Newsletter Archive 2021

Newsletter December 26th


What are the Christmas traditions in your family?

Baking cookies with Grandma?
Ripping open packages at the crack of dawn?
Re-gifting that hideous sweater to another family member, year-after-year?
Big family meals?
A quiet family time?

How does the story of Jesus fit in your celebration? Do your children and grandchildren realize that Jesus is “The reason for the season”?

When Pamela and I were dating, we always tried to find a Christmas Eve Candlelight Service to attend. Later, after our kids were born, we would sit down on Christmas Eve as a family. She, or I, would read the stories of the birth of Jesus from the Bible.We tried to make sure that Stephen and Sarah were aware of who Jesus was, and why He came. Often, on Christmas morning we would have a cake, or at least a cupcake, with a birthday candle. We would sing “Happy Birthday” to Jesus.

Your traditions are your own. Make them special. The more we honor Jesus, the more joy there will be in our Christmas celebration.


What a wonderful time of worship, celebration, and fellowship we had at our Christmas Program and meal this past Sunday night. The feeling of joy and love in the building was so precious. Every testimony and song was different. Each one was a blessing. Thank you for sharing and opening your hearts to your fellow church members. There was laughter, smiles, and maybe a few tears, as we worshiped together. Thank you to everyone who attended, those who shared in testimony or song, and those who prepared food. If you went away hungry,either spiritually or physically, it was by your own choice.

Thank you also for the generous way you are giving to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. We have reached a total of $ 3008. As we add to that total this next Sunday, we know that we are pleasing our Lord. After all, Jesus is the One who told us to take the Gospel to the “uttermost parts of the earth”.

Additional Thoughts

  1. 9:00 am–All Adult Sunday School classes meet in the Sanctuary. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm.
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall

We pray that you have a blessed, Christ-centered, Merry Christmas

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter December 19th


The other day, I saw a little girl in the toy section of a local store. It was obvious from the way she kept pointing, that she wanted one of almost everything on the shelves. That took me back to those days of so long ago. Daily, between Thanksgiving and Christmas, we thumbed through the Sears and Roebuck Catalog. We looked at all the wonderful things that were available. It was agonizing to know that we would not get most of those things we desired, and might not get any of them. It was all about our desires.

It is a strange concept to most people, but the Bible quotes Jesus as saying, “It is more blessed to give than to receive”. [Acts 20:35] It may be strange, but it is true. I have been thinking of Leonard’s suggestion that we share some of our most memorable Christmases. As I think of mine, they involve giving, not receiving. May I share some with you?

  1. Pamela and I were on our way to a Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. In a fumbling, bumbling, stumbling way, I offered her a small diamond engagement ring. I.definitely was not suave, or “cool”, but she graciously accepted the ring and agreed to marry me. Over 50 years later she is still a blessing, the joy and delight of my life.
  2. One Christmas morning many years later we had Pamela close her eyes. Stephen, our teenage son, and I, brought in a reproduction antique pie safe that I had bought in Oakboro. When Pamela opened her eyes and saw it, the look on her face was priceless.
  3. One Christmas, early in our marriage, we barely had enough money to buy presents for each other. But we knew a Mother who had three small children and had been abandoned by her husband. Those children faced a bleak Christmas. We scraped together a few dollars to buy presents for those kids. It is a memory that still brings us happiness and joy.

It is “more blessed to give than to receive”. John 3:16 tells us that “God so loved that He gave His Son, Jesus”. What blessing did God receive from that gift? I am glad you asked. God is blessed with a loving family of saved, born again, Believers who will live with Him in Heaven forever. It will be a glorious place and time of eternal fellowship, thanksgiving, worship and praise.

Aren’t you glad you are a part of the Family of God? Even now, at this Christmas season, let’s honor the Lord with our worship, our living, and our giving.


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm
  4. Called Church Conference –December 19–Purpose is to elect Stewardship Committee members and Sunday School Secretaries
  5. December 26 all Adults will meet in the Sanctuary for Sunday School
  6. $ 1623 is the new Lottie Moon Christmas Offering total. Thank you for caring about the unsaved around the world
  7. Thank you to all the volunteers. You emptied the Fellowship Hall so that the floors could be cleaned. Afterwards, you returned all the furniture to its proper place. You bought, sold, made slaw, made sauce, cooked, and prepared the Boston Butts for delivery. Many helping hands got it all done. THANKS
  8. 6:00 pm on December 19 is our Christmas Program. Carols, solos, testimonies, children’s presentations and other sharing. A fellowship meal will follow the service. Bring desserts, finger foods, or your favorite crock pot dish. Please join your church family as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Let us all be a blessing this Christmas

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter December 12th


Let me ask you a strange question. Which are you

Artificial ?

Cut ?

Planted ?

Now, let’s explore possible answers. At our house we have a number of artificial flowers. Pamela rotates them by season. They are beautiful, but lifeless, and do not reproduce themselves. Then, from time-to-time, usually on our anniversary or Pamela’s birthday, I like to buy a dozen fresh cut roses. They are a gorgeous living plant. We keep them watered, but because they are cut off from their roots they soon droop, fade, and die. We also have plants that are firmly rooted in the ground. Because they are always receiving nourishment from the soil, they bloom at the proper season, year-after-year.

Some folks are like those artificial plants. They portray themselves as Christians. They may look somewhat like a Christian. Perhaps someone told them that if they were baptized as an infant, or took a membership class, or joined a church, that made them a Christian. However, they have never had a “born again” experience with Jesus Christ and made Him their Lord and Savior. Their faith is artificial, lifeless, and non-productive.

Others are like those cut flowers. At one time they were beautiful, fresh, alive. However, over a period of time they have allowed themselves to be cut off from Jesus, the Source of life. As a result, their walk with the Lord and their positive influence on the world, fades away.

Finally, there are those deeply rooted Believers. They are firmly grounded in Jesus. They constantly receive fresh nourishment, insight, and power from the Lord. Their lives bloom and show forth the beauty of Jesus in all seasons. Jesus described such people in John 15:5

“I am the Vine. Ye are the branches. He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit; for apart from Me, ye can do nothing”.

Believers who are making a difference in the world today are those who continually abide in Jesus, the Vine, and allow Him to bear fruit through them.


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm
  4. Called Church Conference -December 19-Purpose is to elect Stewardship Committee members and Sunday School Secretaries
  5. December 26 all adults will meet in the Sanctuary for Sunday School
  6. 6:00 pm on December 19 we will be having our Christmas Program. Carols, solos, testimonies, children’s presentations, and other sharing. After the service we will have a fellowship meal. Bring desserts, finger foods, or your favorite crock pot dish.
  7. Wonderful Giving update
    • $ 1225-New total for the Baptist Children’s Homes
    • $ 1220- Lottie moon Christmas Offering total to date. We will be giving this offering through the month of December. Folks around the world will hear of Jesus because you give
  8. Remember to get your Christmas cards for your church family to the church by December 15. Place the money you would have spent for stamps in the Lottie Moon Offering

The same Jesus who came to earth about 2000 years ago will soon return. Let us all be ready to greet Him!

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter December 5th


I jokingly say that by now almost everyone east of the Mississippi River knows that Pamela has a new “puppy dog”. If Heidi is like our last two dogs, she will often give me Newsletter material. Such is the case this week. In our kitchen, we have one of those wire dog crates. Pamela put a nice soft blanket in there for Heidi’s comfort. The door stands open so that Heidi can come and go at her choice.

While I was eating breakfast one morning last week, I heard Heidi grunting. I looked and saw that a corner of that blanket had come through one of the small openings in the crate. She had pulled about six inches of the blanket through that hole. The remainder of the blanket was bunched up and would never come through that little hole. Heidi pulled, tugged, growled, and worked ever so hard. She made no progress and was becoming frustrated. She did not have the reasoning skills to understand and fix the problem. In a few minutes, I took pity on her. I pulled the blanket back through the hole and placed it in the open door. Heidi jerked it out of the crate and was soon happily rolling around on it.

Immediately, I saw a parallel with us. So many times we see something we want, or need, or desire to accomplish. We grab hold and get to work. We struggle, strain, do our best. Frustration comes when nothing seems to be happening.

I stepped in and did for Heidi what she could not do for herself. Sometimes, out of His sheer grace and mercy, our wise, loving, Heavenly Father, steps in and does the same for us. Be very thankful when that happens. At other times, our Lord is ready and willing to help. However, He is waiting patiently for us to seek His help. Remember these verses from the Book of James:

“Ye have not because ye ask not” [4:2]

“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him”. [1:5]

Life is always more joyful and less frustrating when we learn to rely upon the superior wisdom of our Lord. My desire is to grow in this grace. I pray that it is also your desire.


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
  2. 2  Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm
  4. 4.Thank you for your excellent and generous giving
    • 56– Number of Samaritan’s Purse Shoeboxes
    • $ 1175– Amount given for the NC Baptist Children’s Homes Thanksgiving Offering
    • $ 250–Amount given for West Stanly Christian Ministries Day of Giving
  5. This is your last notice to order your Boston Butts and slaw from the Baptist Men. Pick up day is December 11 from 9:00 am to 12:00 at the church. Boston Butts are $ 40. Slaw is $ 4 per pint and $ 15 per gallon. See one of the Baptist Men to order
  6. December is the month that we give our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. There are lost souls who need Jesus. We know you will give generously so that they can hear the good news of our Savior.
  7. Remember that you can prepare Christmas cards for your church family and have them placed in each family’s box at the church. Place the money you would have spent for stamps in the Lottie Moon Offering. Get your cards to the church by December 15
  8. Called Church Conference on December 5. Purpose is to approve a Church Budget for 2022
  9. Special Christmas Program is Sunday evening on December 19. A Fellowship Meal will follow the service.

Celebrate Jesus our coming King

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter November 28th


It is not my favorite thing to do, but I have learned to drive up to a post with some holes cut into it. When a voice says, “May I take your order, please?” I tell that voice what I want. I drive to a window and place money in a hand sticking out that window. I drive to a second window and a hand offers me my bag of food. I drive away and eat all by my lonesome self. Of course, sometimes when I order, the voice in the post says, “We are out of that today”, or “That machine is broken”. Then I drive off disappointed.

Much more enjoyable is when I sit at a loaded Dining Room table, surrounded by precious family and dear friends. We share jokes, teasing, stories, laughter, and maybe even a tear or two. Faces beam with the glow of happiness and love. Even if all my favorite foods are not on the table, there is such an abundance of good things that I never leave disappointed.

For far too many folks, prayer is like that first illustration. They feel like they are talking to an impersonal God. They can’t see Him but they know He is there somewhere. Sometimes they receive  what they request, but often they leave the Prayer Closet disappointed. It is no wonder that prayer becomes a chore and is often neglected.

For others, prayer is like the second picture. There is joy, happiness, and sweet fellowship. The loving Heavenly Father who sits at the head of the table is wonderful to know. His personal presence brings a glow to the prayer experience. At His table there is such an abundance of blessing that you never leave disappointed. You are looking for something, but don’t see it. Suddenly, you are offered something that is far better. Then you realize that your Heavenly Father has prepared this table of blessing just for you. When this is your experience, prayer becomes a thrill. You leave the table, but immediately want to run back for another time of fellowship.

I encourage you, precious Friends, grow so much spiritually that you find yourself often in the Father’s presence. Dine at His loaded table. You will look back on those earlier days of speaking to a garbled voice in a post and rejoice that those days have passed away.


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm. We will meet in the Sanctuary this week
  4. This is our last week to give to the NC Baptist Children’s Homes Thanksgiving Offering. $ 705 has been given thus far. Your gifts bless children who are looking to us for food, clothing, shelter, Jesus, and love. Thank you for giving.
  5. A Day of Giving—West Stanly Christian Ministries–December 11. Toys with a minimum value of $25 or money to buy toys are needed. These toys go to kids in our own community. See Lionel Hahn if you have questions, $ 150 has been given to date.
  6. The Baptist Men are having a Boston Butt and slaw sale December 11. Pick up at the church from 9:00 am to 12:00. Boston Butts are $40 and slaw is $4 per pint or 15 p gallon. See one of our Baptist Men to order the items you need.
  7. This week we have several families that we need to support with our prayers as they experience the loss of loved ones:
    • Mrs. Pat Burgess in the death of her Sister, Mrs. Helen Gaddy
    • Steve and Gail Perkins in the death of Steve’s Mother, Mrs. Beatrice Mason
    • Anna and Angela Frick in the death of their Grandfather, Mr. James Howell

To each of you, and to your families, we send our love and sympathy as your Brothers and Sisters in Christ

Let us bless the Name of Jesus! Let us serve Him with gladness!

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter November 21th


Despite our moaning, groaning, and complaining, most of us have many reasons to be thankful this week. Consider this—thousands of people, from many different countries, are hiking across Mexico. They are headed to the United States border. Their hope is that legally, or illegally, they can slip into our country.

What is the Big Deal?

These folks realize that life here is so much better than where they were born. Our worst meal of the week is better than their best meal. In fact, many of them would be thrilled to have the food we threw in our garbage this week. The most decrepit housing in America is probably better than where they lived. I came home from mission trips to Brazil and to Honduras with the realization that the pigs on my Dad’s farm had warmer, drier, safer, places to live than the huts many natives had.

Let’s be Thankful for our food and our homes!

Most of you reading this have heard about Jesus and know Him as your personal Lord and Savior. Even at this moment, your home in Heaven is assured and is being built. Billions have never heard of Jesus and are lost, on their way to an eternal separation from Almighty God.

Let’s be Thankful that we live where Jesus is known and preached! Let’s be Thankful for our salvation.

I am also Thankful to be a part of the Family of God. Christian friends from all over the world bless our lives regularly. At birthdays, anniversaries, and many other times throughout the year, Pamela and I receive calls, texts, emails, cards, and Facebook posts, that remind us of how much we are lovingly connected to the Body of Christ. Some of these we see regularly, some just once-in-a-while. Some we may not see again until we get to Heaven. I am so Thankful for these precious friends. You folks at Barbee’s Grove are a significant part of those special friends.

Let’s be Thankful for our Brothers and Sisters in the Lord.

There is much wrong in our world, but we still have many reasons to be thankful. With hearts full of joy, love, and gratitude, let’s approach our Lord Jesus with Thankful praise this week!!!


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Bible Study and Prayer is canceled this Wednesday in order that you have time to prepare for Thanksgiving
  4. Thank you for continuing to give to the NC Baptist Children’s Homes Thanksgiving Offering. You are blessing needy children with your gifts.
  5. The Baptist Men are having a Boston Butt and slaw sale on December 11. See one of the Baptist Men to order the items you need.
  6. A Day of Giving—-West Stanly Christian Ministry-December 11. Toys with a minimum value of $25, or money to buy toys, are needed. See Lionel Hahn if you have questions. These toys go to needy children in our own community.

We are blessed to be a blessing!

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church.

Newsletter November 14th


Sitting along one of the walls in our living room is a green plant that was given to Pamela’s family when her Mom passed away. I was told it was a Peace Lily. [I would not know!!] From time-to -time, we look at that plant and notice that the branches are drooping and the leaves are curling. Immediately, we pour some water on the plant. Amazingly, in a few hours that plant looks refreshed, strong, almost as good as on the day of Helen’s funeral.

That plant reminds me of our walk with Christ, our lives as Believers in Jesus. We can be strong, vibrant, shiny, with the life of Jesus: OR, we can be wilted, droopy, a poor witness to the world of our faith in our Lord. It all depends upon how much we drink of the Water of Life, which is Jesus. Have you ever considered how often the Bible talks about the spiritual water that refreshes our souls?

