought the shoes or tires with the money that was left. I wanted to keep my channel of blessing open and flowing.
The same principle is true when applied to or use of our talents and our spiritual gifts. Those who use their talents and spiritual gifts to serve the Lord find that His anointing, favor, and blessing, follow and flow into their old age. Those who are still mentally and physically able to serve, but who say, “I have preached my last sermon”, “taught my last group”, “gone on my last ministry trip”, “sung my last solo” etc. soon stagnate and die spiritually. Nothing is more sad than to see someone who was once greatly used of God and who is still in reasonably good health, on the “trash heap” because they ceased to serve. Apostle Paul recognized that danger, and wrote, “But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway,” [1 Corinthians 9:27]
May we all strive as individuals and as families to be open channels that our Lord can use. AMEN
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- September– the month we give our State Missions Offering. Remember, part of this money supports Baptists on Mission as they minister in times of crises around the nation.
- HOMECOMING–September 24
Sunday School and Morning Worship as usual
5:30 pm Fellowship Meal
7:00 pm The Singing Towers in a worship concert
May we keep God’s blessings flowing.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Aug 20th
We all know that we can hook a water hose to a spigot, turn on the faucet, and watch water spurt out the end of the hose. We can also put a nozzle on the end of the hose to control the flow. In fact, the nozzle can completely stop any water from flowing out. Water ceases to flow into the hose because no water is flowing out.
This water hose analogy depicts a spiritual reality. Our study of “The Autopsy of a Deceased Church” tells us that one of the main characteristics of a dying church is this: The church spends most of its money, time, and other resources on itself. Very little, if any, resources are used for ministry and missions outside the four walls of the church. When a church stops the outflow, the Lord can no longer do an inflow. Stagnation and death of the church soon comes.
Let me tell you about a church that is an exact opposite. It is a church with the nozzle wide open. I went to Tulsa to deliver some things that my Granddaughter, Hannah, may use as she begins her college career. I visited the church that sent them as missionaries to Australia. [They call them, Ambassadors.] I was able to attend their annual: Fire for the Nations” missions conference. The church celebrated its 25th Anniversary the first Sunday of the conference. There is no “Record Board” on the wall, but the number of attenders I have heard mention over the years is 800 or so.
During its 25 years the church
…Has bought and renovated their present church building. My memory is that at one time they owed over $ 3million for this work. The debt is now less than $275 thousand.
…Paid normal operating expenses, salaries, electricity, etc.
…Sent over 300 members to the mission field.
…These hundreds of Ambassadors are in over 75 countries.
…AND, GIVEN more than $20 million dollars to missions.
The Lord pours people and finances into that church and they pour them right back out to reach the world for Jesus. God will always bless a church with a heart for the world and a wide-open nozzle!!!
Please don’t let the large numbers I mentioned above intimidate or discourage you. Our hose is not as large as their hose. We use the size the Lord gives. Our responsibility is to use what the Lord gives, let it keep flowing, and do our part in reaching the world for Jesus. Let us keep the blessings of God flowing.
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- HOMECOMING September 24 [The actual day Barbee’s Grove was founded]
Homecoming will be a little different this year. Sunday School and Morning Worship will be as normal—Pastor Ed will preach.
5:30 pm–Covered Dish Fellowship Meal
7:00 pm –Worship Concert by the Singing Towers
Please invite as many as possible to attend with you.
Our Lord told us to “Go and make disciples”. That should be our Number One priority.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Aug 13th
There is an old joke that says,”If you want to know if someone is a real Baptist, ask him to quote the third verse of any well-known hymn”. The joke is that we usually sing verses 1,2, and 4, so a real Baptist has no idea what verse 3 says. I don’t know if the joke is true or not, but I do know that verse 3 in some hymns contains great truth. A few days ago, I was listening to a group sing “Amazing Grace”. When they began to sing the third verse, the Holy Spirit reached out, grabbed me, and sent my thoughts down Memory Lane. As I relate some of the thoughts that the Holy Spirit brought to my attention, allow Him to lead you down your own personal Memory Lane.
As they began to sing, “Tis grace that hast brought me safe thus far”,I began to remember:
…I was told that I was a premature baby. I was born at 8 months or so. I was born at home, with no doctor present. It is definitely not evident now, but for years I was underweight for my age. God’s grace allowed me to survive that birth, and to live a long life.
…At age 8, the Holy Spirit began to work in my heart and led me to faith in Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. God’s grace at work.
…The Lord worked circumstances to enable me to go to college and to set a path my brothers could follow. God’s grace.
…The lord gave me the great honor of becoming a Pastor and of preaching and teaching about Jesus. God’s grace.
…The Lord gave me a wife that was beautiful on the outside, but was even more beautiful on the inside, with her “bubble over” love for Jesus. God’s grace.
…God gave me a wonderful son , Stephen, and daughter, Sarah. God’s grace.
…God protected me from at least 5 automobile accidents, none of which was my fault. God’s grace.
…I have been protected from foolish mistakes I made, and from people who criticized me for things that were not my fault. God’s Grace.
…I have been privileged to make many wonderful Christian friends over the years. Men and women who have blessed me in countless ways. Because of the generosity of these friends, I made 2 mission trips to Brazil, 3 to Honduras,and Pamela and I had a fabulous 50th anniversary trip to Montana. God’s grace.
When I look at my birth certificate, I realize the same thing many of you acknowledge: my “thus far” of grace blessings adds up to many years. Only the Lord knows the length of my life, but because of past years of grace blessing, I am confident and blessed by the next phrase of verse 3,”and grace will lead me home”. God’s grace that has blessed me, kept me, loved me, all these years, will see me safely into eternity. I affirm with the Apostle Paul, “…for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day”. [2 Timothy 1:12]
Join me in praising our Lord for His “thus far” grace and for His “leading us home” grace.
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- Socks and undergarments for needy schoolchildren are due this Sunday, August 13
- August 13, 4-6pm–Back to school bash—water slide, hot dogs, hamburgers, ice cream—Adults are invited to join the celebration
- We thank Rev. Jim Hopkins for his preaching ministry at Barbee’s Grove this past Sunday. He did a great job filling in for Pastor Ed
- Thank you to each of you who said “Yes” when the Nominating Committee asked you to serve the Lord in Ministry at Barbee’s Grove next year
- Leonard Harvell was elected as our new Deacon. He replaces Mr. Jeff Keplinger whose term in office ended. We thank both men for their service
Thank You Lord, for Your grace
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Aug 6th
The Lord continues to use Heidi, that little white furry creature who lives at my house, to remind me of spiritual truth. One afternoon recently, I could hear her eating. Later, I walked into the Kitchen, and there, square in the middle of the room, was her food bowl. She was letting me know that she was ready for a refill. I didn’t want to trip over the bowl, so I took my foot and pushed the bowl back to the mat where it usually sits. I came back into the Kitchen 30 minutes later and went to laughing. Heidi had moved her bowl back to the middle of the room. Another afternoon, when I did not give her an instant refill, Heidi brought her metal bowl into the Living room. Instead of placing the bowl on the floor, she dropped it on my bare feet. That got my attention.Heidi was being persistent. She did not want me to forget that she needed more food.
The Lord immediately began to remind me of our need to be consistent and persistent in our prayer life. Remember the parable Jesus told about the widow and the unjust judge? Her persistence brought the desired results. [Luke 18: 1-8] In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus tells us to “Ask, Seek, and Knock”. [Matthew 7:7,8] I have been told that the Greek means, “Keep on asking, Keep on seeking, Keep on knocking”. Other verses that come to mind:
…”Continue in prayer” [Colossians 4:2]
…”Pray without ceasing ” [1 Thessalonians 5:17]
…Praying always with all manner of prayer” [Ephesians 6:18]
Friends, how is your prayer life? Our Heavenly Father is the Source of all our Blessings. He has what we need. As His “born again” children we have the privilege of approaching our Father in the Name of Jesus 24/7. He is waiting and listening for your prayers. “Let us therefore come boldly unto His throne of grace…” [Hebrews 4:16] Is your prayer life lackadaisical, or persistent? Do you find yourself reaching out to Heaven many times during the day?
Another truth Heidi depicts is this. The heating and air conditioning vents are in the floor at my house. On these hot days, as soon as Heidi comes in from outside, she runs and stands over one of those vents. She knows where to get cool air and relief. As Christians, we need to remember the Source of our relief. Jesus said, “Come unto Me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest…” [Matthew 10:28]
I am trying to be as smart as my little doggie !!!!
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- August 6–Church Conference–Election of a Deacon and the Nominating Committee report
- August 6 and 13–Last two Sundays to bring socks, and undergarments for needy school children
- August 13–4-6 pm–Back to School Bash–water slide, hamburgers, hot dogs, ice cream–Adults are invited to join the celebration
Share Jesus everywhere you go
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter July 30th
I think most of us recognize this truth: a person can have good intentions, and work hard, but if they start with the wrong assumptions or with the wrong facts, they can really get into trouble, “mess up”. Consider these examples.
Those of you who have studied our Baptist history know that North Carolina Baptists founded Wake Forest University many decades ago. The school was built in the town of Wake Forest, about 15 miles north of Raleigh. In the 1950’s an entirely new campus was built and the university was moved several hundred miles west, to Winston Salem. Southern Baptists took over the old campus north of Raleigh and established Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary to train pastors and other ministry leaders.
Fast forward to the Spring of 1967. I was enrolled as a ministerial student at Southeastern. One afternoon I started across the road to visit a bookstore. A bus pulled up beside me. I recognized the name of a college in Virginia on the side of the bus. Inside the bus, young men were dressed in baseball uniforms. The driver pulled down his window and asked me, “Where is the baseball field?” I replied, “Are you here to play Wake Forest University?” He answered, “Yes”. He was greatly dismayed when I told him, “The baseball field is about 200 miles west of here”. I then explained about the school being moved.
The coach had good intentions, spent money to put gas in the bus, and drove several hours, all to no avail. All was wasted and he probably had to forfeit the game as a “no show”.His facts and assumptions that Wake Forest University was in the town of Wake Forest were wrong, and it cost his team.
