We believe the scripture of the Old and New Testaments to be the inspired Word of God. This is the word that we live by to rule our faith and practice. Our mission is to seek and minister to the lost, presenting to them the gospel that they may know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. We assemble together to be led by the Holy Spirit in our worship.  We believe in promoting spiritual growth among new believers & maturing Christians and to encourage one another in Christian love. 


Sunday School begins at 9:00 AM followed by Worship Service at 10:00 AM. We also provide Children’s Worship Service every Sunday during our ten o’clock worship hour. Wednesday night services are held at 6:30 PM. Please see the Weekly Schedule or Upcoming Events section for more information. We would love for you to come worship with us in the Lord’s house.

God Bless You!


Sunday, Oct 20th

9:00 am: Sunday School
10:00 am: Sunday Worship Service
Quarterly Conference

5:00-7:00 pm: Youth Meeting w/ Supper
5:30-6:30 pm: Adult Discipleship Training

Listen live in your car on 99.1 FM

Wednesday, Oct 23th

6:30 pm: Adult Bible Study
7:30 pm: Choir Practice

Next Sunday, Oct 27th

9:00 am: Sunday School
10:00 am: Sunday Worship Service

Listen live in your car on 99.1 FM

Newsletter Oct 20th


We welcome Margie Lowder into our church fellowship. She comes by transfer of her church letter. Pray for her as she joins us in serving Jesus at Barbee’s Grove.


Many of you know that a few weeks ago I went to Siler City, NC in order to participate in the celebration of Brush Creek Baptist Church’s 200th anniversary. Brush Creek was actually organized in 1824, but folks had been meeting in a little log building for at least 10 years before then. It’s hard to realize, but Brush Creek came into existence not many years after the United States became a nation.

Brush Creek was my first Pastorate. Pamela and I were newlyweds. What I knew about being a Pastor you could put in a thimble. In spite of that, the church loved us and blessed us. The church celebrated its 150th anniversary while I was the Pastor. It was an honor to be able to preach for the 200th celebration.

Brush Creek is a rural church like Barbee’s Grove. 200 years old and still vibrant, alive, and reaching people for Jesus. Very few churches last 200 years. As I contemplate that lengthy existence, I try to imagine why God has so abundantly blessed. As with most churches, Pastoral leadership has varied. There have been good Pastors, average Pastors, poor Pastors, and one or two that should have been selling used cars!!! The strength of Brush Creek has always been that there was a core group of committed, faithful Believers. Some were leaders, some were followers, but all were faithful. As I mingled with the congregation, I renewed friendships with some that had faithfully served for over 60 years. They followed in the footsteps of their parents who also served 60 years or more. Some of those families trace their ancestors in the church back to Civil War days. Year-after-year, good times and bad times, good Pastors and not-so-good Pastors, they stayed faithful to Jesus and to His Church in that community.

Some folks “come and go”. They can seldom be counted on to contribute much to the life of the church. Every church that survives and prospers depends upon that committed core group of the faithful. From time-to-time I ponder over some New Testament facts. In 1 Corinthians 15:6 Paul tells us that Jesus [in His resurrected body] showed Himself to over 500 people in the same gathering. That many people knew Jesus was the Living Lord and Messiah. Yet, on the Day of Pentecost, there were only about 120 Believers gathered in that Upper Room. [Acts 1:15]. But God rained down the Holy Spirit upon that 120, that core group, and birthed and empowered His Church. God always uses those who are faithful.

No matter what church you attend, may you be one who is faithful, committed, sold out to Jesus. May your church endure with a powerful witness till Jesus returns.


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. Quarterly Church Conference–October 20
  5. October 20
    Children and Youth  5=7 pm
    Adult Church Training  5:30-6:30 pm
  6. Disaster Relief Offering for areas damaged by hurricanes—$ 2090 given last week. Add $ 800 from previous week. Total $2890. AWESOME-THANK YOU

Faithful-Committed–Honoring Jesus

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church 


Pastor’s Appreciation Month

October is Pastor Appreciation Month! We are so thankful for Pastor Ed and his service to Barbee’s Grove. Please take some time to personally let Pastor Ed how much you appreciate him! We will take up a Love Offering for Pastor Ed on Sunday October 27th.

NC Home Missions – Hurricane Helene Help

If you are able, volunteer to join a reputable group [like the NC Baptist on Mission] and go to the mountains to help with recovery efforts.

Make donations of money and supplies. PLEASE, only give to organizations that are legitimate and will use the money for its intended purposes. There are always scammers who want to steal from good hearted folks. It happened after the flood 20 years ago.

You can always make a check out to Barbee’s Grove and designate it NC BAPTIST ON MISSION DISASTER RELIEF. Brenda will be more than happy to pass on your gifts to a place where they will be used wisely.

Adult Choir Practice

Choir Practice will now be held on Wednesday Evenings, 2nd and 4th, right after Bible Study. Our next practices will be October 9th and 23rd at 7:30 pm.

BGBC Youth Nights Schedule/ Church Wide Discipleship Training

The dates for our September Youth nights are as follows:  Sunday October 13th and 20th from 5-7pm.  Please encourage your youth to come; and parents/grandparents please stay for Discipleship Training at 5:30pm. All from teenagers to senior adults are encouraged to attend. 

Deacon Family Ministry List

Please pick up  your copy of the list from the table at the front of the church.

Quarterly Church Conference/Proposed Budget 2025

The church will hold the Quarterly Church Conference on October 20th.  The upcoming proposed budget for 2025 will be voted on during this conference.  We will also vote on 2 new Stewardship Committee Members.


(704) 485-4210

24819  Barbee’s Grove Road
PO Box 679
Oakboro, NC 28129

Do you have a prayer requests that you would like to share?  If so, please contact our church office at bulletin@barbeesgrove.com

We want to know what you think about our web site, our church, and what we have to offer. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments at webmaster@barbeesgrove.com