Jesus told the woman at the well in Samaria, “But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst: but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life”. [John 4:14]

Isaiah offered this invitation, “Ho, everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters…”. [Isaiah 55:1]

Jesus said on another occasion, “If any man thirst, let him come to me and drink”. [John 7:37]

The Bible ends with a similar offer, “And the Spirit and the Bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely”. [Revelation 22:17]

We come to Jesus and receive the water of life, salvation. That salvation becomes a permanent refreshment to our lives. However, we often need a fresh drink. It is not that we get saved all over again. Instead, it is a fresh drink of God’s presence. I am so glad that when the world and the devil have turned up the heat and I begin to feel “droopy” as a Christian, that I can spend time in God’s Word, fellowshipping with Jesus, and suddenly I can be refreshed spiritually.

Fellow Believer, how are you today? Are you well-watered, shiny, and vibrant: or are you dry, droopy, and sagging? The amount of quality time you spend with your LORD will make the determination!!.


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Bible Study and Prayer is Wednesday at 6:30 pm. [No service on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving –November24]
  4. You may give your special love offering to the NC Baptist Children’s Homes any time during the month of November. It is always a joy to care for hurting children and to bring healing, salvation, and happiness into their lives.
  5. The Baptist Men will be having a Boston Butt and slaw sale on December 11. See one of the men to place your orders.
  6. Watching those filled Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Boxes pile up on the platform is a thrill. Remember they are due this Sunday, November 14.

No ministry for the Lord goes unnoticed  or unrewarded.

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter November 7th


The pride and arrogance of man is both foolish and sad. I recently saw a headline for a news article that went something like this: THE FATE OF THE PLANET WILL BE DECIDED AT GLASGOW. Evidently, the author believed that the climate summit at Glasgow would determine the fate of the earth.  Men and women would vote on such things as carbon emissions, climate change, and global warming, and everything would be different. Mankind would save the world!!

Friends, long before there were automobiles, fuel burning manufacturing plants, and other fossil fuel users, this planet has had Ice Ages and periods of warming. There have always been storms, floods, and earthquakes. Man may make it better or worse, but climate change is a part of world history.

It is sad, and laughable, that man thinks the fate of the world is in his hands. The real, eternal fate of this world will be decided in the Throne Room of Heaven. Almighty God, the One who created this world, and the One who sustains it, sits upon His Throne. He, and He alone, will decide the fate of the earth. In fact, throughout God’s Word, the Bible, we read comments concerning the ultimate end of all things. God has not given us the exact date and hour, but we know this world will be dissolved, and that there will be a new Heaven and a new earth. [2 Peter 3:10–2 Peter 3:13–Revelation 21:1] Psalm 2 tells us that God sits in Heaven and laughs when puny man thinks he overrules the Lord.

I do not fret global warming, or any of the other crises the media is always proclaiming. Almost 70 years ago I put my trust in Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. I am safe, secure, held lovingly in His hands. He can determine the fate of this planet when, and how, He pleases. I will be in glory with my Lord.

Today, are you “wringing your hands’, troubled over the fate of the planet? Are you trusting man to save the earth? OR, are you resting safely and securely in the arms of Jesus?. Make sure today that your trust is in Jesus. He is Lord. He is in control!!!


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm
  4. Thank you for preparing so many Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Boxes. Please have them at the church by Sunday, November 14
  5. The Baptist Men will be having a Boston Butt and slaw sale on December 11. See one of the men to place your orders
  6. During November we will be giving our annual Thanksgiving Offering for the Baptist Children’s Homes.
  7. Thank you for all the ways you have expressed your appreciation to Pamela and to me during the month of October. We received gifts [with the donor’s names, and anonymously], a wonderful love offering, cards, and so very many kind words. Indeed, you express your love for us throughout the year, not just in October. Thank you. We love each of you, and we love serving the Lord alongside of you at Barbee’s Grove.
  8. Remember, this Sunday, November 7 is the time to set your clocks back to Eastern Standard Time
  9. We note with sadness, the death of Mr. Charles Hatley. He was a good man who will be missed by his family, his friends, and our church. Please keep his wife, Jewell, and all the other members of the family in your prayers as they go through this difficult time.

Keep your hands to the plow and look for Jesus at the end of the row!

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter October 31th


 I resigned as Pastor of Prospect and became a Pastor in the North Carolina mountains. After that, I had a sojourn in the foreign land of Oklahoma. In all, I was gone from Stanly County for over 20 years. When I moved back here, two things quickly stood out: 1] Many churches that once were strong and healthy were now sickly, nigh unto death; and 2] New churches, many vibrant and alive, had been established. WHY?

Churches are started for several reasons:

  1.   Someone recognizes an unreached part of the community and begins to minister to those people.
  2.   Spite. Remember the playground threat, “If you won’t let me pitch, I’ll take my bat and ball and go home”? Sometimes a group realizes that no one will allow them to dictate the way their church is run. They get angry and in a sense, “take their Bible and hymnbook” and start their own church. Usually, those “spite” churches never become healthy and do not last long.
  3.  A group of Christians is “on fire”, in love with Jesus, and eager to worship and serve Him. Sadly, they realize that their current church is “stuck-in-a-rut”, satisfied with the status-quo, and has no vision [see last week’s Newsletter]. These people leave their old church to start a new one that is alive, excited about worship and service. They leave with a vision of being a New Testament church. They leave, not angry, but with broken hearts. They realize that their old church is doomed by its spiritual deadness.

Since the Barbee’s Grove Pastor is not too long-winded, I am usually driving by other churches by 11:30 am on Sundays. I see new churches with overflowing parking lots. I see older churches with just a few vehicles.

I do not know the condition of every church in the area. However, I can think of only two older Baptist churches in the Albemarle area that are really flourishing compared to 20 years ago. It is not a matter of saying, “We need to grow, we want to grow, we need to change”. Saying it does not make it happen. Those two churches had a vision, still have a vision, and are continuing to take the positive steps to make those visions a reality.

What about Barbee’s Grove? The answer lies in the heads, the hearts, and the hands of the 50-60 really Active members. Will you personally vote for life?


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm
  4. Thank you for the socks, tee shirts, and other items that you donated for the needy students in the Stanly County School system
  5. Thank you for your enthusiasm in filling those Samaritan”s purse Shoe Boxes. Your generosity will be a blessing to children in hurting places in our world. Boxes are due by Sunday, November 14. The church will pay for the shipping
  6. Communion is Sunday, October 31
  7. Masks are optional at all services

Jesus loves YOU so very much!!!

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter October 24th


 Every time I read anywhere in the book of Proverbs, I am reminded once again of how wise our God is. Even though Proverbs was written 3000 years ago, verse after verse gives us wise guidance, instruction, and warning. Written so long ago, yet still speaking to us today. This week I have been meditating upon Proverbs 29:18, “Where there is no vision, the people perish”.

How true that verse really is. In ordinary, everyday life, vision led men and women to build giant corporations, create helpful inventions, and grow mighty nations. They dreamed, planned, worked, and those dreams became reality.

It is the same spiritually:

Moses had a vision of leading his people to freedom.

The Israelites had a vision of a land flowing “with milk and honey”.

David had a vision of a beautiful Temple as a place to worship God.

Paul had a vision of taking the Gospel to regions where Jesus was unknown.

Jesus left Heaven and came to earth and the cross with a vision of saving lost mankind.

But what about you? What is your God-given vision for yourself and for Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church? Let’s assume that 5 years from now, Jesus has not returned, and that you are still alive. How do you envision your personal walk with the Lord? How do you plan to be serving Him? What do you see happening at Barbee’s Grove? Will we be larger, stronger, on fire for Jesus, or just a memory in this community?

Some folks exercise on a treadmill. There is much activity, effort, and perspiration. However in the end, they get off where they got on. To actually get to a destination, a person needs to run from Point A to Point B. It is not a matter of the effort expended, it is a matter of heading toward a goal. What is your God-given goal for 5 years from now?

As Proverbs tells us, if we have no God-given vision as individuals, or as a church, we will perish. That is a simple, but indisputable truth. How long has it been since you got alone with your Lord, and asked Him to reveal to you His vision for you personally, and for your church?


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10, and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm
  4. Quarterly Church Conference is this Sunday [October 24] after Morning Worship
  5. The Lord’s Supper will be October 31 during Morning Worship
  6. Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Boxes are at the church. Instructions for items you can place in the boxes are also there. The church will pay for shipping, so there is no need to place money with your box. These will be due November 14. Over half the boxes were taken last week. However, more are available
  7. Masks are recommended, but optional at all services

Let’s keep our eyes on Jesus and seek opportunities to minister to others.

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter October 17th


Did you ever look at a certain person and say, “They succeeded because they had an unfair advantage”? Perhaps they were born with a natural beauty. Maybe they were born into a rich family. It could have been that they came out of college and immediately got the prestigious, high paying job you wanted. After all, their Daddy owned the company. At one time or another, most of us have said, “It just isn’t fair”.

Did you realize that you, as a true believer in Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, have an unfair advantage over every non-believing person on the world?
Pastor, are you serious? Yes, I am serious. Consider two of many such verses: “The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, dwells in you”. [Romans 8:11 paraphrased] “Christ in you, the hope of glory”.  [Colossians 1:27]

Friend, if you are truly “born again”, the Bible says that you are a living, breathing, walking around, container of Almighty God. He lives in you. Think of the advantage that truth gives you in every area of your life!

God in you is wisdom

God in you is power

God in you is love

God in you is righteousness

God in you is protection

God in you is overcoming victory

No matter what the situation, you have resources no non-believer has. No wonder Paul could write, “We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us”. [Romans 8:37] Consider also, “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God, to the pulling down of strongholds”. [2 Corinthians 10:4]

Please do not let the devil convince you that you are a poor, powerless, worm in the dust. Recognize the truth that Almighty God lives in you. Lift up your head. Live like an overcoming Champion! Use your “unfair advantage” to defeat the devil. Use it as you love others. Use it as you live your daily life.

The devil ought to hate to see you get out of bed each morning. Why? Because he knows that you know who you are in Christ. Also, because he knows that he has no power against you when you resist him in Jesus’ Name, and that the Jesus in you is going to make you, “prosper, and be in health, even as your soul prospers”. [3 John 2]


  1. Sunday School at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM.
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm.
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm.
  4. October 17—Bring the Tee shirts, socks, underwear, and other items you are donating to help needy kids in the Stanly County School System.
  5. Samaritan’s Purse shoe boxes are at the church. Instructions naming items that you can place in your box are there also. There is no need to place money in the box. The church has agreed to pay shipping cost. These will be due November 14.
  6. Masks are recommended, but optional at all services.
  7. Thanks to every person who helped make the Ronnie Lowder Benefit a success
  8. Study our Prayer List. We have many in the Church family who are battling serious illnesses and need our prayers.
  9. It is with great sadness that we note the death of former Pastor, Rev. Terry Burris. His preaching, singing, and most of all, his friendship, will be missed. He left us far too soon. Continue to remember his family in your prayers.

Stay close to Jesus!

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter October 10th


It has been about a year, can I have your permission to get back up on my soapbox?

Last week, there was a lot of hand wringing and anguish in the news. Those the world calls, “important people”, were lamenting the fact that the media was reporting that Covid deaths in the USA were now at 700,000. {Personally, I think the actual number of Covid deaths is a lot lower. However, I will leave that discussion to another time and place.} I understand that there  is a display of white flags on the National Mall in Washington, DC, representing each of those 700,000 deaths. It must be an impressive memorial.

Think with me for a moment. When Covid first hit the nation, a few individuals attended “Covid Catching Parties”. However, most of those who have had the disease did not want it. Many do not know who gave it to them, nor when or where it happened. It was an accident. It was not their choice to be sick, or to die. No matter what the actual number of deaths is, every death is sad, tragic, and leaves behind broken hearts. We, as fellow Americans, share their grief.

In the meantime, every week in America, 17,000 babies are aborted [murdered]. That means approximately 900,000 babies died last year. Notice, that number is far higher than the reported number of Covid deaths for an 18 month period.

These babies died, not because they accidentally contracted some virus, but by deliberate choice. It was a choice by medical practitioners, nurses, and clinical staff where those babies were killed. It was a choice by mothers who decided that their innocent child should be put to death. Again I say, it was not an accident. It was a deliberate choice. Sad-to-say, a majority of those mothers claimed to be Christians. Do we really think a Loving, Holy, God approves of such a travesty?

Where is the hand wringing and anguish by national figures over these deaths> Where is the Memorial on the National Mall acknowledging the deaths of these precious children?

Friends, from my soapbox I proclaim:

  1. We need to pray.
  2. We need to take a stand opposed to innocent deaths.
  3. We need to vote for the proper people to be elected to office.
  4. We need to offer wise, loving, Godly, counsel to those considering abortion.
  5. We need to continue to support our local Pregnancy Crisis Resource Center, the Love Life Organization, and other such ministries.



  1.  Sunday School at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 PM.
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm
  4. A last minute additional donation to the NC Missions Offering brings our total to $2360. Fantastic-Thanks
  5. Remember to begin planning to fill your Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Boxes. They will be due the Second Sunday of November
  6. October 10 and 17 are the days to bring: Underwear, Tee shirts, Socks, and personal hygiene items to benefit kids in the Stanly County School System. Clothing for all ages and sizes, and for boys and girls, are needed.

God still Reigns!!!!

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter October 3rd


Let us begin this week by looking at parts of some verses in Genesis:

12:7 “And the Lord appeared to Abram’ and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land; and there builded he an altar unto the Lord who appeared to him.”

12:8 “And he removed from thence…..and there built an altar unto the Lord and called upon the Name of the Lord.”

13:4 “Unto the place of the altar which he had made there at first; and Abram called on the Name of the Lord.”

13:18 “…and dwelt in the plain of Mamre….and built an altar unto the Lord.”

18:19 “For I know him, that he shall command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment…”.

Abram [Abraham] came to the land of Canaan. God promises to give that land to him and to his descendants forever. Notice, as Abraham surveys the land, he moves his tent from place-to-place. At each site, he builds an altar and worships the Lord. No matter where he settled, God was at the center of his thoughts and actions. Think of what a powerful witness that was to his family, to his servants, and to the heathen people who lived in the area. Eventually, God comments, “I know Abraham will pass his relationship with Me to his family and to future generations.”

Blessed is the family that has God-centered parents as leaders of the home. When children observe Dad and Mom reading their Bibles and praying, these kids are led in the right direction. When kids see parents making church attendance a priority, they learn that worship is important. As kids watch parents put their faith in Jesus into action in their daily lives, those kids learn that Jesus is real.

Abraham was human. The Bible record tells us that he “messed up” a few times. But Abraham was a “man of faith”. He followed the Lord. He worshiped the Lord. He believed the Lord. He set a positive example for his family. Approximately 3700 years after his death, we still honor his walk with God.

May you and I be such strong people of faith, such committed followers of Jesus, that we will be positive witnesses to our families, friends, and to others who observe our lives. AMEN–LET IT BE SO.


  1. Sunday School at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99,1 FM
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm.
  3. Prayer and Bible Study on Wednesday at 6:30 pm
  4. Called Church Conference-Sunday, October 3. Purpose is to elect members of the Building and Grounds Committee, and for a consideration of a proposal to do cleaning work in our Kitchen and Fellowship Hall.
  5. Masks are recommended—but optional
  6. Wonderful Giving
    • $1360–Final total for the NC Missions Offering
    • 280–Afghani Refugee Offering
    • 1000– Special donation for the NC Baptist Children’s Homes
    • Thank you for the way you lovingly give to meet the needs of hurting people!

Have a God blessed week

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter  September 26th


There is a passage in the Old Testament that speaks deeply to me every time I remember it. In 1 Chronicles 21 we read of a time when Satan stirred King David to number Israel. Evidently, it was the sin of pride at work. As a result of that sin, a plague hit the nation. In order to stop the plague, David was instructed to build an altar and to offer a special sacrifice to the Lord. The designated site of the altar was the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.