Today, it is popular in many circles to proclaim, “All religions are good. All roads lead to Heaven. No one is excluded”. If those folks are correct, then Christians are on one of those roads, and will have no trouble reaching eternal bliss. BUT, what if those folks have the wrong assumptions and the wrong facts? What if the Bible is correct [and I believe it is]? Think of these two verses:
…”Jesus said unto him,”I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh to the Father but by Me”. [John 14:6]
…Peter, speaking about Jesus, said, “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is no other name under Heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved”. [Acts 4:12]
Friends, where we spend eternity [Heaven or Hell] is not a decision we want to “mess up”. Correct facts, and correct assumptions, will always lead us to faith in Jesus. Have you put your faith in Jesus? Are you sharing Jesus with others?
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
- July 30–Lord’s Supper
- August 6–Church Conference–Election of a Deacon and Nominating Committee report
- “Undie ” Sunday–Between now and August 13 we are joining the other churches in our Baptist Association to collect socks, undershirts, and undergarments to be distributed to needy kids in the local school system
Make sure your eternity is based on the correct facts
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter July 23rd
The old song says, “Precious memories, how they linger…”.I am so glad that the Lord created us with the capacity to make special memories, and to remember them. May I share one of my “precious memories” with you this week?
Pamela and I would be out in the yard with our son, Stephen. He was old enough to walk well, maybe 3 or so. Stephen would come up to his Mom with a grin on his face, and with one hand behind his back. As soon as he had his Mom’s attention, he would pull that hand out and hand her a flower. It might be a Dandelion, or a flower from our garden, or one he had innocently plucked from our neighbor’s flower patch. At that age, Stephen did not have the money, nor the ability to go to town and buy roses for his Mom. But he did his best to show his Mom how much he loved her. Pamela always took that offering of love inside. She would put it into a little vase of water as a constant reminder of that love. And, as a Dad, who watched that scene unfold, it thrilled my heart to see my son expressing his love for his Mother.
Do You realize that there is a Loving Father in Heaven who takes great delight in receiving love gifts from us? Of course, the first gift He wants us to offer Him is our hearts, the symbol of the totality of our lives. Because we are sinners from birth, when we first offer our hearts to Jesus, they are like ugly, poisonous weeds. However, the Father takes those ugly hearts and through the blood of Jesus shed on the cross, transforms them into a beautiful rose. We offer ugliness, He recreates it into beauty. The Father treasures that beauty for all eternity.
After we give our hearts to the Lord, there are many other beautiful “flowers” we can bring to Him. These include worship, praise, thanksgiving, prayers, finances, service in His Kingdom, and service to others in His Name.Please, never be ashamed, or in despair, because you think your gift is inadequate, or insignificant.Even if you think your gift is a “Dandelion” the Lord is blessed when you offer Him your love.Remember the little gifts mentioned in the Bible that the Lord was pleased to receive, use, and honor.
…The boy who gave 5 barley loaves and 2 fish so that Jesus could feed thousands [John 6: 1-15]
…The widow who gave 2 mites [2 small copper coins] [Mark 12: 41-44]
…Those who gave “a cup of cold water in the Name of Jesus” [Matthew 10:42]
…The woman who blessed widows and orphans with the clothes she made [Acts 9: 36-42]
…Those who “lend to the Lord by giving to the poor” [Proverbs 19: 17]
…The saints whose prayers are stored up in Heaven [Revelation 5: 8]
Stephen loved his Mom. Even as a 3 year old, he did his best to show his Mom how much he loved her. Surely, each of us can do everything in our power to show our Lord how much we love Him. After all, our Lord is the One who gives us forgiveness of sins, salvation, daily blessings, and who is preparing us a home in Heaven where we can live with Him forever.
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- July 30–Lord’s Supper
- August 6–Conference to elect a Deacon and to vote on Nominating Committee report
- Undie Sunday—Between now and August 13 we are joining other churches in our Association in collecting underwear, socks, and undershirts for boys and girls of all ages. These will be given to needy kids in the public schools.
Boldly express your love to the Lord this week
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter July 16th
Over the years I have heard many Preachers and Bible Teachers say that the Old Testament gives us many “types and shadows” of spiritual truths that are more clearly revealed in the New Testament. The Old Testament is our preview of “coming attractions”. May we explore that thought this week?
Revelation 1:6 states, “Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father ….”. As Believers in Jesus, we are made priests to serve God and man. You may not have realized that you are a priest, but that is what the Bible says you are.
Since we are priests, let’s go back to the Old Testament and study some of the aspects of how Aaron was ordained as the first High Priest of Israel. Leviticus 8:22 ff tells us that a sacrificial ram was slain. Moses took some of the blood and put it on Aaron’s right ear, the thumb of his right hand, and the big toe of his right foot. Moses also sprinkled some of the blood on Aaron’s garments.To me, that signifies that anyone who powerfully serves the Lord must have ears that are sanctified and purified to hear the voice of God. They must have hands that are sanctified and purified to do the work of the Lord. Then, their feet must be sanctified and purified to follow the path [the will of God] that their Lord sets before them. In fact, their entire body must be covered by the blood of Jesus.
Leviticus 8:12 says Moses, “… poured the anointing oil upon Aaron’s head…to sanctify him”. Notice the word “pour”. Psalm 133:2 describes it like this, “It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard: That went down to the skirts of his garments”. Aaron was saturated with the anointing oil. In the Bible, oil is often a representative of the Holy Spirit. Those who powerfully serve the Lord must be totally saturated, filled, anointed with the Holy Spirit. A Brylcreem, “little dab will do you”, is never enough to serve the Lord with great power.
Aaron was also clothed in the ornate, specially prepared priestly clothing. In Ephesians 6 you and I are told to wear our special clothing, the Whole Armor of God.
When the devil sees a “Blood of Jesus covered, Holy Spirit saturated, Whole Armor of God wearing”, Christian. he trembles.The devil sees a powerful foe coming and he knows he is in trouble. May each of us strive to be that type of powerful follower of Jesus!!!!! Amen
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- July 16–Quarterly Conference
- July 30–Lord’s Supper
- August 6–Deacon election
How are you clothed today?
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter July 9th
Have you had an Elijah Experience lately? Okay, I see the puzzled expressions on your faces. I hear your question, “Ed, what is an Elijah Experience?”That experience has three steps–Discouragement, Encouragement, and a Commission to New Ministry. Think along with me.
In 1 Kings 19, we find the story of the prophet Elijah. He is in great distress, and very discouraged. The government is wicked and corrupt. King Ahab and Queen Jezebel are evil. The nation is anti-Jehovah God. The people have forsaken the true God and are worshiping idols. Elijah’s own life is in danger because he represents the Living God. The situation is desperate and the devil begins to assault Elijah with doubt and discouragement. We hear Elijah crying out to God, “…Israel hath forsaken Thy covenant, thrown down Thine altars, and slain Thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life to take it away.” [ 19:14]
I realize that the devil assaults many of us with that same discouragement. Today, there is corruption in the United States at all levels of government and in both political parties. Hatred, violence, and crime are the daily headlines. Anti-God ideas and non-Biblical practices spread in our nation. Christian denominations are “selling their souls” to go along with the culture of the day. People who were once “on fire for Jesus” no longer darken the doors of the church. Being a true Bible believing, Bible acting, Christian will make you unpopular, and could put your life in danger. The devil says, “Give up, quit”.
But, Praise the Lord, the Elijah Experience does not end with discouragement. Listen as the Lord whispers these encouraging words to His “down in the dumps’ prophet, “Yet I have left Me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him”. [19: 18] God was saying, “Elijah, you are not alone. There are many Godly people who serve Me faithfully”.
When the devil attempts to discourage, it is such a wonderful comfort when the Holy Spirit comes and reminds me of the many “On fire”,” Sold out to Jesus”, “True Believers”, that I know.They may live all around the world. But, I am not alone.I am surrounded by lovely, Godly, men and women, brothers and sisters in Christ. Hallelujah!!
The Elijah Experience is completed when the Lord commissions Elijah to new ministry. There are kings to anoint and another prophet to anoint. [19:15-17]
Friends, I encourage you. Please do not get stuck in the first discouraging phase of the Elijah Experience. Instead, rejoice in fellowship with other committed followers of Jesus. Strengthen one another. Listen as the Holy Spirit commissions you to new ministry. Get excited about all the Lord is accomplishing, despite the evil in our world. Read the last few chapters of the Bible. WE WIN!
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12;30 PM
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- HANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO MADE OUR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL A WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE. If you add the kids who came and the adults who helped, more than 2/3 of our normal Sunday attendance was involved. God was honored.
See you Sunday!
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter July 2nd
We welcome Mr. Zach Snider into our church membership. He comes by transfer of his church letter.
This week, I want to continue the discussion from last week. It is about the wonderful privilege that Believers have as the Holy Spirit lives inside them to guide their lives. It occurs to me, that someone who does not believe in the Holy Spirit, or someone who does not think the Holy Spirit is involved in our daily lives, may be sceptical of what I wrote last week. Perhaps they might say, “Ed, you were not led by the Holy Spirit when you did not cross that double line in the road and pass on an uphill slope. You were just using good common sense”.
If you are sceptical about the power of the Holy Spirit to lead us, let me share two other incidents. Neither of these happened to me, but were events in the lives of people I know well.
First, I have a friend who gave this testimony in his church. In 2005-06 he realized that he had a large amount of extra cash on hand. He thought that the wise thing to do was to invest that money. My friend had a good Christian friend who was an experienced Investment Counselor. This Counselor put together a nice , safe, portfolio of stocks and bonds for my friend. Everything looked great. However, at the last minute the Holy Spirit said, “wait, don’t invest”. My friend was puzzled, but obeyed the Spirit. He testified that when the recession hit in 2007 he would have lost over half of his money if he had invested. By listening to the Spirit, he kept all of his money.
Next, Pamela’s Dad [Hubert], and her Mom [Helen], met in Newport News during World War 2. They were married, and in a few years, Pamela, and her brother, Kenny, joined the family. Hubert had been working for the Navy on a shipbuilding crew. When the war ended he was out of a job.They moved back to this area and he found a job in a textile mill in Wadesboro. Beside the house where they were living was another building. That building had an outside set of stairs and a landing with a door to the second story. Kenny was still a toddler. One day, Pamela’s Mom heard the Holy Spirit say, “Go outside and do it NOW”. She dropped what she was doing and rushed outside. Kenny had crawled up those steps and was on the landing. Helen got there just as Kenny fell from that height. She caught him in her arms before he hit the ground. He could have been seriously hurt, or even killed. Instead, because Helen listened, and heeded,to the voice of the Holy Spirit, Kenny was safe.