Ornan, out of respect for King David, offers to give the land freely. He also offers the free gift of his oxen and his wooden threshing instruments. Just think for a moment, David had a chance to make a sacrificial offering to the Lord and it was not going to personally cost him anything!!!!

Now comes the verses that intrigue me [24, 25] “And King David said to Ornan, “NO, BUT I WILL PAY THE FULL PRICE; I WILL NOT TAKE WHAT IS YOURS FOR THE LORD, NOR OFFER BURNT OFFERINGS WHICH COST ME NOTHING.” So David gave Ornan for the site 600 shekels of gold by weight”.

David understood that a real offering to the Lord must cost us something. When we express love and gratitude to our Lord, we want to give Him our best. Consider two women in the New Testament. One gave two mites [pennies]. [Luke 21:1-4] It was all she had. Another gave a costly ointment to lavish upon Jesus. [John 12:3-8]

Throughout the ages, men and women, out of thankfulness to the Lord for their salvation, and out of a desire to express their love to Him, have placed their sacrificial offerings at His feet. For some, the gift was money. But it is not always money. Some sacrificed countless hours on their knees in prayer. Others went to great lengths to share Jesus as soul winners. Many others went to the hurting and gave Christ’s love as they met needs. Sometimes, when you don’t think you have a minute to spare, you take an hour or more in sympathetic listening to a hurting friend.

The list goes on. It is important to remember, if we want to be like King David, “a man after God’s own heart”, we offer to the Lord the best we have. We give the best, not the “leftovers”. God always honors our best.


  1. Sunday School at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm
  4. September 26-Called Church Conference for the purpose of electing messengers to the Stanly-Montgomery Baptist Association
  5. October 3-Called Church Conference for the purpose of electing members to the Building and Grounds Committee and for consideration of a proposal to do cleaning work in our Kitchen and Fellowship Hall
  6. $840 is the new total for our NC Missions Offering. September 26 is the last day to give
  7. September 26 has been designated as a time you may give to help settle Afghani  refugees who are coming to the Raleigh area
    • Jeff Keplinger—Chairman
    • Gary Hamilton–Vice- Chairman
    • Kenny Linker–Secretary
    • Grant Hartsell
    • Leonard Harvell

Pray often for your Pastor and your Deacons

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter  September 19th


When a certain famous author began to publish his novels a number of years ago, I read several of them. Quite frankly, I hated them. All the books that I read had unusual, unhappy endings. Even though this man has written additional books, I have never bought, or read any of them.

The truth is—I love happy endings. Throughout a book there might be troubles, trials, and tribulations. People may have disagreements, a “falling out”, unexpected difficulties. However, on the last few pages, love wins, reconciliation comes, and brings victory. As in the Old Westerns, the “good guy” in the white hat  gets the girl. Those are the stories that give me a “warm, fuzzy feeling”.

Perhaps that is why I love the Bible so much. God’s Word is honest with us. It tells of a world filled with trouble, sickness, sin, hatred, and violence. The Bible realistically portrays and foretells the exact type of world that you and I experience every day.

As we look at current events, the devil whispers in our ears discouraging thoughts. He wants us to live in dispair.  At this very moment, he may be screaming at you, “Your situation is hopeless” . Knowing situations in the Barbee’s Grove family, I know that some of you are really hurting. That is why our Bibles are so encouraging, enlightening, and exciting. God’s Word assures us of a wonderful, glorious, joyful, happy ending.

Be thrilled again by these very precious promises.:

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away’.  Revelation 21:4

“That at the Name of Jesus every knee shall bow, of things in Heaven, of things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father”. Philippians 2:9,10

Faithful Believer in Jesus, rejoice that as you faithfully follow Jesus, your present life and your eternity has a very happy ending!!


  1. Sunday School at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study at 6:30 pm on Wednesday
  4. Gifts to the NC Missions Offering now total $790. Thank you for giving sacrificially and faithfully.
  5. Masks recommended but optional for all services
  6. We would like to extend our heartfelt sympathy to the Margaret Allen Burgess family. Mrs. Burgess was the grandmother of Gail Perkins.
  7. It is with great sadness that we note the death of Mrs. Shirley Edwards. Her smile always lit up the corner where she sat during the Worship Service. We extend our love and sympathy to each member of the family

May it comfort you to know that the thoughts and prayers of others are with you and that God will grant His comfort for Isaiah 53:4 says “Surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows.”

Let us reach out in love to all who are hurting

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter  September 12th


Sometimes, a congregation listens to a Pastor as he makes an appeal for them to give to some particular offering. Because they respect the Pastor, and because they love the Lord, they do give. But, all the time, they may be wondering, “Do my gifts really make a difference”?

Let me assure you. Your gifts do have an impact in the Kingdom of God. Those who saw the video last Sunday morning know it is true. As we watched that older man, on a walker, praising NC Baptists on Mission as they repaired his severely damaged house, tears came to our eyes. He had slept in his truck for months, now we are making it possible for him to go home. Thank you for your gifts to the NC Mission Offering. [Last week, you gave $590. You may give any time during September].

Now, let’s look in another direction. The work of the Southern Baptist International Mission Board is supported by the Cooperative Program and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Did you realize that internationally, during 2020, despite Covid, 18,380 churches were planted, 144,322 new Believers were born into the Kingdom of God, and 86,587 were baptized? Your gifts helped make it possible.

Let’s look some more. This week, we received an urgent appeal from our friend, Rev. Patrick Fuller. The Raleigh Baptist Association is getting 52 Afghani refugee families. There is an immediate need for money for food, housing, and other needs. Because of past generosity, Barbee’s Grove has sent $1000 to help with that need. [The last Sunday of the month, September 26, you will be given an opportunity to personally contribute to that need.]

Thank You!  Thank you!  Thank you!

Caring hearts, people who love Jesus and who love others, do make a difference. Remember the precious words of our Lord: “Inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these, my brethren, you have done it unto Me.” Matthew 25:40


  1. Sunday School at 9:00 am. Also available on 99.1 FM in the parking lot.
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church at 10:00 am. Also available at 10 in the parking lot and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm
  4. NC Missions Offering continues through September
  5. Special gifts to aid Afghani refugees is September 26.

Let’s pray often for one another!

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter  September 5th


Do you remember the old Board game, Monopoly? If you were unlucky, you landed in Jail. It cost some of your cash to get out and to continue playing. However, if you had a “Get Out Of Jail Free” card you could use that card. No one that ever played in a game with me took pity on me and handed me their card and said, “ use my card to go free.”

Our Heavenly Father is much more loving. Because of Adam’s sin in the Garden of Eden we were all born in the devil’s jail. Unfortunately, no amount of money could get us out. However, God sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross and to become our “Get Out Of Jail Free” card. John 3:16 reminds us that “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life”.

Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Would you do it now? If you you are already a Believer how long has it been since you said “Thank You” to the Lord? As a Believer are you sharing the good news of this free offer of God’s “Get Out Of Jail Free” salvation? So many are trapped in the in the devil’s clutches. They need to hear God’s good news.


  1. Sunday School at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM.
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm.
  3. Please remember the importance of our NC Mission Offering. We are ministering to so many hurting people as well as reaching new Believers. Your gifts make a difference.
  4. Please continue to pray for our family that we call, Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church. Many are dealing with serious medical issues. Let’s show our love in every possible way.
  5. We are continuing with services as usual. We encourage social distancing. Masks are optional but recommended.

Pray for the Lord to return soon!
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter  August 29th


Why do you bother to go to the table to eat? Here are some reasons.

  1. You love the taste of food.
  2. Your growling stomach urges you to eat.
  3. Your body needs the nourishment and strength that food gives.
  4. At a loving family table, or a Church Homecoming, there is sweet fellowship.

In the beloved Psalm 23 [v.5] the Lord promises us that He will “Prepare us a table in the presence of our enemies”. That is an encouraging, wonderful word to every follower of Jesus.

We all face enemies. Our Adversary, the devil, makes sure of it. Who are your enemies? Hostile co-workers? Unbelieving family members? Cancer? Covid? Other health issues? Fear? A broken heart? Financial troubles? Discouragement? A crisis of faith? The list can go on and on.

Your enemies are real. They are frightening. However, your Loving Heavenly Father has prepared a personal table, just for you, in the face of those enemies. The Lord invites you, indeed, He welcomes you to come to His table and eat. Partake of His Word personally, and at His House of Worship. Spend time meditating, praying, singing alone and with others. Let your life be one of continual fellowship with the Lord.

As you dine with the Lord, you will discover that the sweet fellowship you experience with Him gives you peace. At the same time, you will be nourished, and that nourishment will give you strength for the day. You will walk in a power greater than your own human power.

In the natural, we need to eat regularly in order to maintain our strength. It is the same spiritually. We need to go to the table the Lord provides often if we are to stay strong emotionally, spiritually, as well as physically.

The Lord’s Table is there for you. He is ringing the Dinner Bell. Do not miss a single meal!


  1. Sunday School at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church at 10:00am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm.
  3. Prayer and Bible Study—Wednesday at 6:30 pm.
  4. Communion—Sunday, August 29, 10 am
  5. NC Missions Offering – September–this money goes to mission projects throughout our state. For example,at this very moment, Baptists on Mission are using some of our gifts from last year to help flood victims in the NC mountains. Please give generously.
  6. Many of our Barbee’s Grove members are facing difficult situations at this time. Several have very serious health issues. Be sensitive to pray for each other regularly and fervently. We strengthen each other.

God’s love sustains us!!!!

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s grove Baptist Church

Newsletter  August 22nd


In Luke 10:30-36 we read the parable that Jesus told about the Good Samaritan. You remember how it goes. A lonely traveler is robbed, beaten, and left for dead. A priest and a Levite walk past and ignore the man’s pain. Eventually, a Samaritan passes. He does not have an ambulance, or an Emergency Room. But, he does what he can. He ministers to the man’s wounds. Then he sees that someone cares for the man’s needs till he heals. Jesus encourages us to do the same.

These days, the news shows us that there is much pain in the nation of Afghanistan. It is tempting to get on our soapboxes and yell at each other about the troop withdrawal and how it was handled. Let’s leave that till the next election cycle. If we only point fingers, we become the priest and the Levite. Instead, let’s be good Samaritans.

How can you and I be good Samaritans? We are not military. We fly no rescue planes. However, if we are Believers in Jesus, we have a powerful weapon. It is called, “Praying in faith”. Our prayers can have situation altering power.

  1. Pray for the Christians in Afghanistan. They are our brothers and sisters in the Lord. They face persecution and death.
  2. Pray for the women and children. They face harsh, hateful, degrading laws.
  3. Pray for the tens of thousands who supported and aided the American military. They face imprisonment and death.
  4. Pray for the Taliban. Pray that from the lowliest soldier, to the highest leader, there will be a Divine encounter with the living Lord Jesus.

The God who delivered Daniel from the Lion’s Den and Peter from prison, has not retired or died. He is still on the throne!!! Prayer can make a difference. It is not found in the Bible, but I often speculate—–were there some faithful Believers praying for that despicable Saul of Tarsus when he was on the road to Damascus and had that life altering meeting with Jesus and became the great Apostle Paul? Please join me in prayer for the nation of Afghanistan.

After a year of absence, it was wonderful to once again celebrate Homecoming at Barbee’s Grove. Good music, good preaching, plenty of food, sweet fellowship, what more could we want? Brother Terry Burris preached a fine message from Psalm 78:41. He strongly urged us to read the entire Psalm. I hope you did read it. Later, that afternoon, Pamela and I discussed several of the verses in that Psalm. They speak to our current world situation. I am sure the Holy Spirit pointed you to some of the same verses. If you did not read Psalm 78, please do so now. I sense additional sermons or Newsletter articles coming from that special place in God’s Word.


  1. Sunday School at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 Fm“
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm.
  3. Prayer and Bible Study-Wednesday at 6:30 pm
  4. Choir Practice    – Sunday, August 22 at 6:00 pm
  5. Communion will be Sunday, August 29 at Morning Worship

Have a God blessed week

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter  August 15th


Do you remember this picture from the “olden days”? You were busy in your home when suddenly the lights went out, or the appliance you were using stopped working. After a moment of confusion, you thought of the Fuse Box. You looked, and quickly saw that the circuit you were using had blown a fuse. If you were prepared, there was an extra, spare fuse on hand. As soon as the blown fuse was replaced, power was restored.

It was so simple. There was plenty of power available from the Electric Company. The wires were fine. But, one little blown fuse cut off the power. Many Christians believe in a Loving, Powerful God. Yet, they do not experience God’s power working in them, or through them. Perhaps, something our Lord said through the Prophet Isaiah explains the problem:

“Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear. But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you, that He will not hear.” Isaiah 59:1,2

God’s power is readily available. However, sin, like a blown fuse, disrupts that power. Sin prevents God from working mightily in our lives. When I was growing up in church, sin was usually defined as adultery, drunkenness, theft, and murder. Since most Christians were not guilty of those particular sins, they felt that they were right with God. However, as I have grown, and as I have continued to study my Bible, I find that the Lord also calls the following sins: pride: unforgiveness; unrighteous anger; misuse of the Lord’s Day; misuse of the Lord’s tithes; prayerlessness; gossip; hate; prejudice; lying, and mistreatment of others; to name a few.

A home, or any other building, that wanted full electric power had to deal with each, and every, fuse in the box. The Christian who desires to walk in the power and the anointing of the Holy Spirit must deal with all known sin. If we want to experience the God-sent revival we wrote about last week, we cannot be careless with sin. Good news is found in 1 John 1:9

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

May we allow the Holy Spirit to examine our lives in order that we can be sure that all circuits are open for the flow of the power of God!!!!


  1. Sunday School at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10:00 am and on the website after 12:30 PM
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm
  4. Homecoming is August 15. Speaker is Rev. Terry Burris. Plan for a covered dish meal. IF WEATHER PERMITS, there will be some tables set up outside for those who do not feel comfortable eating inside.
  5. Choir Practice-Sunday, August 22 at 6:00 pm
  6. Thank you to everyone who made our Vacation Bible School a success. Your work, talents, and sacrifices are appreciated.
  7. Newly elected Deacons–Gary Hamilton and Grant Hartsell. They replace McChord Barbee and David Talley, whose terms have ended. We appreciate these men, and all our Deacons, who serve our church so faithfully.

Let’s replace those “blown” fuses

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter  August 8th


I would expect that almost everyone reading this Newsletter would agree with this statement: “The United States, and the world, desperately need a God-sent, Holy Spirit anointed revival”.  We need a move of God greater than anything we have seen in the past 150 years.

We agree that we need revival. We pray in a general way for revival.  Many believe that revival is coming. Indeed, it seems to have begun in a few areas. But, when, where, how, through whom, is the Lord going to assert His glory in our nation?

Something I read recently has caused me to speculate that perhaps we are the reason revival is slow in coming. Remember the old hymn?
“Lord, send a revival
Lord, send a revival
Lord, send a revival”
Now, what is the next line in that hymn?
“And let it begin in me”

I remember old-time preachers using this illustration: “Stand on the ground. Draw a circle around yourself. Then pray, ‘Lord I am not moving until revival comes inside this circle'”.

That old hymn and old illustration make revival personal. Starting with Pastor Ed, let’s be honest. As we have prayed for the Lord to revive America, how many of us have desperately prayed for our own personal revival? General, wide-spread revival only happens as the result of individual personal revival. When each of us get really serious about how we stand before Holy God, then we will see a change in our nation.