Friends, your Heavenly Father loves you. The Holy Spirit indwelling you is one of His best gifts to you. Please allow the Spirit, the Guide Inside, to be a vital part of your life.
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- THANK YOU–To those who provided coffee and donuts for Fathers Day and for those who prepared the meal for our pancake breakfast
Don’t be sceptical. Live in faith.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter June 25th
God did an awesome, wonderful, miraculous thing on that first Easter. The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus makes it possible for all who believe, to be forgiven of sin, made right with God, and insured of a home in Heaven. That is the gift from a Loving God. Almost as marvelous was the event that happened on the Day of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit came to dwell in every Believer. Since that day, all who are truly born again have the Holy Spirit living inside their bodies. John 14, 15, 16, tells us that the Spirit is our Comforter, Counselor, Teacher, Enabler, and Guide.
Of course, the Holy Spirit is in you to empower you as you live the Christian life. He gives power and direction as you teach, preach, witness, study God’s Word. He draws you closer to Jesus. However, the Spirit is also in you to minister to you and to guide you in the ordinary, everyday matters of life. May I share with you one of my recent experiences?
A few weeks ago, I left Barbee’s Grove after our Sunday services and started home. Soon after I turned onto St. Martin Road, I got behind an older pickup truck pulling a trailer. I can’t say for sure, but the truck bed and trailer seemed to be full of the kind of materials that a brick mason would use for scaffolding. We crept along at 40 miles per hour. Soon, several other vehicles were lined up behind me.
At a certain point, the pickup stopped, the driver stuck his hand out the window and waved me around. He wanted me to pass. My flesh wanted to pass. I wanted to get home quickly because I was tired after preaching, I was hungry, and I knew Heidi wanted out of her crate. The Holy Spirit told me not to move. He waved several more times, and I still stayed behind. Why? He had stopped on the upslope of a hill and there was a double white line. The Spirit said, “Don’t pass”, and I obeyed the Spirit.
When the pickup driver saw that I was not going to pass, he pulled his hand back inside the truck and proceeded down the road. We had only gone a few feet, when we met a vehicle roaring down the other lane. If I had pulled out to pass, there would have been a head-on collision, a multi-vehicle wreck, and lots of injured people. It would have all been my fault.
I followed that pickup to Highway 24/27 and then safely passed. In the meantime, I kept saying, “Thank you, Lord, thank you, Holy Spirit, for guiding me and for keeping me safe”. Every time the memory of that day comes to mind, I continue to be thankful. I don’t always hear the Spirit clearly, but I am trying. I thank God for His presence in my life. I encourage you to learn to hear and to heed God’s Spirit who lives within you. Even if others, or your flesh, want you to go in another direction, always choose to follow the Spirit. One of the privileges and one of the joys of being a child of God, is the pleasure of having the Greater One inside. Get to know Him well.
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- June 25–8:00 am. PANCAKE BREAKFAST–Please bring guests
- June 25–Continued study –Autopsy of a Deceased Church
Friday, June 30, 6:00-7:30 –Kick off events–meal provided.
Saturday, July 1–8:30 am — 1:00 pm–Breakfast and lunch provided.
Please bring visitors.
Have you and the Holy Spirit had a good time of fellowship today?
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter June 18th
I’m still sorting through “stuff” at my house. At the pace I am going, I wonder if I will still be at it when Jesus returns. Last week, I discovered a little book that the Southern Baptists used as a Home Mission Study in the early 1950s. The book is about the life and ministry of Rev. A. S. Petrey, a Kentucky mountain preacher of the early 1900s. Rev. Petrey started churches in Hazard, Hindman, and many other mountain communities. Pamela’s Mom, Helen, had written her name in the book. Since she was born in 1925, and grew up near Hindman, I am sure she knew some of the people the book mentions.
Today, I want to focus on one of the events that was related in the book. Late in his life, Rev. Petrey was in a Worship Service. Someone brought a basket of roses. They announced, “If the person who led you to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior is present in this service, take a rose and pin it on their coat”. Rev. Petrey says that he was both humbled and thrilled that his coat was soon covered in roses. Those roses represented trophies of God’s grace, and a man’s faithfulness to share Jesus.
I read that story and began to think, “If that announcement was made in a service where I was present, how many roses, if any, would be pinned to my jacket? “I realize, that often, several people are involved in an individual’s salvation. As Paul said, “He planted, Apollos watered. but the Lord gave the increase”. [1 Corinthians 3:6] I have been a Christian for over 70 years. In those 70 years, I wonder, how many people have I been privileged to be [even partially] responsible for their salvation? Would the number of roses pinned on me be a humbling thrill, or an embarrassment?
What about you? How long have you been a Believer in Jesus? During those years, are there those you had some part in their coming to salvation? Are there those you have taught, mentored, helped to grow in their faith? When Jesus told His disciples to “Go into all the world and make disciples” [Matthew 28:18-20] He was also giving the same instructions to you and to me.
That little 70-year-old study course book challenged me to renew my efforts to introduce the unsaved to Jesus. I pray that every person reading this Newsletter will have a renewed passion to reach the lost and to do it now!!!!!!!!!!
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. We are beginning a study of the miracles of Jesus.
- June 18–Father’s Day–Coffee and donuts served at 8:30 am
- June 25-Next Church-wide Breakfast–8:00 am. Bring guests with you
- June 18–9:00 am–Continued study of Autopsy of a Deceased Church
- Vacation Bible School
6:00-7:30 Friday, June 30–Meal served.
8:30 am-1:00 pm–Saturday, July 1–Breakfast and lunch provided.
Plan to attend. Please invite unchurched children to attend.
Who do you know who needs Jesus? They face a terrible eternity if no one shares Jesus with them.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter June 11th
Normally, in the first part of every worship service, we sing a hymn or two. Why? Is it just to fill space so that the service lasts about an hour? Is it a time of worship and praise? Do you participate in that part of the service?
My lack of singing ability, my inability to “carry a tune in a bucket”, is legendary at Barbee’s Grove. I had a good laugh, and you shared that laugh, when I told you that recently I found an old report card. My second, or third, grade teacher gave me an A in music. However, beside the A she wrote, “Sings monotone, but tries hard”. It is obvious that the Singing Towers will not be asking me to join their quartet any time soon.
Those of you who have seen me in church are too polite to ask, but I can imagine that some of you might be thinking, “Ed, if you can’t sing, and know that you can’t sing, why can we watch you as you stand on the platform, often with hands raised, singing so enthusiastically? “Can I answer that question with a Scripture? {Luke 19:37-40} It’s the day we call Palm Sunday. Jesus is riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. The crowds are praising and worshipping. Of course, the Pharisees are livid with anger. They say to Jesus, “Tell these people to shut up”. Notice how Jesus answered, “I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.”
Why do I sing, even if I am out of tune, and even if I do not know the chorus very well?’ I refuse to allow the bricks that constitute the building that we call Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church do my praising for me! I will do my own praising and worshipping. I do not need a substitute. God has been good to me, and I want Him to know I love Him and appreciate His goodness. If the bricks desire to join me that is fine, but I will not let them take my place.
You may sing better than me, like me, or worse than me, if that is possible, but don’t let the bricks be your substitute. Lift your voice in worship and praise to your Lord. “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Come before His presence with singing. Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise.” {Psalm 100: 1,2,4} Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord”. {Psalm 150:6}
The Bible teaches that “The Lord inhabits {lives in} the praises of His people”. {Psalm 22:3} Those who truly worship are those who experience God’s presence the strongest and clearest.
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- All Adults–Special study in the Sanctuary during the Sunday School hour. Autopsy of a Deceased Church
- VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL–Friday night, June 30 and all-day Saturday, July 1
- Sunday, June 25–8:00 am–Next church wide Breakfast. Invite the unsaved and the unchurched to come with you.
Our Lord saved us. He is worthy of our praise.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter June 4th
Our attitudes, prejudices, and way of thinking are affected by what we hear and see growing up. The people around us color our way of looking at the world. As a child, I picked up three ways of thinking about God. 1] He wanted us to be saved and to go to Heaven, 2] He wanted us to be somber, no fun, and He was always going to keep us in line by “zapping” us every time we made a mistake, 3] Really good Christians lived in Povertyville on “Barely Get Along” Street.
As a result of what I was taught about the character of God I was saved but lived with low expectations. Then, I began to study my Bible and realized I had been wrongly taught. For example, God promised the Children of Israel a “land flowing with milk and honey”, not Povertyville in the land of Deprivation. Jesus taught, “Give and it shall be given to you, good measure…”. Paul often encouraged his readers to “Rejoice”. My Bible taught me that God is a good God. He loves His children and enjoys doing good things for them. In fact, at times God seems to show a playful sense of humor when He blesses someone. Let me share from my own life.
Pamela and I were married on May 26, 1967. We spent the first night of our Honeymoon in the Americana Motel in Greensboro. [Remember that name]. Fast forward to 1992. Pamela asked if we could go on a cruise for our 25th wedding anniversary. I explained that we did not have the money to pay for a cruise. Pamela was disappointed, but graciously accepted our financial situation.
We did not go on a cruise, but God gave us a special anniversary trip anyway. At that time, NC Baptists had a missionary partnership with Brazil. I had gone a few years earlier and was blessed. A few days after I informed Pamela that we had no money for a cruise, I got a call from Mack Keck. He was Missions Director for Stanly Baptists. Mack told me that a church member had secretly paid for me to take another trip to Brazil. Stanly Baptists also had some mission funds and would contribute $500 toward the expenses of anyone going to Brazil. I asked Mack if I would get the $500 and if Pamela would get the same amount if she went. He said, “Yes”. We took that $ 1000, added a little of our own money and headed off to preach about Jesus in Brazil.