Frankly, what the Lord has led me to write above, has brought me under conviction. Perhaps, I need to draw my own circle and pray for the Lord to revive the one inside that circle. Is the Holy Spirit convicting you to do the same?

Notice God’s promise [Jeremiah 29:13] “And ye shall seek Me and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart”.


  1. Sunday School at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm
  4. Homecoming-Sunday, August 15-Guest Preacher-Rev. Terry Burris-Plan for a covered dish meal

Let’s seek a Heaven sent revival

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter  August 1st


Pamela and I have some special friends who live on a little farm in the mountains. Each Fall, they make sorghum syrup [molasses]. We enjoy that syrup so much that we tease those friends that we hope the Lord allows them to keep making syrup in Heaven.

Think of that cane. It is standing in a field, enjoying God’s sunshine and rain. If the cane had human thoughts, they might go something like this, “Life is good”. One day, someone comes to the field, cuts the cane, and throws it into a wagon. Suddenly, life is not so good. Next comes the press, which separates the stalk from the juice. The juice flows through several filters, removing impurities. At last, the juice flows into a stainless steel pan [about 4×8 feet]. By this time, the juice must be thinking, “What is happening to me?” It gets worse. A fire is built under the pan. As a result, green foam of additional impurities floats to the top. Someone with a special handheld scoop skims this foam and throws it into a bucket. The “skimming” of impurities goes on for hours. At last, only the pure, sweet syrup remains. The final purpose for which that cane was created is revealed, and it is a blessing. Put some on a hot-buttered biscuit and you might dream that you had died and gone to Heaven.

Trials, troubles, pressure, and heat come into all our lives. The cane may not be able to feel pain, but we feel it. When troubles and difficulties come into our lives we hurt. Please know, God did not send bad things into your life. The Bible tells us that good things come from God [ James 1 }. Bad things come from the devil [ John 10:10 ]. Satan does his best to bring trouble into our lives. When hard times come, what happens next, is our choice.

The hard times in life reveal what we have inside. They may reveal sin, wrong priorities, or other imperfections in our relationship with God. Often, they are a challenge to our faith and to what we believe. At this point, we can grow hardened and bitter. Or, we can allow the Lord to do some “skimming” and remove these impurities. If we allow the Lord to do His purifying work in us we will grow sweeter. We will also become the Godly person the Lord created us to be.

Sad are those who come to the end of life, sour and bitter. Precious and enjoyable to be around, are those who have matured into sweet, loving, like Jesus individuals. The cane has no choice. You and I do have a choice. Let’s make a commitment to allow the challenges of life to create in us a life of sweet blessing.


  1. Sunday School at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm
  4. Vacation Bible School is Saturday, August 7. Light breakfast begins at 8:45 am. Lunch provided. Day ends about 1:00 pm. There will be an adult class
  5. Guest Preacher-Sunday, August 1- Rev. Darrell Huneycutt
  6. Homecoming-Sunday, August 15- Guest Preacher- Rev. Terry Burris–Plan for a covered dish lunch
  7. Special called Church Conference- Sunday, August 1–Purpose is to elect Deacons to replace those whose terms are ending

Walk in the will of God and walk in His blessing!

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter  July 25th


My earliest childhood memories say that when we planted tomatoes, we just let them grow. As more and more tomatoes appeared on the plants, those weak vines began to collapse. We harvested tomatoes. However, many laid on the wet dirt and rotted. Part of the harvest was lost. At some point, a farmer realized that he could drive a stick or rod beside each plant. When the plant was tied to that stronger rod, it stayed tall, bore more fruit, and better fruit. The stronger rod made the difference.

Did you realize that illustrates a Biblical principle? Listen to these words:

[1 Thessalonians 5:14] “Now we exhort you, brethren… support the weak….”

[ Romans 15:1] “We then that are strong, ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves.”

Those are strong, wonderful admonitions. All around us are opportunities to be a blessing to those who are weak. For example, a new believer often needs instruction in things such as how to pray, study the Bible, or how to get started serving the Lord. Fifty-some years ago, I knew nothing about being a Pastor. I will forever be thankful for the 3 or 4 older Pastors who became my mentors. They taught me so much. They were the “strong rods” that held up my “weak” vine.

Many of you at Barbee’s Grove have been believers in Jesus for a long time. You have grown in the faith. Look around. Is the Lord pointing you to someone you could strengthen? It may be a fellow church member, a co-worker, a family member, a friend, a neighbor.

As I wrote this, I was reminded of a next door neighbor Pamela befriended just after we were married. One day, Linda said, “I want to know Jesus like you know Jesus. I want the joy you have.” Pamela introduced Linda to Jesus. Linda died in her 30’s from liver cancer. That is sad. However, there is joy in knowing she is now in heaven. It is because my wife showed Linda the love of Jesus.

Who is your “Linda”?


  1. Sunday School at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm
  4. Choir Practice is Sunday, July  25 at 6:00 pm
  5. Vacation Bible School is Saturday, August 7. Light breakfast begins at 8:45 am. Lunch provided. Day ends about 1:00 pm
  6. Guest Preacher-Sunday, August 1-Rev. Darrell Huneycutt
  7. Homecoming-Sunday, August 15- Guest Preacher-Rev. Terry Burris
  8. The Financial Report that was shared at the Quarterly Conference last week tells us that you have been very faithful with giving your Tithes and Offerings the past months. Thank you for showing your love for Jesus and for our church!

How precious is the Name of Jesus.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter  July 18th


How would you complete this sentence “Pure religion and undefiled before God is this………..”? Some would say, “Going to church regularly”, or “Tithing”, or “Praying often”, or “Studying the Bible”. Now, let’s see how the Lord completes it.
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. [James 1:27]
Notice, the Lord tells us that ministering to the most helpless in our community and living our lives in purity and holiness, are the actions that show the sincerity and the depth of our faith. Let’s think for a few minutes. The only way we can “keep ourselves unspotted from the world” is to have a personal relationship with Jesus. That relationship must be more than “just being saved”. It takes a “Renewed mind”, [Romans 12:1,2], “Wearing the whole armor of God” [Ephesians 6:10-18], an intimate connection with Jesus [John 15:1-8], and a commitment to Jesus as not only Savior, but also as Lord. As we grow to be like Jesus, the things of the world become less and less important.
As we become like Jesus, we begin to see the world with His eyes. Many times we read that Jesus saw the sick, hurting, and lost, and “had compassion on them”. The loving heart of Jesus went out to these people and He met their needs. Real Christianity notices the needs of others and then reaches out to make sure those needs are met. Ministry is accomplished through love, not from a sense of “duty”, or as a “do-gooder”.
Over the past four years, I have observed so many times how you, as members of Barbee’s Grove, have lovingly reached out to the hurting. You have done it with your actions, your words, and your finances. THANK YOU for noticing and caring for those around you. You are exhibiting a religion that is “pure and undefiled”.
1. Sunday School at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12;30 PM
3 Wednesday at 6:30 pm-Prayer and Bible Study
4.Quarterly Church Conference-Sunday, July 18, after Morning Worship
5. Vacation Bible School-One Day-Saturday, August 7
6. Homecoming-August 15
Look for Jesus to give you a blessing this week

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter  July 11th


Often, churches like Barbee’s Grove, bemoan the fact that their smallness and isolation prevent them from accomplishing much for the Lord. They know that they can do some things for Jesus. However, because there is more farmland than houses in the area, they feel that their usefulness to God’s Kingdom is limited.

May I respectfully disagree? Recently the Lord pointed me to some individuals in the Bible and to their successes. Today, let’s consider John the Baptist. First, we read about his birth. The next time we see him, he is a grown man. [Matthew 3:1-6] Consider John’s clothing: a camel’s hair garment with a leather belt. Study his diet: locusts and wild honey. More importantly, what is John doing? He is preaching! Where is he preaching? His pulpit is in the Judean wilderness near the Jordan River.

Is that not strange? God called John to be the Prophet who prepared the path for Jesus, the Messiah. Second only to the words of Jesus, John’s message was the most important in the history of the world. You would have thought that the Lord would have placed John in the Temple in Jerusalem to proclaim the coming of Jesus. Instead, John is preaching in one of the more isolated regions of the nation. Yet, even in the wilderness, multitudes came to hear John’s message of “Repentance”, “Baptism”, and “Prepare for the Messiah”.

John’s story teaches us these truths. Location may be important in real estate but it is not as important in the Kingdom of God. When a person, or a local church, is in the will of God, led and empowered by the Holy Spirit, and serving the Lord in the fullness of the Holy Spirit, they can do great things for the Lord, no matter where they are located.

God can do more with an “on fire”, Spirit-filled church in a rural community than He can do with a “large”, “dead”, church in a mega city. Of course, He cannot do anything with a “spiritually dead” rural church either. When God is present in power, people will come and be blessed. Remember the words of Jesus, [John 12:32] “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto Me”. Are you willing to allow our Lord to exhibit His power and His glory at Barbee’s Grove?


  1. Sunday School at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10:00 am and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Wednesday at 6:30 pm—Prayer and Bible Study
  4. Adult Choir restarts Sunday , July 11, at 6:00 pm. Former Choir members and new singers are urged to attend.
  5. Vacation Bible School -One Day- Saturday, August 7
  6. The Women’s Quartet was a wonderful blessing this past Sunday. Thank you Kathy, Rita, Tonda, and Pamela. We look forward to hearing you again

Celebrate Jesus this week

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter  July 4th


Have you ever been in a place, or situation, where you did not feel welcome? I have. I have been in churches where no one spoke to me, family gatherings where my spiritual commitment clashed with the values of other family members, and class reunions when my moral stance offended some classmates. It is not a comfortable feeling, is it? How much sweeter are those situations where I am surrounded by friendly people who have similar religious beliefs, morals, and love for Jesus.

In the Gospel of John [14:16,17] Jesus promises that He will give us the Holy Spirit.

” And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever. Even the Spirit of Truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him: but ye know Him; for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.”

Notice the words: “abide”, “dwelleth with you”, and “shall be in you”. When you were saved, the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Trinity, came to permanently abide, live, and be in you.

Do you remember the little chorus I mentioned in the Newsletter last week, “Holy Spirit You are welcome in this place”? Now, for the big question. The Holy Spirit lives in you, if you are a believer in Jesus. But, does He really feel welcome in your life? Is He ignored, or do you spend time in sweet fellowship with Him frequently? Are there sinful attitudes or actions in our lives that grieve Him and make Him uncomfortable? Are there parts of our lives that He wants to change, yet we rebel against those changes?

The Father gave us the Holy Spirit to comfort, teach, guide, love, bless, and perfect us. The more welcome He feels, the more He will lead us to become like Jesus.


  1. Sunday School at 9:00 am. Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10:00 am and on the website after 12:30 pm.
  3. Wednesday at 6:30 pm—Prayer and Bible Study.
  4. Adult Choir will restart July11.
  5. Date for Vacation Bible School will be announced soon.

Let’s join together this Sunday to celebrate our nation, and to worship the Lord who gave us our salvation.

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter  June 27th


Over the years, I have enjoyed reading about those early wagon train trips to California, Oregon, and other places in the West. It was a long, arduous, dangerous trip that took many months. Not everyone who left the East survived the journey west.

The most needed and important person on every trip was a wise, experienced Guide. At the beginning of the trip he offered advice concerning type of covered wagon, animals to pull the wagon, supplies that each family needed, and a leaving date. As the trip progressed, he knew the best places to cross the rivers, sites to stop and rest, hunting grounds, when to watch for enemies, and the forts where additional supplies could be purchased. The Guide was essential.

Each of us, you, and me, face a long, arduous, dangerous journey. We call it, “Life”. The marvelous truth is that God, our wise Heavenly Father, knew that we would desperately need a Guide for this journey of life. Therefore, He lovingly gave us the Holy Spirit.

“…when He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth…”  [John 16:13]

Some folks opt to disbelieve, or to ignore the presence of the Holy Spirit. They choose to make their own plans and to go their own way. The end result is a disastrous life on earth and an eternity of torment.

Others, accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Then they become filled with the Holy Spirit. Moment-by-moment, they listen for His direction and instruction. He knows where the pitfalls are and where to find the blessings. He guides as we travel through places of danger and times of trouble. He leads onward and upward until we arrive at our glorious Heavenly destination.

Friends, the Lord provided the Holy Spirit as a blessing, your personal spiritual Guide for life. Be thankful and tell the Lord you are thankful. Choose each day to allow the Holy Spirit to direct your steps. When you come to the end of life, you will be happy you made such a wise choice.

There is a little chorus that has this phrase, “Holy Spirit, You are welcome in this place”. In the depths of your heart would you join me in whispering this prayer as you go about your activities this week?


  1. Sunday School at 9:00 am. [Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM]
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church at 10:00 am. [Also available in the parking lot at 10:00 am and on the website after 12:30 pm]
  3. Prayer and Bible Study on Wednesday at 6:30 pm.
  4. Adult Choir will restart July 11
  5. Be watching for an announcement concerning Vacation Bible School

The safest place to be in life is to be in the will of God.

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter  June 20th


In one of my previous pastorates, I was out visiting one afternoon. I rang the doorbell at a certain house. A toddler came to the door. He peeped through a side window of the door and took off running. In a few moments, his Mother came to the door. She was doubled over, laughing. She told me that her son burst into the room where she was, excitedly yelling, “Mama, Mama, Jesus is at the door”. I joined her laughter.

It was a logical conclusion for a 2-year-old. He went to church and heard all about how special and important Jesus was. Since I was up at the front, leading, and doing most of the talking, he just assumed I was the Jesus his teachers were describing.

You and I know that I am not Jesus. I am not and will never be Him. [If you doubt it, ask my sweet wife. She will quickly tell you that I am very human.] Jesus is and will forever be, the One and Only Lord and Savior. Jesus was the perfect Son of God who died for our sin and who rose again. However, I do love Him, serve Him, follow Him, and endeavor to be like Him. I do hope and pray that others see Jesus in me.

My afternoon visit was a vivid reminder to me, and I pray, an example to you, that we must always be aware that people are watching us. They are studying our lives. They want to know— Is this Jesus these people talk about on Sunday a reality in their lives? Does Jesus make a difference in the way they live 24/7?

Remember the old hymn that says
“Your life’s a book before their eyes
They’re reading it thro’ and thro’
Say, does it point them to the skies
Do others see Jesus in you?”


  1. Sunday School at 9:00 am. [Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM]
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church at 10:00 am. [Also available in the parking lot at 10 am and on the website after 12:30 pm]
  3. Prayer and Bible Study on Wednesday at 6:30 pm.
  4. Continue to hand your written suggestions of facility improvements to members of the Building and Grounds Committee.
  5. THANK YOU to all who came to help with the Workday last Saturday. We had a good group of workers and got a lot accomplished.
  6. Wasn’t it wonderful to see the Sanctuary full as the Singing Towers blessed all of us this past Sunday night?. The music, the worship, the joy, and the special fellowship that only Christians can enjoy, made for a memorable night.

This week, let others see Jesus in you!
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter  June 13th


The older folks reading this will remember the days of Kerosene lanterns. In some homes, these lanterns, along with candles, and the fireplace were the only light in the house after dark. We used lanterns on hunts and on other outside trips at night. In order to have good light, you needed kerosene in the tank, the wick properly trimmed, and the glass globe cleaned. If any one of these three got “messed up”, then the light grew dim or went out.

Do you remember Jesus saying, “Ye are the light of the world…..Let your light so shine before men that they will see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven”? [Matthew 5:14, 16] As faithful followers of our Lord Jesus Christ our desire is to be bright, shining lights. We want a lost world living in darkness to see that light and to turn to Jesus. How do we do that?

Remember the three things the lantern needed to shine brightly? It is very similar to what we need in our lives in order to shine brightly as Christians.

  1. Oil is often equated with the Holy Spirit. Thus, to let our light shine brightly, we need to be full of the Holy Spirit. Being full of the Spirit means an intimate walk with Him. We listen. We obey. He gives the direction and the power. Does that describe you?
  2. The wick must be properly trimmed. This means we must allow the Lord to plan, direct, regulate, and be in total control of our lives. Not our wills, but His be done.
  3. The glass globe must be kept clean and free of soot. Questionable living, un-Christian attitudes and practices, and flagrant sin, all bring dimness to our witness for Jesus. We must continually seek to have a clean heart and a pure spirit as we live each day.

It is easy to tell where a Christian’s heart is and where his priorities are. How willing is he to do those things necessary to let Jesus shine brightly through him. Are you a shining light in the Kingdom of God?


  1.  Sunday School 9:00 am [Also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM]
  2.  Morning Worship and Children’s Church. 10:00 am. [Also available in the parking lot at 10 am and on the website after 12:30 pm]
  3.  Prayer and Bible Study Wednesday at 6:30 pm
  4.  The Singing Towers will be at Barbee’s Grove on Sunday, June 13, at 6:00 pm. This will be a time of honoring Mr. Heath Hahn
  5.  Continue to hand your written suggestions of facility improvements to members of the Building and Grounds Committee

Live expecting Jesus to return at any moment!!

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter  June 6th


There is an old hymn that says, “I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord…”.  Each time I begin to pray that thought, I find myself stopping and saying, “No, No, No, I don’t just need You every hour Lord. I need You every minute. In fact, I need You every second, every nanosecond”. There is no time day or night when I do not need the Lord. No matter what activity I am doing, I need the Lord.

The wonderful realization is that I have the Lord all the time. He is ever with me. He came to live in me the moment I was born again as an 8 year old. The same is true for you. The Lord came to live within you the moment you were saved. Jesus promised His disciples that He would not leave them comfortless, that He would come to them. [John 14:18] That same promise is mine and yours. Hallelujah!

We have the Lord all the time. We can quench Him, grieve Him, ignore Him, OR we can love Him, fellowship with Him, learn to hear His voice, obey Him, and rejoice in His sweet presence. He is with us in the valleys and on the mountain tops. He never leaves us nor forsakes us.

Today, let’s each draw closer to the Lord. You are welcome in His presence. He cherishes time with you. He rejoices when you allow Him to direct your paths, when you come to Him for comfort, and when you approach His throne with praise and thanksgiving. Oh, what a great and wonderful Savior and Lord we have!!   Amen


  1. Sunday School restarts this Sunday–June 6  9:00 am
    1.      Adult II and III meet in the Sanctuary
    2.      Adult I meets in the Fellowship Hall
    3.      All other classes meet in their normal places.
  2. Worship Service in the Sanctuary—10 am. Children’s Church meets at the same time. 10 am Service is also available in the parking lot on 99.1 FM or on the website after 12:30 pm.
  3. Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study has resumed—6:30 pm
  4. Sunday, June 13, 6:00 pm, the Singing Towers will host a gospel singing at Barbee’s Grove to honor Mr. Heath Hahn. You are invited.
  5. Work Day – Saturday, June 12 – 8:00 am. You are invited to help do repairs and some “sprucing up” at the church.
  6. The Building and Grounds Committee welcomes your suggestions for improvements to our facilities. In writing if possible.
  7. Thank you to ALL who helped to make the Baptist Men barbecue sale a success. Your work is appreciated.

Fellowship with the Lord this week.

Join us as we worship Him on Sunday!

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter  May 30th



One of the TV channels we get features a show, “Escape to the Country”. Each episode gives the story of someone who wants to relocate to the rural countryside in England, Scotland, or Wales. The host always gives them three homes as options.

A few times, the house is newly built [ in the past 40 years]. Often the host mentions a build date several hundred years in the past and comments, “This property was originally a barn, stable, pub, school, church” or some other type of building. Outside, the house looks much as it did when it was originally constructed. Inside, it has been totally remade and usually brings awe and surprise.

The Lord loves to make similar changes in us. When He begins to work on us, the old outside, fleshly body may look the same as it always did. In fact, it grows older every day. Sometimes I look in the mirror and ask, “Who is that old guy who is looking back at me?”  It is possible that a few outside changes may happen because of inner changes. They may include: a fresh smile, a look of peace, and the glow of the Holy Spirit.

However, it is on the inside where the Lord makes the glorious, wonderful, differences in us. He deals with unGodly attitudes, fears, habits, and practices. Consider verses of Scripture that affirm this truth.

  1. 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away, behold, all things are become new”.
  2. Colossians 3:9, 10 “…..seeing you have put off the old man with his deeds; and have put on the new man….”.
  3. 2 Corinthians 3:18 “But we all….. are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord”.

I love the little chorus the children often sing, “He’s still working on me”. It is so true. Our Lord [with our cooperation] keeps renovating and making us more like Jesus from the moment we are born again until the moment we step over into Glory. Be reminded of the blessed assurance [Philippians 1:6 TPT]  “I am fully convinced that the One who began this glorious work in you will faithfully continue the process of maturing you and will put His finishing touches to it until the unveiling of our Lord Jesus Christ”.


  1. Worship Service in the Sanctuary–10 am. Also available on 99.1 FM in the parking lot. Children’s Church at the same hour. Website service after 12:30 pm.
  2. The Building and Grounds Committee welcomes your suggestions for improvements to our facilities. In writing if possible.
  3. We will observe Communion this Sunday [May 30].
  4. Sunday School restarts June 6—9am
    • Adult II and III meet in the Sanctuary
    • Adult I meets in the Fellowship Hall
    • All other classes meet in their normal places
  5. Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study resumes June 2–6:30 pm
  6. Sunday, June 13, 6:00 pm, the Singing Towers will host a gospel singing at Barbee’s Grove to honor Mr. Heath Hahn. You are invited.
  7. Work Day – Saturday June 12 – 9 am. Come to do some repairs and “sprucing up” at the church

The Lord is good!

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter  May 23rd


From time-to- time, I ponder on the instability of life. For example:
  1. No one saw the sudden upheaval Covid would bring to our lives.
  2. A star athlete can be worth millions. A catastrophic, career ending injury, can put an end to those big contracts.
  3. A person can be well-off financially, and then an unwise investment or a radical drop in the Stock Market can bring them to ruin.
  4. A politician can be on the way to a higher office, but be derailed by a scandal of some type.
These are just a few of the radical, life changing events that can alter our lives. That’s why the truth of an old hymn is so assuring, “On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand”.
That hymn writer got it right. Jesus is the only sure, solid foundation for life. Money, fame, social status, health, may all change. We can “have” or “have not”. However, as long as we have a committed, personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, we are safe and secure.
Jesus [Luke 16:19-31] told the life story of a rich man who had it all, yet died and went to a place of torment. In the meantime, a poor, diseased beggar also died and was carried by the angels to a place of blessedness. Then, we read of Stephen [Acts 7:54-60] being martyred for his faith. He sees Jesus standing, welcoming him into Heaven. Everything depends upon our relationship with Jesus, our Lord.
Friends, what are you pursuing? Are you seeking things that can be shaken? OR, are you standing upon Christ, the solid rock? Think of what will be important to you 100 years from now. Will it matter whether you lived in a tent or a mansion? Will it matter whether you ate gourmet food or watery soup? Will it matter whether you wore the latest fashions or thrift shop clothes? No! All that will matter is what relationship you had with Jesus. Plan for a 100 years in the future.
  1. Worship Service in the Sanctuary–10 am. Also available on 99.1 FM in the parking lot. Children’s Church at the same hour.
  2. Sunday, May 23, we will be having a Guest Speaker. He will be preaching so that a Pastor Selection Committee from another church can hear him.
  3. The Building and Grounds Committee needs your ideas for church improvements.
  4. Sunday School restarts June 6 –9 am  Please plan to attend!
    • Adult II and III meet in the Sanctuary
    • Adult I meets in the Fellowship Hall
    • All other classes meet in their normal classrooms
  5. Wednesday night prayer and Bible Study resumes June 2–6:30 pm.
  6. An additional gift has brought our total for the Baptist Children’s Homes spring food drive to $ 2295. Thank you!!
  7. Sunday June 13–6 pm, the Singing Towers will have a singing at Barbee’s Grove to honor Mr. Heath Hahn. You are invited to attend.
  8. Baptist Men’s Barbecue—-Raising Funds for mission projects
    • Half Chicken–$ 4
    • Boston Butts–$35
    • Pick up at the church on Saturday, May 29 fro 9-12 am
    • You must order so that the men will know how much to cook
    • Tickets are available from any of the Baptist Men
See you soon in the Lord’s House!

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter  May 16th


When I was a kid, I often heard children say something like this: “Mama, my knee hurts, my leg hurts, my foot hurts, etc.” Mama’s usual reply was, “It’s just ‘growing pains’. You will get over it as you grow older”.
I have no clue as to whether or not physical “growing pains” are real, or if that was just Mama’s way to get us to stop complaining. However, I do know that churches can experience “growing pains” and that sometimes they are quite severe. Let me share a few that I have observed first hand over the past 50 years.
  1. Someone has been sitting in the same pew since the Korean War. Suddenly, newcomers are in that pew. The Christlike spirit says, “Thank you Lord for sending new people to our church”. Then the “old timer” happily finds another seat. More often than not, the “old timer” makes the visitor uncomfortable or just stops attending. I had some friends move to Charlotte. They were looking for a new home church. They entered a certain church and sat down. An usher came and told them that they were in someone’s seat and that they needed to move to the balcony. Needless to say, they never went back to that church!!
  2. The list goes on: a newcomer is asked to sing a solo, play an instrument, teach a class, or is elected as a Deacon. Is there joy over this influx of capable new Christians, or do we resent them? A friend of mine told me that in the 20 years he had been a member of his church, they had “run off” 400 people. Is that not sad?
I can name many churches that said, “We want to grow”. A family or two came and everyone rejoiced. However, as growth continued, it was resented and rejected. Almost all the churches in Stanly County that have this attitude are dying, some quite rapidly.
Here at Barbee’s Grove, we need to grow. Most of you have told me you want to see our church grow. If we are serious, we must plant “growth seeds” [prayer, outreach, and a warm welcoming attitude.] Then we must lovingly and tenderly care for the new plants [people] the Lord gives.
Can I be bluntly honest with you? We [you and I, are the generation that will lead Barbee’s Grove to its greatest growth in the history of the church, OR, we will be the Last Generation in the history of the church. Our actions, our attitudes, and our prayers will decide our future. Our Lord wants us to reach this community for Jesus. Let’s agree with our Lord and work to make it happen! As we follow His leadership, live in His love, share His love, and minister in His power, wonderful things will happen. It is our choice.
  1. Worship Service in the Sanctuary–10 am. Also available on 99.1 FM in the parking lot. Children’s Church at the same time. Available on the website after 12:30 pm.
  2. Sunday, May 23 we are having a Guest Speaker. He will be preaching so that the Pastor Selection Committee of another church can hear him.
  3. Remember to share your ideas for improvements to our church facilities with a member of the Building and Grounds Committee. [In writing if possible]
  4. Wednesday night [6:30 pm] Prayer and Bible Study resumes June 2.We hope that all of you will prayerfully consider attending. I am open to your suggestions of Books of the Bible or Bible topics that you would like to study.
  5. We are planning to restart Sunday School in a few weeks. With that in mind, we ask all teachers to stay for a few minutes after the Worship Service this Sunday [16th]. There are logistical items we need to discuss.
  6. Baptist Men’s Barbecue —-  Raising Funds for mission projects
    • Half Chicken–$4
    • Boston Butts–$35
    Pick up at the church on Saturday, May 29 from 9-12 am.
    You must order now so that the men will know how much to cook.
    Tickets are available from the Baptist Men
Walk with the Lord in His blessing!

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter  May 9th



I still remember, as a kid, going to West Albemarle Baptist Church on Mother’s Day. As we walked onto the church grounds we were met by ladies with baskets of fresh cut roses. Everyone entering the church had a red or a white rose pinned to their clothing. Since I had a good Mom, and was proud of her, wearing that red rose gave me a warm, happy feeling.

After I became a Pastor, we always tried to recognize and honor the mothers. Awards were given to the Oldest Mother, the Youngest Mother, the Mother with the Most Children, etc. They probably had the same ritual at the church you attended.

Then, one day, a lady told me, “I never attend church on Mother’s Day”. I was shocked. Unless they were sick, or on vacation, she and her husband were there every time the doors were open. Also, I knew she loved her own mother. Then she explained, “My husband and I were never blessed to have children. It hurts too much to be there amidst all the happy families”.

After that, I began to look at my congregation in a new way. Sure, there were plenty of happy families with great moms and well-behaved children. However, there were also some like my friend. They mourned because they were childless. Others were abandoned as children. Some had abusive moms. Not everyone grew up in an “Ozzie and Harriet” family

That reminded me once again of the wonderful good news our Lord offers to us. Consider these special verses:

“To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for heaviness”. Isaiah 61:3

“God setteth the solitary in families”. Psalm 67:6 This could be a physical family. or it could be the faithful family of God in the local church.

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me…..He sent Me to heal the broken hearted…”. Luke 4:18  How wonderful is that!!! Our precious Jesus tells us that part of the reason He came was to heal our broken hearts!!

You may wake up this Mother’s Day with warm, happy thoughts. Or, you may awake with sadness or pain. In either case, know that Jesus is there with you. He rejoices with your joy. He shares your pain, and if you will allow it, Jesus will heal that pain. No matter what we experienced in the past, Jesus is here to bless every Believer in this present moment. Let Jesus love on you today!!  AMEN


  1. Sanctuary Service is 10 am. Also available on 99.1 FM in the parking lot. Children’s Church at the same time. Website service after 12:30 pm.
  2. $ 1295 is the total in money given for the Baptist Children’s Homes Spring Food Drive. That amount, along with the items you gave from their “wish list” is a good offering. Thank you for caring.
  3. May 23 we will have a Guest Speaker. He will be preaching so that a Pastor Selection Committee from a neighboring church can hear him.
  4. We are sorry for the damage that the storm did in our community this week. However, we thank the Lord that no one was injured. As I told someone, “Barns can be replaced. Good people can not be replaced”.

The Lord is still on His throne!!

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter  May 2nd


“Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ”.  [Romans 5:1

That is such a precious verse. We were “justified”, made right with God, and, receive God’s righteousness. We have it now, not at some future date.. How did that happen? It came through our faith in Jesus. We believe, trust, accept Jesus, His life, death, resurrection, and Lordship. God looks at that, wipes away our sin and declares us “justified”.

It is a blessing that justification comes by our faith in the finished work of Jesus. If it came any other way, some of us might not qualify. We come to God, not on the basis of money, looks, intelligence, nationality, or race. We come by a simple faith in Jesus. All of us can have faith in Jesus. Notice the wonderful result: we have peace with God.

When we lived in Oklahoma and our granddaughters came to visit Grammie and Poppa, they came eagerly. They had smiles on their faces as they opened the door. They knew they were loved, accepted, wanted, and would be blessed. They came expecting hugs, kisses, attention, and plenty of treats.

So it can be with you and God. Through faith in Jesus you have peace with God. He is not mean, hateful, or angry with you. He has no agenda or plans to harm you. Go gladly and joyfully into His presence. Feel His love. Love Him in return. Let Him know your desires, your needs, your concerns. You will be accepted and blessed.