A minister from Salisbury led our team. Guess what. We were assigned to the Brazilian city of Americana. We stayed in the Americana Hotel. [Name sound familiar?] As the Team Leader was distributing room keys, he said, “Ed, you and Pamela get the Honeymoon Suite”. Others on the team stayed in rooms that resembled college dorm rooms. Pamela and I had a humongous bedroom, a sitting room, and a nice balcony that overlooked the city. It was a supernatural, wonderful blessing of God. Beautiful accommodations with the added bonus of getting to preach, teach, and witness for Jesus. Awesome!
Your Lord loves you as much as He loves me. Think back over the years of your life and be thankful for the many times He blessed you. God is good.
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- $ 1140–Final total for the Baptist Children’s Homes Spring Food Drive—Thank you for sharing
- Beginning June 11 all Adults will meet in the Sanctuary for a special study on church growth. 9:00 am. This study will last 2 or 3 weeks.
- Vacation Bible School–Kick off activities, Friday, June 30.VBS will be all day Saturday, July 1
Celebrating the love we receive from Jesus, our Lord.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter May 28th
It was wonderful this past Sunday to baptize Ri’lynn Frick. Pray for her as she begins her life with Jesus. Live a Christ-like life and example for her to follow.
I have a dear friend who worked in a doctor’s office. Here is the way I remember a story she told. One day, this very elderly gentleman came in the door and said, “I want one of them there papers”. She had no idea what he meant, so she asked, “What kind of paper do you want”? His reply, “I want one of those forms I need in order to get married again”. She asked, “Are you planning to get married”? His reply, “I sure am”. Then my friend asked, “Who is the lucky lady”? His answer, “I don’t know. I haven’t found her yet. But I want to be ready when I do find her”.
I think that story is hilarious and I laugh every time it pops into my mind. It was funny, but I think we can learn a few things from that older man. 1] Even though he was old in years, he was still planning for the future. 2] He anticipated that his future would be blessed. 3] Even though the future was unknown, he was doing all he could do on his part to prepare for the future.
What about your future? How do you see it ? Do you expect good things or bad things? Your future is also unknown, but are you doing all that is in your power to be prepared for your future? For example, practical preparation, such as saving for retirement, should be automatic for all of us. Maintaining a healthy relationship with family and friends so that they will be there to walk beside us in the future is also a “biggie”.
What preparation are we making spiritually? Do we have a personal, saving relationship with Jesus? When we leave this life, only a saving relationship with Jesus gets us into Heaven. Are we developing a strong walk with Jesus now, in order that His presence will constantly surround us as we go through the trials that most endure in the later years of life?
What about our church [or the church others of you attend]? Are you excited about the future of your church? Do you anticipate good things happening in your church? Are you doing everything in your power to enable your church to be blessed in the days ahead?
How do we prepare for a blessed future for our church? 1] Develop ourself spiritually and become a mature follower of Jesus. 2] Pray, seeking God’s will for the church. 3] Listen as the Lord speaks to you. 4] Obey His directions. 5] Seek to win the unsaved and the unchurched. 6] Lovingly welcome those who visit. 7] Prepare the building to welcome guests. 8] Be willing to change ideas, habits, and ways of doing “church”, if the Lord directs.
Jesus had multiple teachings about those who showed their wisdom by making preparation for the future. Are we wise, or foolish? The future is coming.It cannot be stopped. Are we prepared?
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- $ 1130–New total for the Baptist Children’s Homes Spring Food Drive. EXCELLENT–One more Sunday to give
- Vacation Bible School—Kickoff Event, Friday, June 30. Saturday, July 1, All day Bible School. Please plan to attend and bring others with you
When the future arrives, will we be idle, or busy in the harvest fields?
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter May 21st
My prayer is that what I am writing this week will be thought provoking, challenging, and healing.
These days it seems that a person can rent almost anything they need. You can rent a house, rent a car, rent a moving van, rent an RV, rent a tool, or rent a temporary employee. Since everything else is for rent, many folks think that they can “rent a God”. Here is how it goes. For these people, church is a building they pass on their way to work. Sundays are for self and pleasure. God is for those folks too foolish to know He does not exist.
Then a crisis hits—a hurricane, a medical emergency, a shooting, a financial disaster, etc. Suddenly, they need a God. Since they don’t have a Lord and Savior, they need to rent one for the moment. It is sadly laughable to see ungodly people in the news offering their “prayers” when tragedy strikes. Of course, when the crisis is over, these folks no longer need God, so they return Him to the rental store.
Friends, that is no way to live. I have been amused, and somewhat annoyed, at some contacts I have had since Pamela went to Heaven. People I have never met, or even heard of, have contacted me wanting to help me get over my grief. The implication from what they say is that I must be sitting at home, lights off, curtains drawn, crying in my beer. Of course, you know that there is no beer at my house, the curtains are open, and the lights are on.
Usually, I start quoting Scripture to these people. I tell them, “God is my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” [Psalm 46:1]: “The joy of the Lord is my strength” [Nehemiah 8:10]; and, Jesus said “My peace I leave with you” [John 14:27. When I do that, these people who want me to join their “rent a God” program, don’t seem to understand. They act as if I am some kind of weirdo for not joining their particular “rent a God” activity.
You see, 70 years ago, I gave my heart and life to Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Long ago, I joined Team Jesus. We have walked together for decades. Now I don’t need to “rent” Him when I have sad or lonely moments. I am human. Sometimes these moments do come, but Jesus is always with me and gives me great peace, His peace. Jesus is a permanent, everlasting, presence in my life. I am reminded of a time in King David’s life. [1 Samuel 30:1 ff] David and his men returned to Ziklag and discovered an enemy had burned their town, taken their goods, and their wives and children. There was so much sorrow, that the men talked of stoning David. How did David respond? “He encouraged himself in the Lord, his God”. [v.6] Notice the pronoun “his”. David did not need to “rent a God”. He already had a personal relationship with God.
Friends, I encourage you to live with the Lord as your constant Companion. Then, you will have no need to “rent a God” when trouble comes.
- Sunday school is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- May 21—Baptismal Service
- $ 920–latest total for the Baptist Children’s Homes Spring Food Drive. Give during the month of May. Thank you for each gift!
- Wonderful fellowship and good food for our Mother’s Day Pancake Breakfast. Thanks for attending. Thanks also to the men who cooked and did all the other work to make this meal happen.
The everyday presence of the Lord is a wonderful blessing.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter May 14th
Recently, I was talking with a person that I consider to be a good, solid Christian. This person is faithful to attend, serve, and give generously to the church where they are a member. I don’t remember how it happened, but at some point, our conversation turned to miracles and to the power of God. I began to tell of miracles that I knew personally had happened, miracles I had discovered through my reading, and miracles that others had told me had happened in their lives. It was obvious from the tone of voice I began hearing, that the individual with whom I was talking did not want to call me a “liar”, but that they were very skeptical that the miracle stories I was sharing were really true.
Here are two that came from my reading:
…. During one of the Great Awakening revivals that swept America several hundred years ago, the power of God was so strong that it reached out into the Atlantic Ocean. Stories have been recorded of sailing ships approaching our shores. 20 miles out at sea, sailors would begin falling on their knees on the decks of those ships. No one was preaching, but these men began crying out to God in repentance, pleading for mercy and forgiveness.
…. Several times during the Azuza Street Revival in California in the early 1900s, someone passing the building where the services were being held, observed fire shooting out of the top of the building. Quickly, they would call the Fire Department. When the firemen arrived, they found no physical fire burning the building. Instead, it was the visible, Pentecostal, Book of Acts, fire of the Holy Spirit, engulfing those who were worshipping Jesus.
It is so sad, but our generation of church folks have gone without experiencing the mighty power of God for so long that most no longer believe God does extraordinary deeds today. Has the Holy Spirit died? Did He retire? Is He on an extended vacation? Has He lost His power like a dead battery that will no longer crank your car? The answer to all these questions is “NO”! The same Holy Spirit who demonstrated His miracle working power through Jesus, through the Disciples, and down through the history of the Church, is still available to you and me today. The questions are: “How long will we be satisfied to walk in skepticism, unbelief, weak of faith, and powerlessness? Will we believe our Bibles and begin to live in God’s powerful Gospel that miraculously changes lives and circumstances? Is our God dead, or alive?”
- Congratulations to Zack and Emily Snider on the arrival of their baby daughter, Laney Ruth Snider. Proud Grandparents are Ken and Rita Linker, Lonnie and Sylvia Snider, and Rebecca Hefner.
- Congratulations to Tim and Diane Smith. They recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. May the Lord bless you with many more years together.
- Thank you for the surprise Birthday Party you had for me after the Tuesday night revival service. I was totally fooled. I laughingly told someone that if I eat all the leftover cake, you sent home with me, I will need to use the gift card to buy bigger pants.
- We had a good week of revival services. Strong messages, excellent music, and wonderful fellowship each evening. We pray that the “sparks of revival” God lit in our hearts may soon become flames of revival fire!
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- Baptismal Service is Sunday, May 21
- $ 70—Our initial offering for the Baptist Children’s Homes Spring Food Drive. Give anytime in May.
- May 14–8:00 am–Mother’s Day–The Baptist Men will be serving a Pancake Breakfast. –Please attend and feel free to bring guests.
Jesus is coming soon. May He find us busy in the harvest field.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter May 7th
As you know, we have scheduled Revival Services for next week [May 7-10]. If your health and work schedule permit, will you be attending? As you read this, stop, and think for a moment—-what are your goals for next week? What would you expect to happen? An answer might be—“I expect to hear Rev. Kinney Wallace preach some good messages. I expect to hear stirring music. I expect to enjoy sweet fellowship with special Christian friends”.
Those are good expectations and I pray that we do experience those three things. However, if that is all we experience, we will have had “services”, but not “revival”. We need to personally answer these questions—Do we really want revival? and are we ready to pay the price for revival? Genuine revival begins when Believers recognize that our God is Holy and Righteous, and that He wants us to deal with the sin in our life. For many, the sin we have to consider is not the adultery, cheating, theft, etc. that we usually preach is wrong. Instead, the sin may be lethargy and slackness toward spiritual matters. Remember in Revelation 3:14-22 Jesus was highly critical of the church at Laodicea that had become complacent and “lukewarm”. In fact, Jesus said that He would “spue them out of His mouth if they did not repent”. Is Jesus pleased with our lukewarmness?