So many in our world do not know God. Many are fearful of Him. [Notice—He deserves our respect, reverence, awe, and worship. However, there is no need for you as a Believer to approach Him in fearful terror..] Because of His love, He sent Jesus, in order that we might believe and live in peace. You are “Accepted in Jesus”.The angels proclaimed it to some startled shepherds 2000 years ago, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.” [Luke 2: 14]

Our prayer this week is that you are living with the peace of God in your heart. May your relationship with your Lord grow sweeter every day!!!


  1. Sunday Service-10 am in the Sanctuary or on 99.1 FM in the parking lot. Children’s Church at the same time. Website service after 12:30 pm. Attendance has been good and we are pleased. Continue to choose the service that fits your comfort level. Peace as you worship is a good thing.
  2. The items you have given for the Baptist Children’s Homes Food Drive have been taken to the collection location. You may continue to give money for this offering.
  3. Our Barbee’s Grove Baptist Men will be having a Boston Butt sale on Memorial weekend. They are raising money for mission projects. We will be giving more details as to price, times, etc. later. For now, keep the date in mind.

Peace with God. What a precious thought.

Be blessed.

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter  April 25th


Is it possible that many Christians have allowed the devil to deceive them so that they are not really aware of the power that is available to them through prayer?

In the Old Testament [1 Kings 17-18], we read of Elijah, a mighty prophet of God. Under God’s direction, Elijah prophesied to wicked King Ahab, “There shall be no more rain in Israel until I call for rain”. Three years went past and not a drop of rain fell. Then came the prayer contest on Mt. Carmel. Elijah prayed and the fire of God fell and consumed the evening sacrifice, the wood, the stones of the altar, and the water around the altar. The prophets of Baal were slain. As Elijah prayed again, the rains returned. That is power in prayer!
You say, “Sure, but that was an Old Testament prophet of God”. Consider this quote from Mary, Queen of Scots, “I fear the prayers of John Knox more than all the assembled armies of Europe”.
Who was John Knox? He lived 1514-1572 and was a Scottish Reformer. John Knox was a powerful preacher of righteousness, rough-hewn, like Elijah. He was not perfect, but his walk with God created such a life of power that an evil Queen feared his prayers.
“Knox found two truths. First, if it was written in the Scripture, it was true. And a man’s popularity meant little if it didn’t strengthen his ministry”. [Robert Liardon]
Sad-to-say, I cannot think of any preacher alive today who has such a powerful walk with God that his prayers are feared by politicians. In fact, many political leaders seem unfazed by the combined prayers of all the Christians in America. The Church is ridiculed or ignored.
I “throw no stones” at anyone. My own prayers are not as powerful as I wish they were. I, we, you, need to recapture the faith to believe what is written in Scripture. Hear Jesus as He says, “I will build My Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it”. [Matthew 16:18]  Listen as Jesus adds, “I will give unto thee the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven and whatsoever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatsoever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven”. [Matthew 16:19]
For those who know who they are and what they have as Believers, and who choose to stand in that authority, prayer can be an atomic bomb to change our world! Oh Lord, make it so in my life, in the Church at Barbee’s Grove, and in the prayers of Your saints around the world! As we surrender to You, teach us how to become mighty men and women of God and to become prayer warriors! Amen!!
  1. 10 am each Sunday there is a service in the Sanctuary. Also available on 99.1 FM in the parking lot. On the website after 12:30 pm. Attendance and participation has been great at our first two indoor services.
  2. The NC Baptist Children’s Homes Spring Food Drive continues.  $265 has been given in cash. Also, there are items on the needs list that have been given. Please bring food items by this Sunday, April 25. Money and gift cards can be given through May 2. Thank you for each gift.
  3. As you are aware, the Parsonage has been sold and the money has been placed in a special account designated for church improvements. The Building and Grounds Committee will be bringing recommendations for these improvements to the church for your consideration. We want every member of the church to feel free to make suggestions of the things you would like to see done. The Committee welcomes your ideas. It would be helpful if you could put them in writing.
Enjoy the beautiful world our Lord has created.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter  April 18th



What a wonderful, good looking group came to Barbee’s Grove to worship our Lord at the Sunrise Service and then again this past week as we restarted inside services. It was a precious sight to see children of all ages walk the aisle on their way to Children’s Church. It was beautiful. I am told that they had a great time in a service that was just for them. We have had a great start and we feel sure that others of you will be rejoining us soon. Choose your personal comfort level as you honor Jesus. Thank you for your faithfulness.

As someone whose hair is now more gray than black, I have met many people during my lifetime. As a result, I often “bump” into someone, or get a call or text, that goes something like this, “Please pray for such and such a situation”. I always try to pray as requested.

At other times, I “bump” into someone and hear a tale of woe, trouble, sickness, or death that has happened in the past. My reply is usually, “I wish I had known. I would have prayed, visited, or tried to help”. Since I did not know, I could not do anything.

As I rehearse in my mind the scenario above, I can’t help but think about our relationship with God. God’s love has no limits. Jesus says that He clothes the grass of the field and feeds the birds in the air and how much more He cares for us. Yet, how often do we go with needs unmet because we don’t take the time, or go to the trouble, to take those needs to the Lord. We think, “God knows everything. He knows what my needs are.” True, but consider what the Bible says: “Ye have not because ye ask not”. [James 4:2]

There is something about earnestly, prayerfully making our needs known to God that brings His love and power into our situation. Today, your loving Heavenly Father is waiting to hear from you. Nothing you tell Him will surprise or shock Him. Why not spend time alone with Him and experience the blessing He has to give?

Go to the Lord first. Then, let me encourage you to share your situation with a trusted Pastor, Deacon, or Christian friend. Their prayers can also make a difference in your life. “The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much”. [James 5:16]


  1. Sanctuary Service and Children’s Church-10 am Sunday. You may also listen on FM 99.1 in the parking lot. Website Service available after 12:30 pm.
  2. Quarterly Church Conference is this Sunday-April 18
  3. The NC Baptist Children’s Homes Spring Food Drive is now underway. A list of items they request is at the church. Donated items need to be at the church by April 25. You may give money or gift cards through May 2.
  4. We note with sadness the death of Mr. Frenchie Yow. We extend our love and sympathy to Cynthia and to the other members of the family.

Enjoy the love of God this week.

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter  April 11th


At this time of the year, Pamela and I usually head out to buy some plants for our flower beds. Soon, we are happily digging, planting, and awaiting the beauty that the Lord will give us from those plants. Since the plants come 4-6 plants to a tray, there are often more than we need for a particular flower bed. We put these left over plants aside for a flower box. I have noticed that if we wait too long, those “set aside” plants shrivel and die. They had the same rain and sun as the set-out plants. They had the same potential for summer-long growth and beauty as the set -out plants. However, their roots were confined to a plastic tray and could not reach down into God’s earth. Without developed roots, the plant never reaches its full potential.
Many people who want to follow Jesus are like those “set aside” plants. The potential for growth, spiritual maturity, Godly fruit, abounds in their lives. The beauty of the Lord is a possibility within them.
However, they never get rooted and grounded in the Word of God. Church attendance is haphazard. As a result they do not hear God’s Word preached on a consistent basis. Since the Bible teaches that “faith comes by hearing the Word”, their faith grows very little. A lack of regularly hearing in public often spills over into an inconsistent personal devotional time. The result: a spiritual life that shrivels.
Even as I write these words, names and faces of family and friends from around the country and down through the years, flash through my mind. I see what they could be and my heart cries for them.
Our plants have no choice. They are stuck in those little plastic trays until Pamela or I do something with them. It is different for you and me. We have a choice. We can choose to be “set out” or “set aside”.Satan will always give us excuses. He has been doing it to folks for thousands of years. The flourishing, fruit-bearing believers are those who make a conscious choice to reject those excuses and to be planted in the Word of God
You [each person reading this], has the God-given potential to be a flowering, beautiful follower of Jesus. I urge you to make those choices that will enable you to achieve that potential. PRAY ABOUT IT!
  1. This Sunday-April 11 at 10 am, we restart inside Sanctuary Services. Choose your comfort level-inside, parking lot, or website. Children’s Church restarts the same day. Web site service available after 12:30 pm.
  2. Quarterly Church Conference April 18.
  3. Final total for the Annie Armstrong Offering for Home Missions was $ 960. That is great.. Thank You.
  4. During the month of April, the NC Baptist Children’s Homes have their annual Food Drive. You may give money, gift cards, or food items. A printed list of items they request is available at the church. Please note: no “out-of-date” food products can be accepted. We will give additional instructions about this food drive in future weeks. Thank you for caring.
See you Sunday! If you are unable to attend, please spend that hour praying for your church and then listen on the web later in the day.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter  April 4th


These past sunny days, Pamela and I have done lots of yard work. It’s amazing, the projects that woman wants us to do !! We have both made multiple trips to Lowes and to Brother Ted Barbee’s Greenhouse. Of course, I should not complain. She works longer and harder than I do. This morning, I was thinking of how you can take a bulb [Tulip, Daffodil, etc.] and plant it. The bulb looks dead and lifeless, but at the proper season, a green shoot pops through the ground and soon a beautiful flower emerges.

2000 years ago they pulled the beaten, bruised, speared, crucified, lifeless body of Jesus down from the cross. They wrapped His body in burial clothes and placed it in a tomb. All looked hopeless. Yet, three days later, at the appropriate season, Jesus came out of that tomb with a glorious resurrected body. Read how John describes Him [Revelation 1: 13-16]
“One like unto the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girded about the chest with a golden girdle. His head and His hair were like white wool, as white as snow, and His eyes were as a flame of fire. And His feet like unto fine brass, as if burned in a furnace, and His voice as the sound of many waters. And He had in His right hand seven stars: and out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and His countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.”
Jesus,like a flower in all its glory, now looks so much more wonderful than that which was planted. He is more glorious than all the flowers on earth!!! Friends, as a Believer in Jesus, you can also look forward to receiving your own glorious body in Heaven. Paul describes it his way [2 Corinthians 5:1 TPT] “We are convinced that even if these bodies we live in are folded up at death like tents, we will still have a God-built home that no human hands have built, which will last forever in the heavenly realm.”
May I add a further thought? When Jesus ascended back into Heaven, He left behind a few followers. They basically were a bunch of “nobodies”. The situation was not very promising. Yet, over the past 2000 years, the Church has grown to cover the world and has also grown in maturity. Someday, perhaps very soon, Jesus will return for His Church. Read of the Church He is coming to receive [Ephesians 5:25-27]
“Christ also loved the Church and gave Himself for it. That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word. That He might present it to Himself, a glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing: but that it should be holy and without blemish”.
This Easter, rejoice. Celebrate your risen Lord. Anticipate receiving your own glorious eternal body. Be thankful that you are a member of that glorious Church “without spot or wrinkle”. Thank the Lord that His love made it all possible.
  1. Easter Sunrise Service at 7:00 am. It is okay to bring your lawn chair if you do not think you will be able to stand for the service. As usual, there will be a service on the website after 12;30 PM.
  2. April 11, 10 am, we restart inside services. Masks suggested but not required. Choose inside, parking lot, or web, whatever makes you comfortable. Children’s Church also restarts the same day.
  3. Quarterly Church Conference on April 18.
  4. Our Annie Armstrong Home Missions Offering total is now $ 515. Thank you for giving. Let’s complete our giving on Easter.
  5. As we restart inside services, it is a good time to renew our commitment to the Lord and to Barbee’s Grove. Let us vow to be faithful with our attendance and our financial support. [Of course, the Lord understands when health issues prevent our attendance. Perhaps you could spend that hour at home praying for me and the services.] Call and Invite folks that you know who are not in church anywhere. Pray for our church, our Deacons, and for me as your Pastor.
See you bright and early Easter Sunday!
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter March 28th


Over the past few years it has been fun to get together with Brother Jerry Kelly and talk about funerals the two of us have conducted. Both of us have had some interesting and unusual experiences. We kid each other about writing a book together. It might not be a “Best Seller”, but I guarantee it would hold your interest.

This week, Pamela and I did a stroll down Memory Lane about a funeral I had when I was Pastor at Prospect. It was held at another Baptist Church in the county. I was asked to participate because I was a longtime friend of the gentleman who was deceased. At the appropriate time, I stood and had my part in the service. A former Pastor of that church followed me. Last, was the man who was Pastor of that particular Baptist Church in those days. In the course of his message, he said something like this, “There is no resurrection of the dead”. Evidently, he believed that you were born, you lived, you died, and that was the end, you ceased to exist. I was so shocked I almost fell off the platform.

Earlier that morning I had taken a pain pill and had passed a kidney stone. Since I was still a little “loopy”, Pamela had driven me to the funeral. When we got into the car to drive to the cemetery, I asked her, “Did that Pastor say what I thought he said”? She assured me that, even though I was a little “fuzzy”, I had heard correctly.

I know that the Apostle Paul would have been as shocked at that heresy as I was. I encourage you to get out your Bible and read all of 1 Corinthians 15. Let me quote a few verses:

v.12- “Now if Christ be preached that He rose from the dead, how say some of you that there is no resurrection of the dead?”

v.13-“But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen”?

v.16-“For if the dead rise not, then is Christ not raised”?

v. 20-“But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that have died”.

Paul is correct. Our entire faith and assurance of eternal life is guaranteed by the truth of the Easter Resurrection. Jesus is alive and those who trust Him as Lord and Savior will be resurrected to live with Him in Heaven forever!!!!

That Pastor offered the family no hope. He ignored the plain teaching of God’s Word. I offer you hope, not of myself, but the hope given to us by our Risen Lord. As you celebrate Easter this year, rejoice in your hope as a Believer that you will live with Jesus forever!!


  1. March 28–Parking Lot service [FM 99.1] at 10 am and after 12:30 on Web.
  2. April 4-Easter- Sunrise Service at 7 am. If weather causes any change you will receive a One Call. No other service that day. A service will be available on the web at the usual time.
  3. April 11-We resume inside services. Masks recommended. PLEASE, do whatever makes you comfortable [Inside, Parking Lot, Fellowship Hall – all at 10 am] or the website. Children’s Church resumes that day also.
  4. Quarterly Church Conference on April 18.
  5. $220 is the amount already given for the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for Home Missions. We would like to conclude our giving by Easter. We believe that each of you is asking the Lord how much He wants you to give.

“Because He lives, we shall live”.

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church.

Newsletter March 21st


Wow !

If I counted correctly, this is Newsletter number 53. That means we are starting our second year of writing. Last year at this time, no one had any idea that we would still be in a pandemic a year later.  Can I take a moment to say,”Thanks” to some people?.

  1. I thank our Deacons for giving me the permission, honor, and privilege of writing. Without their “okay” none of this would have happened.
  2. I thank Deacon Chairmen David and Leonard for receiving my work and passing it on to the appropriate people.
  3. I thank Brenda and Wesley for making sure you received your printed copy or email version each week. Without them, all would have been left in the computer.
  4. I thank you, my friends, for faithfully reading each week, for your positive comments, and for passing these articles on to family and friends.
  5. I thank Jesus for giving me something to write each week. I am well aware that it is not my “smarts” that produces these articles. It is the revelation of ideas and Scriptures by Jesus each week that gives me something to say. He gets the praise and the glory.

To all of you, I say “Thanks”. Like everything we do for the Lord, it is a team effort all the way.

As we begin Year 2, I have been thinking of what a pleasure it has been to see the fields of wheat, corn, soy beans, or cotton as I drove to Barbee’s Grove every week. I get joy out of seeing land bring forth a crop.

However, we all know that, if a farmer decides not to plant a field, he will not expect neat rows of a crop that year. Isn’t it interesting? Good crops do not repeat themselves without our intervention. Instead, an untended field brings forth grass, weeds, and briers. That is a reality of life.