If we Christians could get as passionate about Jesus and His Kingdom as we are about our favorite sports team or who is running for President, etc., we would soon “turn our world upside down”. Sometimes I feel ashamed when I realize that on some days I spend more time talking about things that will not matter 100 years from now than I spend talking about Jesus and eternal matters.
The chorus of a gospel song has been running through my mind all week:
“Set my soul afire, Lord’
Set my soul afire
Make my life a witness
Of Thy saving power
Millions lost in darkness
Waiting for Thy Word
Set my soul afire, Lord
Set my soul afire.”
We will have experienced genuine revival when some of us have our souls “set on fire” with love for Jesus and the ministry He gives us!!!
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the Parking lot on 99.1 FM
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
- REVIVAL SERVICES–Begin Sunday night at 6:30 pm. Rev. Kinney Wallace will be preaching. Weeknight services are at 7:00 pm. Special music each night. Singing Towers will be here on Wednesday night. Bring others with you. Pray for genuine revival.
- $2220–Final total for the Annie Armstrong Home Missions Offering. Thank you for giving beyond our goal of $1500.
- May 14– Mother’s Day–Pancake Breakfast at 8:00 am. Invite others to attend with you
- May 21–Baptismal Service
- Each Spring, our NC Baptist Children’s Homes sponsor a Food Drive. If you would like to have a part in feeding the children in their care, you may give during the month of May. Simply indicate on your offering envelope that this is your gift for the Children’s Homes. Thank you for caring,
Services, or revival, which will it be? God wants to send revival.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter April 30th
It was a joy this past Sunday to have Ri’lynn Frick come professing her faith in Jesus as her Lord and Savior. Pray for her as she begins her walk as a Christian.
This time of year, I love to go out to Ted Barbee’s Greenhouse to look at all the plants. There are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of little pots all sprouting with greenery. I see tomato varieties I have known all my life, and some new ones as well. The “farmer” in me wants to buy a pickup load to take home. The fact that my backyard is small and full of rocks is the only thing that stops me.
Ted, Bonnie, Kevin, and Robert did not sit in their recliners saying, “I wish for a greenhouse full of plants”, or “I hope I have a greenhouse full of plants”. They did not pray, “Lord, fill my greenhouse with plants”. No. Instead, in a time consuming, painstaking way, they put one little seed at a time in its container of potting soil. Day-after-day they watered those seeds. The “spark of life” that the Lord placed in those seeds when He created them, caused a plant to spring forth.
Tragically, in so many churches across our land, church members seem to have a misguided idea about how a church stays healthy, and about how a church grows. They “wish” their church would grow. They “hope” their church grows. They even pray, “Lord, help our church to grow”. It makes me sad to say it, but that type of “wishing, hoping, and praying” is mostly a waste of time.
The only way a church can stay healthy, and grow is for the active, caring church members to get busy planting seeds. We plant seeds through our personal outreach: calls, texts, visits, letters, Facebook, and face-to-face meetings when we are “out and about”. Almost every member is capable of doing some of these methods of seed planting. Once the seeds are planted, we water those seeds with continued contact with those the Lord leads us to reach. Of course, part of the watering process is to be faithful with our own church attendance. We want to be present to greet the person we invited when they do come. Our friendliness is an encouragement for them to visit again. Then, when we bathe our “seed planting” with prayer, we can expect results.
In First Corinthians 3:6 Paul makes this observation, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase”. It is in our time of “seed planting” that we experience the awesome power and presence of our Lord. However, if we do not do the planting and the watering, the Lord has very little to use to bring about growth. We tie His hands.
You wonderful folks who are now reading this Newsletter represent many different congregations. Be honest. How much do you really care about the spiritual health of the church where you have membership? Are you “wishing and hoping” or are you planting seeds?
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- April 30–Communion
- Pancake Breakfast–Mother’s Day–May 14–8:00 am–All are invited–Bring a guest
- REVIVAL–May 7-10 [6:30 pm on Sunday–7:00 pm on the other nights] Rev. Kinney Wallace will be preaching
- Baptismal Service–May 21
Spring is a wonderful time to plant seeds.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter April 23rd
Early in our marriage Pamela had a good friend named Linda. Linda was about 30 years of age. At one point, Linda was diagnosed with Hepatitis. Because she had babysat with our kids, everyone in my family went to the Health Department and had shots. Weeks went by and the doctor continued to treat Linda for Hepatitis. She continued to grow worse. A day or two before Linda died, the doctor discovered that Linda did not have Hepatitis. She had liver cancer. It was a wrong diagnosis followed by a wrong treatment. It was so sad to watch a wonderful young friend die. Perhaps, a correct diagnosis and a different treatment might have prolonged Linda’s life an extra period of time.
Today, our nation, and much of our world, is being overwhelmed by hate, murder, crime, war, thefts, senseless shootings, and other evils. Unfortunately, many of the people who are diagnosing the ills of our society, are not truly Bible-believing Christians. As a result, they diagnose incorrectly, and their prescriptions don’t cure the problem. Let’s study a few examples:
…An “expert” diagnoses the problem as “poverty”. If we can cure poverty our society will be healed. Millions are spent on programs to elevate the poor, but evils continue.
…Another “expert” diagnoses the problem as “a lack of education”. Billions are spent, but society still does not improve.
…Yet another “expert” says the problem is “racial inequality”. Laws are enacted, apologies are offered, but society changes little.
…The list goes on.
We do need to help the poor, educate those willing to learn, and treat all races equally and fairly. That is the Christ-like way to live. However, until we diagnose correctly and deal with the root cause of the disease in our society, nothing will ever change. The root cause is spiritual. Paul correctly diagnosed our problem in Ephesians 2: 1,2. He said that people “are dead in trespasses and sins”, and “walk according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air”. Spiritually dead people, enticed by the devil, will continue to do evil. Money, education, nor acceptance will change their inner nature.
I realize that there are some non-Christians who live a fairly moral life. At some point, they were taught good values. But the truth is: only truly “born again” followers of Jesus will begin to live the changed lives that will make a difference in our world. Christians in “name only” often live as bad as non-Christians. However, those who have had a genuine, life changing encounter with Jesus will live with His love and holiness. They have no desire to steal, kill, or destroy.
We can spend billions trying to change our society. It will never work until we make the correct diagnosis. PEOPLE NEED JESUS! When Jesus brings spiritually dead people to life and transfers control from the devil to Himself, then, and only then, will our nation be healed.
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- $ 2180–New total for the Annie Armstrong offering for Home Missions. THANK YOU for enabling us to exceed our goal!
- Thursday, April 27–Golden Agers trip to the Classic Family Restaurant in Denton. Leave the church at 10:30 am
- Pancake Breakfast–Mother’s Day, May 14 – 8:00 am. All are invited. Bring a guest.
- Revival – May 7-10 – Rev. Kinney Wallace will be preaching
- Communion – April 30
Let’s change our nation. How? Tell someone about Jesus.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter April 16th
Back in my “growing up” years, it was quite popular during the Invitation time in church services, for Pastors and Revival preachers to invite people to come forward and “rededicate” their lives to Jesus. Presumably, they were making a commitment to live a more holy, Christ-like life. It was implied that those who came were going to try harder to be a better follower of Jesus. I was one who responded to that invitation many times. Many others also responded. Perhaps you were one of them. However, our “Rededicators” must have been faulty, not working properly. Why? Because most of us found ourselves going to the altar regularly. Somehow, those “rededications” did not last very long, sometimes not even a week.
In Ephesians 1:15-23 there is an interesting prayer. Paul is praying for Believers. He is praying that they be better followers of Jesus. In that prayer, Paul does not mention that he hopes they will “rededicate” themselves. No. Instead, Paul prays that they, “will have the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him: the eyes of their understanding being enlightened….and what [is] the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power….”.
Paul realized that our strength as Christians is not found in “fleshly dedication”. That will not last. Our power to live Christ-like lives is found in revelation knowledge [knowing who we are in Christ, what we have in Christ, what we can do in Christ, and in experiencing God’s mighty power working in and through us]. Spiritual growth and power is not automatic. Neither does it come by “trying hard”. Nor does it come by “good intentions”. If we want to be powerful followers of Jesus, we must be in intimate fellowship with Him. We must have a “teachable spirit” that is open to revelation and truth. We must also have a willingness to be filled with the Holy Spirit and a desire to be led by the Spirit.
An earnest desire to be “dedicated” is good. However, far better is an openness to pray sincerely, “Lord, give me Your wisdom and revelation, and allow me to experience Your mighty power”. This prayer is the prayer of the great saints of all ages. It can also be our prayer as well!!!
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- $ 960–Total given for the Annie Armstrong Offering for Home Missions
- April 16–Quarterly Church Conference
- April 27 – Golden Agers trip to Classic Family Restaurant in Denton. Leave at 10:30 am. Sign up on Hall Bulletin Board
- April 30 – Communion
- The Baptist Men are planning to begin a monthly Pancake Breakfast for the church. The first of these will be Mother’s Day, May 14, 8:00 am
- REVIVAL SERVICES – May 7-10–Rev. Kinney Wallace will be preaching
- Thanks to all the cooks and cleanup crew who made our Easter Breakfast so delicious and a wonderful time of fellowship
Are you ready for Jesus to return?
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter April 9th
What a joy it was to baptize Adelyn Hartsell this past Sunday. Pray for her as she becomes the newest member of Barbee’s Grove.
It varies from church-to-church, but across the nation Covid caused average church attendance to drop about 25%. Churches closed for a few weeks, and some members never returned. It is easily understandable that some members died from Covid and that others did not return for health reasons. Others, who are healthy, and who “are out and about”, just simply made a choice not to return for worship.
A few weeks ago, I wrote about how the devil likes to isolate Christians from other Christians in order to “take them down”. That is true. However, this week I want us to look at another great Bible truth. Let’s read the following Scripture and remember that this is a “Thus says the Lord”, and not a “Thus says Ed”. Ephesians 4:16—–The Passion Translation
“For His body has been formed in His image and is closely joined together and constantly connected as one and every member has been given Divine gifts to contribute to the growth of all; and as these gifts operate effectively throughout the whole body we are built up and made perfect in love”.