It is the same spiritually. You have to work at your spiritual life if you are planning to reap a Godly harvest. If you are neglectful spiritually, the devil will fill your life with all manner of unpleasant, useless, and sinful things. Spiritually, you cannot just “coast” and expect to become more like Jesus. Please note——-No matter how much you work, YOU CANNOT EARN YOUR SALVATION, IT IS A FREE GIFT OF THE MERCY AND GRACE OF GOD. Salvation comes to all who will accept Jesus as Lord. However how much we grow and develop spiritually, is our choice.

Let us strive to honor Jesus by allowing the fruit of the Spirit to grow abundantly in our lives., [Galatians 5:22 ff. TPT]

“But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its varied expressions

joy that overflows

peace that subdues

patience that endures

kindness in action

a life full of virtue

faith that prevails

gentleness of heart, and

strength of spirit”


  1. Services next 2 weeks. Parking lot [FM 99.1] at 10 am and website after 12:30 pm
  2. EASTER SUNDAY April 4–Sunrise Service at 7:00 am. Outside if weather permits.. If weather is bad, you will receive a One Call denoting changes. This will be our only service for the day There will still be a service on the website.
  3. Sunday, April 11, we restart inside services. 10:00 am. Masks recommended. You have 4 options [Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, Parking Lot, or Website]. Children’s Church restarts the same day.
  4. Quarterly Church Conference is April 18.
  5. Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for Home Missions is now being given. Special envelopes and brochures are available at the church. Of course, you can use any envelope you have available. Just write “Annie Armstrong” on it. The turmoil that has been happening in our nation lets us know that here is a great need to reach the USA with the gospel of Jesus.

Let’s plant some good seed this week!

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church.

Newsletter March 14th


Last week we mentioned that there is a vast difference between “faith” and “hoping”. Let’s explore some of these differences. With “hope” you want a good outcome to a certain situation. But, you have no real assurance it will happen. You “cross your fingers” wanting things to turn out in your favor. However, you are usually thinking, “You never know what God will do”. It is sort of “que sera”, whatever will be, will be, mode of thinking.
On the other hand “faith” is the assurance that what you are believing will indeed happen. It is trust. Think of the many ways you exhibit faith in the natural world every day.
  1. You have faith to believe that when you get out of bed and stand, the floor will hold your weight.
  2. Every time you sit, you have faith in the chair.
  3. All day, you drive by faith. You believe the other drivers will stay in their lanes.
  4. You eat with the faith that your food will give strength and energy.
Now, let’s think of ways we exhibit faith in the words of our fellow humans.
  1. Your employer offers you a weekly wage. He does not pay every 15 minutes. No, you work all week, or maybe all month, trusting that you will receive your pay at the appropriate time.
  2. You deposit your hard earned money in a bank, believing the word of the banker that he will safeguard your funds and return them when you ask.
So, Pastor Ed, “what is Biblical Faith”? Is it a “leap into the dark”, or a “step out into the unknown”, as some have said?  NO! NO! Biblical faith is trusting your Heavenly Father, believing His Word, saying and standing upon that Word. If, the God who will not lie, and indeed, cannot lie made a promise then that promise can be trusted. God is far more trustworthy than any employer or banker.
The Bible teaches [Romans 10:17] ‘Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God”.You build faith by immersing yourself in God’s Word. Study the Word, honor it, reverence it, believe it, and act upon it. Picture it like this: The Bible is Jesus, your personal Lord and Savior, sitting across from you at the table. That which He speaks to you is His personal promise to you.
When you heard, “Jesus will save you if you will trust Him as your Lord and Savior”, what did you do? You walked an aisle and told the Pastor, “Today, I accept Jesus”. When you made that statement of faith, you became a Christian.
Biblical faith, then is a continuation of that process. What else did the Lord promise.? I repeat, learn it and act upon it. The devil, unbelievers, and even some fellow Christians, may try to discourage you. They may tell you, “These promises are not for you, or not for today”, etc., but study the Bible for yourself. If God said it, then it is true. Yes, there are some promises with qualifications, but most are open to any Believer who chooses to trust that God is a Person who will not lie.
Living in “faith” is a lot more wonderful and powerful than living in “hope”.
  1. Services continue as usual for the next 3 weeks. Parking Lot at 10 am on FM 99.1 and on the website after 12:30 pm
  2. EASTER SUNDAY, April 4, we will have a Sunrise Service. Exact time to be announced later. If weather is bad, you will receive a “One Call” announcing any change.
  3. Sunday, April 11, we will restart inside services. You will have 4 options, Inside, Parking Lot, Fellowship Hall, or Website. Masks recommended for the inside service. Please choose the option that makes you the most comfortable.
  4. Our plans are to restart Children’s Worship on April 11.
  5. The details on the sale of the Parsonage are being worked out.
  6. Since we plan to be back inside, we should be able to have our Quarterly Church Conference on Sunday, April 18.
  7. This is the time of the year that we give our Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for Home Missions. It is estimated that over half the citizens of the United States are not born again Christians. Therefore, this offering is needed more than ever. I know you will be generous. Give between now and Easter.
May you experience fresh blessings from the Lord this week.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter March 7th


If I asked you to describe the earthly ministry of Jesus, many of you would say something like this: “It was awesome. Jesus taught, preached, and healed all manner of sickness. He raised the dead. He took authority over demons. He was crucified, but rose victorious over sin, death, and hell. Jesus came with power and glory.”

If I asked you next about the Second Coming of Jesus, what would you say? Would it be something like this? “Jesus is coming with great power and glory. He will rapture His Church, deal with the Anti-Christ, and the False Prophet. He will cast the devil into the bottomless pit. Then, Jesus will reign over the earth for 1000 years. Afterward, the devil will be defeated in a final battle and be thrown into the Lake of Fire. Then comes an eternity of blessing for every Believer.”

You would be correct in all you spoke about Jesus in the past and in the future. Glorious, powerful, anointed, life changing and world changing are His attributes both past and future.

If my third question to you was, “What about Jesus at this present moment? How do you see Him at this present hour?” Would you hem and haw and stumble a little bit? Do you picture Jesus way off, up in Heaven, maybe doing a little ministry on earth and saving a few? OR, do you see a powerful Jesus, reigning supreme and victorious?

After the awesome encounter the Apostle John had with the Risen Jesus, he wrote these words [Revelation 1:4] “John to the seven churches which are in Asia :Grace be unto you, and peace, from Him which is, and which was, and which is to come….”.: Take careful notice of John’s words. The same Jesus who “was” and the same Jesus who “is to come” is the same Jesus who now “is”. Jesus has not changed. He is the “same yesterday, today, and forever” [Hebrews 13:8]

Should we not be expecting the same glorious, powerful Jesus to be working in our world today? YES! Indeed, there are places in our present world where the New Testament is being relived every day. The secular news will not be reporting it, but it is happening. What will it take for us to join this move of God? FAITH! Think of the many times someone came to Jesus with a request for a miracle and Jesus said “According to your faith be it unto you ” [ex. Matthew 9:29] People believed and received. [There is a difference between “believing” and “hoping” but that is a separate article.]

Dear friends, we are “Believers”. We had faith [believed] and were saved. Let’s believe that the same Jesus who “was” and who “is to come” is the same Jesus who walks among us today!!!


  1. Service times as usual. Parking lot on 99.1 FM at 10 am. Website after 12:30 pm.
  2. Remember, Daylight Savings Time begins Sunday, March 14.
  3. Final offering total for the Pregnancy Resource Center was $1035. You have done well. People will be blessed because you care. Thank you!

May the Lord bless you mightily this week.

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter February 28th


Recently, as I was reading from one of my devotional books, the writer, a great minister, mentioned that he and his wife had been in a deep conversation. As they talked, the train of thought turned to people who had harmed and opposed their ministry. When he realized that the negative talk was making him angry and depressed, he immediately changed directions. They began to remember all the people who had been a blessing and who made them smile. The tone of the conversation changed dramatically.

As we sat down for lunch, I mentioned that devotion to Pamela. We have had plenty of negative people in our lives, but immediately my sweet wife started naming some of those “make you smile people”. I added a few and we had a great time reminiscing about special individuals who had been a blessing to us.

All through lunch, we kept saying names. Each brought a smile of remembrance and a new bubble of joy. Some of these we contact regularly, and some are waiting for us in heaven.  All of these “make you smile” and “fill your heart with joy” friends have been God’s special grace gift to us.

The challenge each of us face, is to be that kind of person. When others think of you and when they think of me, do their memories of us bring joy? Are they excited about seeing us again?  Sweet words, loving attitudes, and acts of kindness are ways of leaving positive thoughts in the minds of others.

The Psalmist [19:14] said, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, oh Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer”. When our hearts and words please the Lord, we will be a blessing.

The Apostle Paul wrote to the Philippians [1:3] “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you”. As he wrote to the Thessalonians twice, he said [1:3, 2:13] “But we are always bound to give thanks for you”. Here were two churches that brought a smile to the Apostle’s face.

Let’s vow to strive to be such a blessing to others that we become “smile bringers”. As a result, others will be touched, and Jesus will be honored. AMEN


  1. Services continue as usual. 10:00 am on FM 99.1 in the parking lot and after 12:30 pm on the website.
  2. The total of our offering for the Pregnancy Resource Center remains at $975. This is the last week to give. You have done well!
  3. The Realtor is now showing the parsonage to all interested buyers.

Let’s continue to worship and serve Jesus together.

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter February 21st


Many years ago, a new Pastor came to our Baptist Association. One of the first times he met with us he stood up and boldly proclaimed, “I want to be upfront with you. I want you to know that I drink all the alcohol I want and I cheat on my wife as often as I want”. While we were standing there with our jaws dropping open, he grinned, laughed, and said, “Since I got saved I don’t want any alcohol and I don’t want to cheat on my wife”. It was his way of telling us that his “wants” changed when he entered into a real relationship with Jesus.

That memory reminds me that we Christians have often approached the sins of our nation from the wrong angle. How many times have you heard it said, “If we can just get the right President and the right Justices on the Supreme Court they would reverse Roe vs. Wade and outlaw abortion?” The same is often said about other evils in the nation that the Bible calls sin.

Let me disillusion you. Under the current climate in our nation, such a move would cause protests and riots that would make what happened last summer seem like a walk in the park. It would likely lead to civil war. Remember, the days of Prohibition were a noble attempt to regulate morals by law, but it failed miserably.

What this nation needs is the same thing my Pastor friend had, a relationship with Jesus that gave him a changed heart and in turn, changed his “wants”. Is such a miracle possible? YES! In days of old, revival swept through various parts of the world. Saloons closed, not because of some law, but because “born again” folks had no desire to drink. Jails emptied because no one was committing crimes. Let me point you to a few Scriptures:

“If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away. Behold all things are become new”. [2 Corinthians 5:17]

“How enriched are they who find their strength in the Lord. Within their hearts are the highways of holiness”. [Psalm 84:5 TPT]

“Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises. That by these you might be partakers of the Divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust”. [2 Peter 1:4]

Catch that last thought— True Believers have the Divine nature, the nature of God. Since there is no sin in God, when we receive His nature in our lives, our “wants” change and we strive to renounce sin.

Friends, the only way this nation will change is not by new laws and court rulings, but by changing the hearts of our fellow citizens. A man or woman who is truly born again, filled with the Holy Spirit, is taught the Word of God, and who follows the leading of the Spirit, will choose to do what is right and honorable.


  1. Be sure of your own salvation
  2. Be filled with the Holy Spirit
  3. Be knowledgeable of what the Bible teaches
  4. Be led by the Spirit and choose to live a holy life
  5. Be a person whose “wants” are pure before God
  6.  Be a Godly example to others
  7. Be a witness to your unsaved family and friends
  8. Be prayerful for yourself, your family, your church, and your nation


  1. Services as usual–Sunday at 10 am on 99.1 FM in the parking lot and on the website after 12:30 pm
  2. $975 is the new total for our offering for the Pregnancy Resource Center. Awesome! Thank you! You may still give through the end of the month.
  3. We realize that some of you are concerned because we have not returned to inside worship. We are exploring ways we can SAFELY do that. Since additional church members have contracted Covid in recent weeks, we are being cautious. Please be patient, prayerful, and share with us any suggestions that the Lord gives to you.

Be blessed!!

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter February 14th


You probably remember seeing a cartoon of Heaven and it was pictured like this: Some lonely guy is floating past on a cloud. He is playing his harp and not at all looking happy. As a result, many people are not interested in going to Heaven. They see it as a boring place. Will you spend an eternity there in boredom?

NO! Heaven will be the most exciting, thrilling, not to mention, the most beautiful place you have ever seen. Imagine, worshiping Jesus with all that is within you. Unhindered, pure worship will flow from your innermost being as you proclaim the glories of your Lord. Think of walking up to Jesus, falling on your knees, and beginning to thank Him for forgiving your sin, saving you, and for the thousands of blessings He bestowed upon your earthly life. We will probably do that every time we encounter Him.

Think of meeting all your Bible heroes and getting to know them. Then, think of being reunited with all those you have loved in this life. Think of meeting some you never knew. I learned this past year that I had a great grandfather who was a preacher in Montgomery County in the 1800’s. It is going to be so interesting to meet him, compare doctrine, preaching styles, ministerial experiences, and our own personal walk with the Lord. Is there someone special that you anticipate meeting?

Another part of the excitement of Heaven will be seeking all the people who were a blessing to you. People helped you, loved you, made positive contributions to your life. You will surely want to express your thanks and gratitude.

Think of the people who will walk up to you and say “Thank You”. Let me share a report I received this week. Covid, shutdowns, and social distancing, made the work of Samaritan’s Purse especially difficult this year. Despite the pandemic, 9 million boxes were packed and processed. They were distributed in hundreds of villages around the globe. 3.5 million children participated in “The Greatest Journey” Bible Study. 1.3 million of these children accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. What an awesome harvest!! Barbee’s Grove family, some of these children will be looking for you in Heaven to say “Thank you for my box and for my salvation”. Nothing boring about that!

Others will come up to you and say something like this: “I never knew my Daddy. Mom was strung out on drugs. My brother, sister and I often went hungry and dirty. One day a nice Social Worker took us to the Baptist Children’s Home. We had food three times a day, a clean warm bed, lots of love, and best of all they told us that Jesus loved us. Thank you so much for making a difference in my life.

Another may come and say, “I was in despair and thinking of taking my life. Your phone call and kind words gave me the courage to face my difficulties and to continue living” Still another may say, “Because you gave to the Pregnancy Resource Center their counselors were there. They talked to my Mom. She chose to let me live. I had a long full life because of you”.

Doesn’t it thrill your heart and make it beat with anticipation at spending an eternity thanking Jesus and others, and being thanked in return? You might be thinking,”Ed, with all these words of appreciation and ‘Thank yous’ being said, will we not become proud and conceited?” Oh no! Just the opposite. Every time we see Jesus we will lay the latest round of “Thank Yous’ at His feet. They will be given to Him as trophies of His grace and love. After all, our wonderful Savior made it all possible. He gets the glory and praise! PRAISE THE NAME OF JESUS!  Heaven will not be boring!


  1. Parking lot service on 99.1 FM at 10 am on Sunday. Website service after 12:30 pm.
  2. Through the Newsletter and Leonard’s announcements we try to keep you updated on church business. If you ever have questions about anything please call your Deacon for clarification.
  3. $775 is the last total I have for our Offering for the Pregnancy Resource Center. Excellent! Several members have indicated that they will be mailing additional gifts. As a result, Brenda will hold off writing the check until all gifts are sent. It is not too late to give if the Lord leads you to do so.
  4. Continue to spend much time in prayer. The needs are abundant.

Remember, “We are one in the bond of love”.