Our Wise Heavenly Father has arranged it so that every member is gifted in a way to bless every other member. As we fellowship together, we each contribute to the common growth of all. You may be thinking, “I’m not a Pastor, Teacher, or Singer. What do I have to contribute?” Let me mention a few things. When I am preaching or teaching and look out and see folks paying attention, nodding their heads in agreement, and smiling, it frees the Holy Spirit to speak more powerfully through me. Many of you bless others before and after the services with your smiles, hugs, words of affirmation, Godly advice, and promises to pray. Sometimes, a more powerful ministry takes place when you gather in little groups of 2, 3, or 4, than the ministry from the pulpit.
It is popular to say, “I don’t need to go to church in order to be a Christian and to go to Heaven”. That is an absolutely true statement. However, according to the Scripture we just read, those who could attend some church, but who make the deliberate choice not to fellowship with other Believers, deprive themselves of the blessings they could be receiving. They are also depriving their fellow Believers of the blessings the Lord has instilled in them to share. It is a “lose, lose”, situation. Everyone loses.
Friends, Thank You for all the blessings of the Lord that you pour into my life every time we assemble together!!
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
6 :45 am Sunrise Service
7 :00 Breakfast
8:00 Sunday School
9:00 Morning Worship and Children’s Church - $ 960—Almost 2/3 to our goal of $1500 for the Annie Armstrong Home Mission Offering
- April 16 Quarterly Church Conference
- April 27- Golden Agers trip to Classic Family Restaurant in Denton. Leave at 10:30 am. Sign up on the hall Bulletin Board.
- April 30 Communion
- The Baptist Men are planning to begin a monthly Pancake Breakfast for the church. The first of these will be Mother’s Day, May 14. 8:00 am
This is a wonderful time to invite unchurched family and friends to visit with us. - REVIVAL SERVICES — May 7-10—Rev. Kinney Wallace will be preaching
What will you be doing when Jesus comes?
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter April 2nd
Some days I don’t feel any older than 50. Yet, I realize that I have been preaching for over 60 years. In 1965, a special friend took the notes from some of my first sermons and typed them for me. That is a real friend. I have had these old, typed notes in a special folder all these years. It has probably been at least 30 years since I reread those sermons. Recently, I became curious and took them out to see what I had preached so long ago. I was surprised. Those sermons were not as bad as I expected them to be. [ Of course, my friend may have improved them while typing.] Also, I have no idea how they were received when I preached them from the pulpit.
There was a comment in one of those old sermons that fits with a Newsletter I wrote a few weeks ago. In that old sermon I mentioned in the book of Acts New Testament Christians were known as “those who turned the world upside down”. [Acts 17:6] Everywhere they went there were life changing encounters. It usually began with bold teaching, preaching, and miracles of healing and deliverance. People began to accept and follow Jesus. As a result, those resistant to the Gospel often started a riot. One way, or another, the town knew these Christians had arrived.
After mentioning the “turn the world upside down” nature of those early Believers, in that old sermon, I made this comment: “It is sad, but most Christians these days can barely muster enough spiritual strength and fervor to make it to church on a regular basis”. Sadly, that comment is as relevant in 2023 as it was in 1965.
What has happened since New Testament days? God has not changed. He is as powerful as ever. We have the same commission to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel”. It is a question we each must answer personally. Are we “gung ho” for Jesus? Are we filled with the Holy Spirit? Do others see our lives and know that we have a real commitment to our Lord?
It is sad that 100 plus churches, filled with 1000’s of members, do not have a fraction of the impact on Stanly County that Paul or Peter, and a few of their friends had when they visited Corinth, Ephesis, etc. WHY AM I, AND YOU, NOT ON OUR KNEES CRYING OUT TO GOD IN REPENTANCE AND ASKING FOR THE FULLNESS OF HIS POWER IN OUR LIVES?
Personally, I am under conviction. My heart is breaking with sorrow. Our nation definitely needs some Believers who will “Turn our world upside down”. What is stopping us from being those Christians?
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm.
- April 6–6:30 pm–Maundy-Thursday Service [No Wednesday Bible Study this week]
- $ 665–Almost halfway to our $ 1500 goal for the Annie Armstrong Offering for Home Missions–Please make your gift by Easter Sunday
- Interested in singing when we restart the choir? Please sign up on the sheet on the hall Bulletin Board
6:45 am-Sunrise Service
7:00 Breakfast
8:00 Sunday School
9:00 Morning Worship and Children’s Church - April 2–Palm Sunday–Children will be singing–Baptismal Service
- April 16 — Quarterly Church Conference
Join us as we worship our crucified but risen Savior!
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Mar 26th
Oops. I goofed. Last week I failed to mention the wonderful news that Adelyn Hartsell, daughter of Grant and Erin Hartsell, has come accepting Jesus as her Lord and Savior. We welcome her and pray for her as she awaits baptism and church membership.
Lately, a few phrases from what I am told is an old Negro spiritual have been flowing through my mind. I have been praising the Lord for the truth found in this old song which is based on Jeremiah 8:22,
“There is a balm in Gilead
To make the wounded whole
There is a balm in Gilead
To heal the sin-sick soul”
Probably, every person reading these words has been “wounded” in one way or another. Have you been “wounded” by verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, bullying, marital problems, job loss, loss of loved ones through death, divorce, or misunderstanding, lies told about you, financial struggles, or in some other way? Many of you may admit that you have wounds that are numerous and some that go deep.
Throughout the New Testament, the hurting came to Jesus and “He had compassion upon them”. Jesus also promised, “Come unto Me all ye that are weak and heavy laden, and I will give you rest”. [Matthew 11:28] Friends, no matter what your specific “wound” is, nor how deep it goes, you can take it to Jesus and find peace, rest, and healing. As with our physical bodies, the bigger the wound, the longer it may take to heal. Stay close to Jesus, the Great Physician, and healing will come.
The Bible teaches that “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God”. [Romans 3:23] Sin makes our souls sick. Down in our inner man there is a sickness that can only be cured by the forgiveness Jesus gives through His blood shed on the cross and through a personal relationship with Him as Lord and Savior. Men deny their need of Jesus and His healing. They try to cure themselves with good deeds, “wine, women and song”, drugs, and other false cures. In the long run, only God’s forgiveness through a personal relationship with Jesus “heals the sin-sick soul”.
Wounds and sin are a part of life. No one escapes the pain they bring. However, the good, wonderful, blessed news, is that there is “A Balm in Gilead” and we know Him as Jesus. Praise God for His miraculous cure for all our pains.!!!!!!
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- $ 500–A good start toward our $1500 goal for the Annie Armstrong Offering for Home Missions. Give between now and Easter.
- Interested in singing in the choir? There is a sign-up sheet in the hall. We need to know if there is sufficient interest to restart a choir.
- April 2–Palm Sunday–Our children will be singing
- Quarterly Church Conference–April 16
- April 6–Maundy-Thursday Service–6:30 pm. No Wednesday Bible Study that week
- Easter Schedule
6:45–Sunrise Service
7:00 –Breakfast
8:00 –Sunday School
9:00– Morning Worship and Children’s Church - The new roof has been installed on the Sanctuary.
God loves you and offers to you His healing touch.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Mar 19th
Usually, several times a day, I am asked, “How are you and the little doggie doing”? My answer is always, “Heidi and I are doing great”. She still brings me her food and water bowls if I allow them to get empty. If she wants to go out, she gives a certain “whine”, or comes and tugs on my arm. If I try to sleep late, she comes and jumps on me and begins to lick my fingers. She makes sure I get up and get busy. Recently, I had just finished writing a Newsletter. As I was putting my pen and paper down, Heidi came and jumped into my lap. I laughed and said, “Heidi, do you need a “Love Break”? Then it hit me. That is exactly what it was.
Heidi can sit and look out the storm door and “woof” as people walk down the street; or she can rest on the couch. However, about once every hour or so, she comes to jump in my lap for one of those “Love Breaks”. She needs my love and attention. I try to always give here a few minutes of my time.
Friends, do you realize how much your Heavenly Father would like to share some “Love Breaks” with you? We were taught to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread” [Matthew 6:11], so it is okay to bring our empty food bowl to Him. Jesus promised the Woman at the Well water that was so satisfying that she would never thirst again”. [John 4: 7-14]. He welcomes the opportunity to quench your spiritual thirst.
You may feel unworthy to seek the Father’s love. That is one reason Jesus told the story of the Prodigal Son. As soon as that wayward son came into view, his father ran to him, kissed him, ordered clothes, shoes, a ring, and a party. Notice, even though the son still reeked with the foul odors of the pig pen, he was joyfully welcomed. Your Heavenly Father welcomes you to come to him, just as you are. He is eagerly waiting to bestow His love on you.
Heidi may not stay in my lap long, but she enjoys those “Love Breaks”. I encourage you to seek your Lord several times every day for some “Love Breaks”. It is not a question of how long those times are. It is a matter of letting the Lord know how much you love Him, and of allowing Him to love you in return. The Lord is waiting. He is never too busy or too preoccupied to spend time with you. After all, you are His special child!!!
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- We had a great Baptist Men’s Day. Thanks to the cooks, speakers, and all those who made this a special day.
- $ 1500—Our goal for the Annie Armstrong Offering for Home Missions. Let’s make our gifts between now and Easter.
- We extend our love and sympathy to Mrs. Carol Kelly upon the death of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Dianne Coble.
Time with the Lord is always time well spent.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Mar 12th
Years ago, I was taught that trees receive their nourishment from vessels that are just under the bark. New vessels grow each year. That makes the tree rings that scientists count to determine the age of the tree. Because the nourishment comes from near the bark, the inner core of the tree can begin to decay and rot, and it is not noticeable at first. The tree has leaves and looks green and healthy. Meanwhile, the inner seeds of destruction are being sown.
Recently, I was reading Psalm 55:10, 11:
…”Though they patrol the walls night and day against invaders, the real danger is within the city. It’s the misery and strife in the hearts of its people. Murder is in their midst. Wherever you turn you find trouble and ruin.” [The Passion Translation]
Notice, the outside walls were protected. Inside the city there was turmoil. I immediately thought of the United States. The Air Force, Navy, Marines, Army, and Coast Guard are all on alert. They are seeking to protect our nation from enemies beyond our borders. I am thankful for our military. However, the real enemy of our nation, the one most likely to lead to our downfall, is a serious inner rot.
Evil is called good. Righteousness is called evil. True Bible believers are “bashed” as being bigoted, unloving, and hateful. So many flaunt the laws of the land. Sexual perversion prevails. Many resort to violence at the expense of innocent people. Law Enforcement is ridiculed and hated. A child in a mother’s womb may not be safe. You watch the news. You know I am telling the truth.
This inner rot will destroy our nation unless there is a powerful move of God. It matters very little what County Commissioners, State Legislatures, or Congress does. Supreme Court rulings have little lasting impact. Changed hearts are far more powerful than changed laws.
God is Holy. When He lives within our hearts, we begin to live holy. We treat our neighbor kindly. We don’t steal, kill, attack, hate, lie, or in any other way mistreat that neighbor. We seek the best for them. We can triple the spending on our military. That will not make us safer. However, if we can lead folks to become radical followers of Jesus, Proverbs 14: 34 will become true “Righteousness exalteth a nation”.
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- Baptist Men’s Day–March 12–Breakfast at 7:30 am. Special guest speaker for the service
- It is time for us to begin making our mission gifts for the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for Home Missions
- Remember to set your clocks for Daylight Saving Time
Praying for a national move of God.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Mar 5th
There are certain verses that we affirm to be true because they are in the Bible. However, in real life we sometimes have difficulty believing them to be true in our own personal situation. Let me mention two such verses:
…”In everything give thanks….” 1 Thessalonians 5:18
…”And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purposes.” Romans 8:28
May I talk about Pamela and myself again to show you how these verses were true at a certain point in our lives? Someone who read what I have written in earlier Newsletters asked me if Pamela was the only girl I ever dated. I replied, “No, She and I both dated others.” Pamela had only been 15 years old for 2 months when we had our first meaningful conversation. Things got serious quickly. In fact, in one of the letters I wrote to her I said, “As soon as the Lord gives His okay, I am going to marry you.” She was 16 at the time!! 4 years later the Lord gave His okay and we did get married.
Because of Pamela’s youth, every 6-8 months her Mom laid down the law. “You cannot date Ed again until you date other boys”. She did this several times over the next 3 years. We did not like it, but Pamela had no choice but to date others. During one of those “break ups” I dated a nice Stanly County girl who attended UNC-Greensboro. At some point she asked me to bring a date for her college roommate. 58 years ago this week, I took my brother, Jim. I was soon back with Pamela. Jim and the roommate, Barbara “hit it off”. They have had an awesome marriage that has lasted over 55 years. Several times a year Jim comes to me with a smile and a laugh and says, “I sure am happy Pam’s Mom made you break up. I would never have met Barbara without Pam’s Mom’s help.” In Jim’s eyes, much good did come from what Pamela and I thought was bad.
But what about Pamela and myself? Good also came to us. During those “break ups” she dated some nice boys, and I dated some nice girls. In fact, 2 of the girls I dated would have made a good wife for a Pastor. However, no matter how nice the others we dated were, Pamela and I always got back together as soon as her Mom allowed. In our eyes, no other person measured up. We were sure the Lord led us together in answer to our earnest prayers. That gave each of us a lot of peace as the years passed.
[Incidentally, 40 years later we mentioned the “break ups” to Pamela’s Mom. By then, I was a favored son-in-law. She denied breaking us up a single time. Pamela and I just grinned at each other and let the subject drop. We knew the truth. We were blessed of the Lord.]
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12;30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- $ 840–Final Total for the Pregnancy Resource Center. THANK YOU
- Baptist Men’s Day–March 12–Breakfast at 7:30 am. Special guest speaker for the service
- March 5–Called Church Conference–Vote on new roof for the Sanctuary, Handicap Ramp, and disposal of Bus Shed
Trust the Lord. He is at work in your life.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Feb 26th
This week, I was watching a nature program on TV and certain Scriptures began to come to mind. Let me mention a few of the many I remembered:
…”Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together…” Hebrews 10:25
…”Exhorting one another so much the more, as you see the day approaching…”. Hebrews 10:25
…”But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased Him…”. 1 Corinthians 12:18
What type of nature program inspired such thoughts? It dealt with ferocious animals like lions, tigers, and wolves. The Narrator said that one of the best attack tactics of these animals was to isolate the intended prey from the herd. When the prey was isolated, it was easier to take down. I realized that this is also one of the devil’s favorite strategies. He isolates a Christian from fellow Believers. He may do it through anger, hurt feelings, carelessness, or good intentions that are never brought to fruition. The reasons vary, but the results are the same. The Christian is isolated, without the protection, strength, encouragement, and fellowship of other Believers. A backslidden condition and separation from God soon follows.
Usually, the devil convinces such people to believe, “I am strong in my faith. I don’t need other Christians. I can make it on my own”. I have seen it happen too many times to count. All of them make me sad. The devil has convinced them that nothing has changed in their relationship with God. However, when the crises comes, they discover the same sad truth Samson discovered [Judges 16:19-21]. Their relationship with God is gone and the devil holds them captive. With some, it only takes a few months to fall prey. Others are strong enough to last a few years. The result is always the same. Separation from the group leads to trouble. The positive witness for Jesus they once had is gone.
I find myself often thinking of Paul’s vow, “But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway”. [ 1 Corinthians 9:27] Paul had an awesome relationship with Jesus. If he felt the great need to work hard to maintain that relationship in order not to become useless to the Kingdom of God, how much more should we be careful.
Together, we are strong. That is why the New Testament contains so many verses telling us to guard that togetherness carefully.
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- $ 470 – Total given for the Pregnancy Resource Center. Thank you. Lets finish our giving this week [26th]
- Baptist Men’s Day – March 5 – Breakfast at 7:30 am. Special guests at the services
- March 5 – Called Church Conference – Vote on reroofing the Sanctuary, Handicap Ramp, and disposal of the old Bus Shed
See you at the Lord’s House this Sunday unless Providentially hindered
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Feb 19th
NO ELECTRICITY equals NO HEAT, NO LIGHTS, NO ORGAN MUSIC, equals NO SERVICE. We are sorry it happened. There was nothing we could do about it. Let’s all strive to be present this week to make up for last week.
I did not intend to mention Pamela in another Newsletter —–at least not soon—- but the Lord seems to have another idea. But first, let me ask you a question, “When you come into a room, what changes about the atmosphere in that room”? Those of us who are “old timers” will remember the “Lil Abner” comic strip. One of the characters in that strip had an unpronounceable name and was always drawn with a dark thundercloud over his head. If I remember correctly, in the “Peanuts” comic strip there is a kid who is always kicking up dirt as he walks along.
There are people who are like that. When they show up, a storm is sure to follow. Sadly, some of them say they are Christians. It gives me no pleasure to say it, but over the past 60 years I have known a few church members who brought more joy to their church by their absence than by their presence. Why do I mention this? Most of you know that our daughter, Sarah, and her family, are missionaries to Australia. She also teaches at a university there. Because of Pamela’s sudden decline and death, Sarah missed the first few days of the current semester. On Sarah’s first day back at school, a co-worker said to her, “I am so glad you are back. You bring so much positivity and joy to this place.” She was experiencing Jesus and the joy of the Lord in Sarah. Let’s pray that Sarah will lead her to salvation.
In a similar vein are the comments I have received about Pamela. I have not counted, but it seems as if I have received at least 30 sympathy cards that mentioned Pamela’s smile, friendliness, love, and joy. Many of those cards came from folks who saw Pamela weekly, or even more often. Interestingly, many similar comments came from my high school classmates who only saw Pamela every 5 years or so at class reunions. She made a positive difference because she was full of the love of Jesus.
This has caused me to do some soul searching. When I enter a room, does gloom descend and people say, “Oh no, here comes Ed”? OR does the room brighten and people say, “Oh boy, here comes Ed”? What do they say when you enter? How does your presence affect the atmosphere in that room? Let’s all strive to be so full of Jesus and His love that we bring His wonderful glory into every room we enter!!! AMEN.
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- During February we are receiving an offering for our local Pregnancy Resource Center
- March 5—Baptist Men’s Day
- February 23–Noon–Golden Agers lunch—Kentucky Fried Chicken will be provided. If you are able, please bring a side or a dessert. ALL ARE INVITED
Shine the love of Jesus wherever you go. Our dark world needs to see Jesus.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Feb 12th
I suspect that some of you have had these thoughts, “Ed, you and Pamela were believing for a physical, earthly healing. Is your faith shaken because it did not happen?”No. My faith in a Loving God and His healing power is still strong. Let me explain. In the past few weeks, the Lord and I have had some talks on the subject. Here is what I believe He revealed to me.
….No one lives forever. Apostle Peter and Apostle Paul both presided over many miraculous healings. They even raised the dead. Yet, there came a moment when each departed from this earthly life. In our modern era, men like John Lake, Kenneth Hagin, and Oral Roberts, also saw multiple healings.They are now in Heaven. Unless the Rapture comes, we all leave this life and enter into Glory.
….Next, we do not know how long cancer had been attacking Pamela’s body. She was diagnosed a little under three years ago. During that three years, she taught Sunday School and led the praise song in the Worship Service several times. She ministered to many people in person, through phone calls, texts, and Facebook posts. Most of you received at least one birthday or anniversary card from her. She and I went to a Bible Conference in Florida. Several times she went with the ladies from her sister Jill’s church to overnight prayer retreats. She loved the beach. She and I made a beach trip and she also made a trip with Jill. This fall we attended a West Stanly football game and she oversaw a reunion for the Almond family. In addition, Pamela had three glorious summers digging in her flowers. From the time we were first married, that was one of her passions. She would come into the house, tired, red faced from the sun and exertion, covered in perspiration, with a great big smile on her face. She was doing what she loved.
In short, the Lord said to me, “I gave her three years of healing to do the things she loved, to be loved, and to give love. She was only physically frail for a few weeks. Now she is with Me, receiving her rewards and praising Me with great joy.”
Friends, God’s revelations satisfied me. God is still on His throne. He saves, strengthens, encourages, all who will come to Him. I am so glad I know Jesus. I pray that He is your Savior also.