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter February 7th


When our kids were small, almost every week we drove from Siler City to Albemarle to visit grandparents. [And usually for me to work a few hours at the farm]. On the trip back to Siler City the kids usually fell asleep in the backseat. They felt safe, secure, and comfortable. Dad was driving. Mom was constantly turning around to check on them and to lay a loving hand on them. The sun may have been shining or the moon and stars might be lighting the sky. Even if it was raining, snowing, or gusting cold blasts of wind, they slept peacefully. After all, they knew they were in the care of loving parents.

Believing Friends, followers of Jesus, somedays the sun shines in your life. On other days there are storms. That is a part of human existence. However, as a Believer in Jesus, you live “in a kingdom that cannot be shaken”.[Hebrews 12:28] You have a Good Shepherd who “Leads you beside still waters, into green pastures, and with the power of His rod and staff, He protects and comforts you”. [Psalm 23] He promises to “Never leave you or forsake you”. [Hebrews 13:5]

Today, is your life sunny? Or, are the storms of doubt, fear, and concern in your sky? Rest secure. Be at peace. As a Christian you have Someone unbelievers do not have. You have the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, living inside of you. You, as God’s child, are far safer and far more loved than were our kids in the backseat of our car.  [Read and meditate on Psalm 91 often]


  1. Services continue as usual. FM 99.1 on Sunday at 10:00 am in the parking lot or after 12;30 pm on the website.
  2. As of today, you have given $185 to the offering for the Pregnancy Resource Center. That is a nice start. Please make your gifts by this Sunday, February 7.
  3. Thank you for your continued giving to the needs and ministries of Barbee’s Grove. Whether you drop them in the mail or drop them in the white bucket on the porch on Sunday morning, each gift is appreciated. Each time we give we are expressing our love for our Lord and for His Church.

Call someone today and lift their spirits with a word of God’s blessing!

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter January 31st


In days of long ago, back when I was a teenager, my Dad often came to me and said something like this, “Early tomorrow morning go to the farm, take a certain tractor, hook to a certain plow, and plow a certain field”. I may have thought, “Why that tractor and plow and why that particular field”? However, my job was not to speculate, but to obey. Dad was the one with the big picture in his mind. He knew how many acres of each crop he wanted to plant. He knew the fields where each crop would go. He knew which crops needed to be planted first each Spring. Because he was my Dad, I honored him by obeying.

Often, God speaks to our hearts, instructing us to do or say certain things. “Pray for this individual. Share your faith here. Call this person. Give to this cause. Study this passage of My Word. As a witness, get up and go to church even if you do not feel like going.” [The list goes on.] Sometimes, the Lord instructs us to do things that we really do not understand. He tells us, “Forgive and do good to them that wrong you. Pray for political leaders and others in authority even if you do not like them. Be careful with the words you speak, for you are determining your destiny”‘ and other such commandments.

We may not understand, but God sees the “Big Picture”. He knows how every prayer, every gift, every act of forgiveness, fits into His plan for changing our circumstances and our world. We simply trust and obey.

I honored my earthly father each time I followed his instructions. We honor our Heavenly Father each time we obey His commands. Obedience is another way of saying, “We trust our Lord. We have faith in His Word. We believe. He speaks and we act”.

When we obey our Father’s instructions and do His will we are following in the steps of those who have gone before us.[Hebrews 11] Abraham packed up his family and moved to an unknown country. Joshua and Israel marched around the walls of Jericho. Gideon took an army of 300 and defeated an army of over 100,000. The Bible is full of examples.

Walking in faith is walking in obedience. Is it not exciting and joyful to watch our Lord work powerfully when we do things His way and in His timing? Which tractor, plow, and field is your personal way and place to honor your Lord today?


1. Services continue as usual. You may listen in the parking lot at 10:00 am on FM 99.1 each Sunday or on the website after 12:30 pm. The number of cars in the parking lot is growing.

2. We continue our giving to the ministry of our local Pregnancy Resource Center. Your gifts are a blessing. Please give by February 7.

3. Get out your world globes or an atlas. Look for the nation of Honduras. [Hint—It is in Central America]. That is the nation that received the Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Boxes from Barbee’s Grove. Since I made 3 mission trips to Honduras, I cannot help but wonder if someone in a family I met, received one of our boxes. Thank you again for giving!

We miss seeing you in person, but Jesus still binds us together!

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter January 24th


This week, the Lord reminded me of a cute story from the Presidency of John Kennedy. It seems that President Kennedy was holding a meeting in the Oval Office. It was a serious meeting attended by important government leaders. In the meantime, President Kennedy’s son, 4-year-old John-John, decided he wanted to see his Dad. He did not care that an important meeting was in session. He simply marched through the door and climbed up onto his Dad’s lap. The President stopped the meeting, spent a few minutes loving his son, and then sent him back out to play.

Think of it! The confidence a son had that he was always welcome to go see his Dad. Think of a Dad, who even though he was busy, made time for his son.

I pray that the little paragraph above describes your relationship with your Heavenly Father and that you know you are always welcome in His Presence. The Throne Room of God is not a crowded waiting room, where you take a number and wait and wait and wait. NO! Anytime you wish, you can have instant access to the Father through the Name of Jesus. [John 16:23, 24] The Father will quickly treat you as if you are the only person in the room.

Hebrews 4:16 tells us “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need”.

May each of us be found often bursting into the Throne Room to spend quality time with our Loving Heavenly Father!!!


1.Services continue as usual. You may listen in the parking lot at FM 99.1 on Sunday at 10:00 am or on the website after 12:30 pm.

2.The Quarterly Church Conference will be postponed until we can meet in person.

3. Ordinarily at this time of year, we would be having a speaker from our local Pregnancy Resource Center. These folks do a wonderful ministry fighting against abortion and aiding the families that choose to let their babies live. That work continues despite the pandemic. Even though we will not be hearing an inspiring speaker, we still want to support this ministry with our usual Love Offering. As the Lord leads you, and as He enables you to give, you may give in the usual ways [by mail or in the white bucket on the porch on Sundays]. Simply mark “Pregnancy Resource Center” on your envelope. Let’s finish our giving by Sunday, February 7.

4.When things were “normal” we often witnessed for Jesus by inviting family, friends, and neighbors to attend church with us. At the present time, that is not possible. So, what can we do? 1. We can invite them to park beside us in the parking lot on Sunday morning. 2. We can point them to the website. 3. We can make copies and share our Newsletters. I know for a fact that some of those Newsletters have been sent all over North Carolina and to a number of other states. I say that not to brag, but out of thankfulness that God is using what He gave me to write, to speak to many people. Do you know of someone who would be blessed by something the Lord said in one of those articles? 4. You can share your personal testimony of your relationship with Jesus by phone, text, or other social media.

5. In conclusion, let me remind you once again of 1 Timothy 2:1-4. There the Lord tells us that if we want to live a “quiet and peaceable life” we are to pray for, all those in authority [our bosses and all government leaders]. As we think of those in leadership in Washington, Raleigh, and Stanly County, we may be thrilled, sad, angry, or frightened. Our feelings are irrelevant. God says, “Pray for them”. God says, “Pray for ALL of them”. God says, “Pray for them First of All”, not a few mumbled words before we say, “Amen”. Let us believe that God is smarter than we are. Let us believe that He can take any leaders and accomplish His purposes. I encourage you, if you want to live that “quiet and peaceable life”, let’s obey our Lord. HE IS ALWAYS AND FOREVER ON HIS THRONE!!!!

Have a God blessed week.

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter January 17th


2020 was one of the strangest years in American history. Devastating hurricanes, massive wildfires, rioting in the streets, and a contentious political campaign were bad. Add in, Covid-19 with its sicknesses, deaths, lay-offs, shut-downs, quarantines, face masks, social distancing and shortages of products like cleaning supplies and toilet paper and you have had a hard year. With that in mind, let’s look at Barbee’s Grove, a small country church that has 60-70 active members. Let’s look with our “wide angle lens” and see what the Lord accomplished in 2020.

1. I think of wonderful folks at Barbee’s Grove. You brought your folding chairs and endured the heat and the bugs as you faithfully worshiped under the big oak tree all summer. When the cold weather forced us inside, you wore your face masks and practiced social distancing. Those of you who could not attend listened to the webcast, read your Newsletters, and regularly mailed your tithes and offerings. A small group sacrificed your Saturday afternoons for weeks in order to produce those website services. It was not “church as usual” but the praises of Jesus were sung, the Word of God was preached, Christian fellowship continued, and Believers grew in the Lord.

2. Since none of my paychecks “bounced” I know that you faithfully gave to meet the needs represented by our Church Budget.

3. Do you have any idea how wonderful and faithful you were in joyfully and sacrificially giving to missions?. Let me add it up for you.

$ 1500 Cooperative Program [Budget]

1500 Stanly-Montgomery Baptist Association [Budget]

1200 NC Baptist Children’s Homes [Budget]

4000 Children’s Homes Spring Food Drive

5000 Children’s Homes Thanksgiving Offering

581 Children’s Homes van for Guatemala

390 NCBAM [Otis Goins Memorial] Children’s Homes aging ministry

900 NC Missions Offering

2360 Lottie Moon Christmas offering for International Missions

2900 West Stanly Christian Ministries Day of Sharing

456 Christmas boxes for shut-ins

576 Mailing Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Boxes

355 Law Enforcement Appreciation Meal

900 Pregnancy Resource Center

260 Food for a needy family [Benevolence Fund]


All of the above gifts went through the church offerings. When we add the $100s of dollars that you spent filling those shoe boxes and the $100s you spent buying the pajamas for the nursing home residents then we can probably add another $700-800 to the total above. That is impressive for a church the size of Barbee’s Grove.

4. Then we must not forget the 1000s of phone calls, texts, emails, cards, letters, and hours of prayer that were a part of church life last year. Time after time you demonstrated your love for Jesus as you loved one another.

Consider these words of Jesus. [John 15:12] “This is my commandment, that ye love one another as I have loved you.” [Matthew 25:34-36] “Then shall the King say unto them on His right hand, ‘Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungered and ye gave Me meat: I was thirsty and ye gave Me drink: I was a stranger and ye took Me in: Naked and ye clothed Me: I was sick and ye visited Me: I was in prison and ye came unto Me'”. . Then notice verse 40 “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these, my brethren. , ye have done it unto Me.

2020 was not an ordinary year. But despite all the turmoil you have been faithful. You were sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and you ministered to Jesus as you ministered to others THANK YOU! Heavenly rewards are in your future.


1. Services available on 99.1 in the parking lot at 10 am and on the website after 12:30 pm.

2. The Tithes and Offerings bucket will be on the porch on Sunday morning. You are also able to mail your gifts and any time.

3. As we continue to be consistent and faithful in our love for Jesus and our service for Him God has great things ahead for Barbee’s Grove.

Keep following Jesus!!

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter January 10th


The school kids are back in “remote learning”. As a church, Barbee’s Grove is back in “remote worship”. It is sad that we feel led to do this, but for your health and safety we believe that it is necessary. We will meet back in person as soon as possible. In the meantime, we have two options to worship together. You can listen to FM 99.1 in your car in the church parking lot at 10:00 am each Sunday. You can also listen on the website after 12:30 pm each Sunday.

As we read the Apostle Paul’s letters to the churches, we discover that he writes wonderful words about the deep things of God. He also writes of practical ways that we can practice our faith. Would you allow me to suggest some practical ways that you can maintain your walk with Christ during this difficult time?

1. In six weeks you can become seriously backslidden, or you can grow closer to the Lord and a more powerful Christian than ever. It all depends upon the daily and weekly choices you make.

2. Plan time each Sunday to attend the service in the parking lot or to listen on the website. DO NOT let anything interfere with the time you have chosen. If more than one person lives in the house, try to listen as a family. Sing along with the music. Follow the message in your Bible. Turn off the TV. Do not be distracted by cooking, washing dishes, etc.

3. On Wednesday night at 6:30 get your Bible. Go to a quiet place. Read a chapter. Spend time meditating upon what the Lord is saying to you.

4. Many of you are Sunday School Teachers. Ordinarily, you would spend a certain amount of time studying and preparing to teach. At the time you usually would be studying, go to the place where you study, and spend that time praying by name for your class members. Also, pray for your Deacons, your Pastor, and other members of the church.

5. During our regular devotion times all of us should pray for all those listed above. Then, we can add to the list the unsaved, the backslidden, inactive church members, the sick and hurting, and others the Holy Spirit brings to mind. The Bible says, “The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” [James 5:16]. Imagine what an awesome power will be generated for the Kingdom of God as we members of Barbee’s Grove send faith filled prayers to heaven.

6. Write your Tithes and Offerings check at the normal time each week, put it in your envelope and drop it in the mail or place it in the white bucket that will be outside the church each Sunday morning.

7. If each of us will do the things listed above, we will remain spiritually strong. The devil’s attempt to undermine our faith will be brought to naught. He loses and you and the Kingdom of God win.

I am hearing reports from all over the world. God is at work powerfully.  People are being born again. Churches are being started. Believers are learning and growing in their faith. What the devil meant for evil our Lord is using to bring honor and glory to the Name of Jesus. Let that also be true at Barbee’s Grove. Amen and Hallelujah!!!!

We send you our love and prayers.

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter January 3rd


In the Newsletter last week, I discussed the wonderful Bible truth that at this very moment, Jesus is at the right hand of the Father making intercession for us [Hebrews 7,8] That is good and thrilling news.  This week, I want to continue that thought. Did you realize that you can make the intercession of Jesus for you more effective or less effective? How is that possible?

What do you have faith to believe and what words are coming out of your mouth? For example, if Jesus often hears you saying,”I am poor, sick and sorry; I come from a long line of people who were poor, sick, and sorry; I will never be anything but poor, sick, and sorry”; then He has little with which to intercede. His hands are tied to a certain extent.

However, if Jesus hears you saying in faith, “Father, I ask for wisdom. You promised to give it to those who ask”. [James 1:5] “Father, thank You for the peace You give” [John 14:27] “Thank You that ‘By the stripes of Jesus I am healed'” [1 Peter 2:24] “Thank You that ‘You supply all my needs according to Your riches in Glory in Christ Jesus'” [Philippians 4:19] “Thank You that ‘I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus'”[Romans 8:37] “Thank You that You did not give a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind” [2 Timothy 1:7] and other such Scriptures, then Jesus can get to work on your behalf. He leans over and whispers to the Father, “Listen to Your beloved child. They are standing in faith, believing and quoting Your Word. Since We always honor Our Word, let’s get busy on behalf of this precious believer.”

I grew up with a long line of “negative” people, both family and acquaintances. So, for me, this has been a learning process. Each day, I am trying my best to speak God’s Word back to Him. I want Jesus to see and to hear my faith as He intercedes for me. I encourage you to do the same! As we enter 2021 it is so vitally important that we know the Word of God, that we believe the Word of God, that we build our faith on the Word of God, and that we speak the Word of God.


1. Drive in Service – 10:00 am Sunday. Only available on the radio at 99.1 FM in the parking lot or on the website after 12:30 pm.

2. Adult Bible Study – Canceled until further notice.

3. Our final Total for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions is $2330. That is a great amount. Thank you for faithful giving.

4. We note with sadness the death of Mr. Don Whitley. Don’s joy, laughter, and faithfulness will be missed at Barbee’s Grove. He was a blessing. Continue to keep Barbara and the other members of the family in your prayers.

5. Your faithful attendance, giving, encouragement, and prayers have blessed Barbee’s Grove during this pandemic. THANK YOU!. As we begin the New Year let us make a commitment to Jesus to continue that faithfulness. As we attend regularly, give faithfully, pray daily, and invite others to attend at every opportunity, we will experience the blessing of the Lord and we will see His Mighty Hand at work at Barbee’s Grove.

Anticipate and expect a meeting with the Lord when we worship together!

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church