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- Remember, during February we are giving a Love Offering for the Pregnancy Resource Center
- March 5—Baptist Men’s Day
- February 23–Noon–Golden Agers lunch–Kentucky Fried Chicken will be provided. If you are able, bring a side or a dessert. ALL ARE INVITED
Underneath are the Everlasting Arms
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Feb 5th
The outpouring of love that has rained upon my family the last few weeks has been incredible. We have received calls, cards, texts, from all over the nation.From the comments that have been made, it is evident that Pamela scattered seeds of Christ-like love everywhere she went and did it for a lifetime. You, our wonderful, special friends at Barbee’s Grove have been amazing in the many ways you have displayed your love. Many times my family has commented that I am blessed to have you as my church family. I agree. The food that was brought was delicious. Ask me, “Which meal did you like best”? and I will say, “All of them”. I wish there was a more powerful way to say it, but THANK YOU.
Pamela was my Sweetheart for 61 years and my wife for almost 56 years. I cannot imagine life without her. Yet, I realize that more than a dozen Barbee’s Grove members have already walked in my shoes. You also lost the love of your life.
As I have pondered over the past 60 years, certain memories have come. With your permission, I would like to share what the Lord said to me about those memories. The setting for Pamela’s engagement ring had come loose, so she had not worn the ring for a number of years. I pulled the ring out of the box this week and was embarrassed. The diamond was so small she must have had to carry around a magnifying glass so that she could see it. As I was lamenting the smallness of the diamond, the Lord asked me, “Ed , how did you get the money for that ring”? I answered, “Preaching”. I preached for Pastors who were ill or on vacation. Sometimes I got nothing, sometimes it was $10. $25 was a rare blessing. Money accumulated slowly. The Lord reminded me, “You did the best you could. That is all that matters”. The Lord also reminded me that “Pamela married you for who you are, not for the expensive trinkets you could buy for her.” A marriage based on love and respect will last much longer than one based on, “What can he buy for me”. That gave me peace.
Pamela and I dated in the “olden” days before church buildings were locked. The Lord reminded me that many times when we were together during daylight hours we would go to West Albemarle Baptist Church, slip in, go to the altar, and pray for God’s will and direction in our lives. Pamela kept the letters I wrote to her from college. Sarah found them and I have been reading them. I was amazed that in many of those letters I mentioned that I was thrilled to have found a Godly young lady who would read the Bible and pray with me. Evidently, we did it often. She was 15 and already in love with Jesus. I signed many of those letters, “Praying for God’s will to be done”. As the Lord reminded me, marriages based upon the Bible, prayer, and seeking the will of God, will be blessed.
That is enough for this week!!!!
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- February 5–Special speaker from the Pregnancy Resource Center
- We will be giving an offering for the Pregnancy Resource Center during the month of February
- February 23–Lunch–Golden Agers–Kentucky Fried Chicken will be provided. If you are able, bring a side or a dessert.All are invited
God is faithful
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Jan 22nd
Pamela and I are blessed to have the new ramp that has been temporarily installed at our house. It makes it so much easier to get in and out when we have doctor appointments. I know Brenda and Jeff ordered it. Grant and Lionel installed it. I suspect that others of you were in on the project. I may, or may not, know your names, but I want to thank each of you. We are grateful for your love and support.
Recently, I was sharing with a long-time friend. She shared that she did not “feel the presence of God in her life at that moment”. She has been a Christian for over 50 years. Yet, the many difficult situations that have assaulted her life in the past few years have caused her to feel abandoned by God. I reminded her that the Lord was with her, no matter how she felt.
As I thought later about our chat, I was reminded of some things. Feelings such as hers are common to most believers. Read the Psalms. David was a “man after God’s own heart”, but how many times does David cry out, “Where are you ,Lord? Lord, come help me”. Think of Jesus on the cross, crying out, “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?.
I also remembered a time in my own life when I felt that same abandonment. After a few days of struggle, the Lord gave me a mental picture. I saw myself following Jesus down a long sandy beach. He was about 100 yards ahead of me. At times I could see His back clearly. At other times He went around a sand dune or over a little hill and I lost sight of Him. The Lord asked me, “Now what do you do”? The answer was clear. I just keep walking in the direction that Jesus was going the last time I saw Him. As soon as I go around that dune or over that hill I see Him clearly once again. That recommendation to continue heading toward the last place I saw Jesus clearly, has blessed me now for about 40 years. Jesus always comes back into view!
Friends, last Sunday I preached that God is a faithful God. He loves you. No matter how you feel at this moment, He has not abandoned you. David, Jesus, my friend, myself, and countless other Christians have discovered that even in difficult times, God’s promise is true, “I will not leave you comfortless. I will come to you”. [John 14:18]
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- We extend our love and sympathy to Mrs. Charlene Harvell and family upon the death of her mother, Mrs. Patricia Jean Swan. May God’s presence and peace comfort you during this difficult time.
God is always with you
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Jan 15th
Recently, I was listening to a Bible Teaching that reminded me of a great truth. The truth is this: One of the devil’s most powerful weapons is discouragement. Since he has thousands of years of practice, he knows exactly which buttons to push to attempt to discourage each person. See if any of the following describe you, or someone you know. We get discouraged that
…we will never get ahead financially
…we will never have more than a dead end job
…we will not have enough money for retirement
…our marriage will never be good
…our health will never improve
…our children are not living right
…our nation will soon be at war
…a recession/famine is coming
One of the greatest ways the devil endeavors to discourage Christians is to attempt to convince us that our service for the Lord is futile, unfruitful, and a waste. “Pastor,, no one heeds your sermons. The church is not growing. Why do you even try?” “Teacher, do you notice how bored and uninterested your class seems to be while you teach? Is it worth the effort?” “Christian, why do you continue to share Jesus with your unsaved family and friends? They always say ‘No’. You are just wasting time and energy.” “Christian, why do you continue to give money to the church and other Godly ministries? They are not changing the world. Keep the money and use it on yourself.”
Recognize the voice of the devil in any of the sentences above? Has he ever spoken those words to you in an attempt to discourage you? He often nags me with those untrue thoughts.Why do I say that those are “untrue thoughts”? Because of God’s wonderful promise in 1 Corinthians 15:58: “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”
How precious it is to know that nothing we do, no sacrifice we make, no love we offer, as followers of Jesus, is lost or in vain. Jesus notices, He rewards, and He is responsible for the results. Our reward is not based upon the response we receive from others. Our reward is based on our faithfulness. Our reward is that we served Jesus. He receives our work as a holy sacrifice to Him.
I am still learning and growing in my ability to reject the devil’s lies. Perhaps that is also your testimony. Allow the Lord to remind you that you are on the winning team. Earthly and eternal rewards are yours. One day you will hear your Master say, “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your Lord.”
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- January 15—Quarterly Church Conference
Aren’t you excited that you can reject the devil’s lies and that then they have no power over you?
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Jan 8th
One morning this week I was thinking of important decisions Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church may make in 2023—For example, the calling of a Youth Pastor. I was also thinking of certain decisions I will make. I quickly realized that both I and the church need wisdom as we make those decisions. Think of various ways people make decisions:
….Quickly, with little thought
….Following fleshly desires
….Following a “hunch”
….Guessing at the best answer
….Making an “educated” guess
Actually, none of these are satisfactory ways to arrive at very important decisions. We need wisdom. More than ordinary wisdom, we must have Godly wisdom. Fortunately, the Bible clearly explains to us that Godly wisdom is available to all Believers. Consider these verses [ James 1:5, 6a ] “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally ,and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering…”. Is that not a simple, yet profound promise? We go to our Heavenly Father, we ask in faith for wisdom, and He will give it to us. He gives it liberally, and is not upset that we asked [“upbraideth not”]
Proverbs [3:5-7a ] gives us the same revelation. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not on thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord…”.
If we simply believe that the Lord is smarter than we are, and that He knows the best path to take, and if we ask for that path and follow it, we will be blessed.. It cannot get much clearer than that. Too many times I have tried my own way and when it failed, I then turned to the Lord. It is so much wiser to turn to the Lord first. My goal for 2023 is to seek the Lord first. Is that your goal? Is that the goal of our church?
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- $ 2010– Updated total for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions –Thank you
Jesus is the only One worthy of our worship
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Jan 1st
One day last week, Pamela and I were preparing for one of her doctor appointments. The doorbell rang. It was precious Christian friend that we have known about 40 years. She had a gift for Pamela, and a plate of cookies and other “goodies” for both of us. What was unique about that visit? Four days before she came to see us, this lovely lady had buried the husband to whom she had been married for 60 years or so. No one would have faulted her if she had sat at home in the dark and felt sorry for herself. Instead, she was out with a smile on her face, ministering to others. She also shared with me some of the special ways the Lord was using her husband’s clothes to bless the needy.
Caring for others is a mark of true Christianity. Many years ago, I heard about a dream someone had of Heaven and Hell. Their dream was strange, odd, even weird, but it does make the point I want to share about Christian love. This person dreamed that the inhabitants of Hell were sitting around a table loaded with all types of delicious food. But they had a problem. Long forks were permanently attached to their hands. They could get food on the fork, but could not bend their elbows enough to get the food into their mouths. As a result, they were perpetually hungry, frustrated, and angry. Indeed, they were in torment.
The scene in Heaven was similar. There was a table covered with wonderful food. The Christians also had the long, permanently attached forks. However, those in Heaven were happily enjoying the delicious meal as they laughed and fellowshipped. What made the difference? The Christians had paired up, and were joyfully feeding each other. As they helped one another, they themselves were blessed.
Simple truth—- Selfishness always ends with trouble and misery. Others first, unselfishness, leads to ministry, caring, and love.
One of the outstanding characteristics of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church is the way you genuinely love one another. None of us is perfect, but time-after-time, I have watched as you went out of your way to help a fellow church member. It is obvious that you have a genuine, Christ-like love for your fellow members. Thank you for letting the love of Jesus be seen in you.
Pamela and I thank you for the many ways you have demonstrated your love for us during this Christmas Season. Thank you for kind words, cards, gifts, the generous Love Offering, and loving thoughts. We also thank you for your prayers as we go through this difficult time in our lives. Please know that we love you in return.
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. You can also hear the service on our website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- $ 1010- is the latest total for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions
Sunday, January 1, 2023 — Let’s start the year worshiping our Lord in His House. Looking to see you!
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church